"Imaginez une entreprise où différentes professions se côtoient: développement web, comptabilité, traduction, formateur d'adulte ...
Tous prospectent et trouvent leurs clients, tous ont leur identité propre. Mais une seule entreprise facture, encaisse, salarie et facilite le partage (de matériel, de savoir-faire, de la clientèle). C'est la formule proposée par APTES pour booster votre carrière sociale et professionnelle.
This brochure gives an excellent overview of the running projects as well as of the upcoming H2020 ICT call 2 Technologies for better human learning and teaching.
"Building a new economy
One of the priority objectives of Fair.coop is to build a new global economic system based on cooperation, ethics, solidarity and justice in our economic relations.
For this great goal to be possible, it is very important to have a clear strategic path which is well understood and shared by Fair.coop's members. This article explains the strategy we have considered."
"Au tournant du troisième millénaire, après des années de travail pionnier aux marges, l'éducation aux médias a finalement attiré l'attention des décideurs. Elle a le vent en poupe parmi les membres des trois secteurs, public, privé et civique. Les définitions, le développement de programmes et la création d'outils pédagogiques ne sont plus des questions d'intérêt pour les communautés de pratique seulement : ce sont des options porteuses d'avenir, qui requièrent des stratégies qui peuvent être partagées, évaluées et adoptées dans un esprit de changement social qui va au-delà de la réforme scolaire et de l'emploi des jeunes."
"Only 6% of the adult population of Europe is engaged in a new business, compared with 13% in the US. That's why the European Commission is launching today the Watify platform together with ICT stakeholders. Its ambition? Promoting digital entrepreneurship by taking away these doubts, it's estimated that 1, 5 million additional jobs would be created in the EU Internet Economy, if the entire EU mirrors the entrepreneurship performance of the US or Sweden."
The system of vocational education and training in Poland is currently being modernized by introducing numerous changes, such as defining qualifications required for specific occupations and defining sets of skills for each qualification together with learning outcomes. This modifications will allow easier ECVET implementation in the future, however the details of applying ECVET in Poland need further development and examination which could be supported by NA.
"At Peer 2 Peer University, Badges are a form of feedback that learners give to each other in order to improve their projects. You can create a new Badge, submit a Project for a Badge, or, if you are an "Expert" and already have a Badge, award it to someone else."
This project sought to assist partner countries move to EQARF through transferring an online assessment tool, developed on a previous project to meet the needs of EFQM and ISO 9000, and adapting it to the requirements of national and other quality frameworks in use in these countries.
By extending an already existing TQM model based on the requirements of both EFQM and EQARF, the ACES solution helps to allow a better approach to benchmarking in the VET sector across the EU.
After the piloting of the solutionnacross the partner countries,a number of case studies were written up based on the findings of the testers.
There is a huge variety of eInclusion Intermediary actors and roles. Most of these actors belong to the public sector (58%) and mainly consist of public libraries, municipal/local government organizations and government-run telecentres.
Third sector organizations make up almost 40% of the sample and include associations, charitable organizations, or foundations and NGOs combined. The private sector (6%) is mostly represented by private training organizations and cybercafés.
The majority of eInclusion intermediaries are small organizations with less than ten employees and operating budgets of less than €100,000. In addition, network membership seems particularly relevant as 60% of these organizations belong to one or more networks.
The services most often offered to users are a) ICT access to computers and the Internet (88% of the organisations offer this) and b) Basic ICT digital literacy training (80%). Employment-related training services are offered by half of the intermediaries. Finally, access to
government and social services and access to online courses is offered by 45% of the organizations.
The research estimated that there are almost 250,000 eInclusion organizations in the EU27, or an average of one eInclusion organization for every 2,000 inhabitants.
"Le processus de Copenhague en Suisse
La Suisse accueille favorablement et poursuit les objectifs du processus de Copenhague. Les bases sont notamment l'élaboration d'un cadre national des certifications pour les diplômes de la formation professionnelle (CNC-CH-FP), ainsi que le référencement par rapport au cadre européen des certifications pour l'éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie (CEC). La pertinence et la possibilité de mise en œuvre des autres instruments du processus de Copenhague est continuellement évaluée par le SEFRI. L'objectif consiste à positionner le système de formation professionnelle duale de la Suisse et en particulier la formation professionnelle supérieure au niveau international."
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The Heutagogic Archives provides comment on various aspects of 21st Century Learning from the perspective of the Learner-Generated Contexts Research Group. They are written by fred garnett (at gmail) and are sometimes complemented by comments from some of the others in that loose affiliation.
The title comes from the Open Context Model of Learning, our view of a post web 2.0 pedagogy which incorporates the heutagogic playing with form, based on andragogic collaboration, that allows us to create something new; innovatively opening up possibilities for new futures; what we call the PAH Continuum, best discussed in the Craft of Teaching 2011. We would like to see learner-centred co-creation processes driving the education system.
Emergent Learning Model; presented by Fred Garnett; OU October 7th 2010 A Proposed Model of the relationships between Informal, Non-Formal and Formal Learning