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Church and State How Do They Relate? - 0 views

    • Richard Kirschner
      Ok for a brief overview, but somewhat shallow on ral substance.
    A rather simplistic, but nonetheless accurate, explanation of the interaction & tensions between church & state including public prayers, displays of the Ten Commandments and evolution vs. six-days of creation.
    How might teachers use this site?

Religion In the PUblic Schools: A Joint Statement of Current Law - 0 views

    This is one of the very best websites I have ever found addressing the First Amendment and religion in the public schools. It deals with student prayers, official participation, teaching about religion, student dress, etc.
    How might teachers use this site? What makes this site so strong for you?

Teaching Constitution Day - 0 views

    • Sarah Franquemont
      This site provides excellent lesson plans on the Constitution, but its limited focus makes it American History specific.
    • Sarah Franquemont
      Some lessons include "lesson audio" and "teacher audio" links.  Clicking these links provides audio instructions to help the teacher prepare for the lesson.
    This website provides lesson plans for every grade level on the content and significance of the U.S. Constitution. Lesson plans are designed for civic education and are meant to be implemented on Constitution Day (September 17th). This site is a resource for American History teachers teaching the Constitution.

Geography Action! 2009 -- National Geographic - 6 views

    • Sarah Franquemont
      Choose a "Geography Action!" theme at right and be directed to a variety of primary and secondary sources (maps, lesson plans, video and audio resources, and pictures) relating to that theme.
    • Sarah Franquemont
      The site contains information on conservation, topography, human migration, and other relevant topics for geography teachers.  A variety of supplemental maps also illustrate these concepts.
    • Sarah Franquemont
      Cultural and region specific information is broad, so while this site is valuable for geography teachers, it may not provide detailed enough information for history teachers.
    How might teachers use this site?

BBC - Schools Ages 11-16 - History Sites - 2 views

    • Sarah Franquemont
      Choosing the link for games in the bottom right redirects to a page with a variety of educational games in every subject area.
    • Sarah Franquemont
      This site has a heavy focus on British and Scottish history, so it may not be as useful in units unrelated to those areas of the world.
    • Sarah Franquemont
      This site contains secondary source information such as galleries and videos to supplement units on European history.
    How might teachers use this site?

EDSITEment - Lesson Plan - 3 views

    • Stephanie Beer
      This website provides links to various sources but provides reviews of most of them.
    • Stephanie Beer
      This lesson plan allows students to study the American Revolution from the perspective of Native Americans which are a group often forgotten in the teaching of this event.
    • Stephanie Beer
      I think this lesson could work well in either a middle or high school US History course. I would use it as a supplement a unit on the American Revolution
    This lesson plan allows students to try to put themselves in the shoes of Native Americans who became involved in European conflicts in colonial America such as the American Revolution and the Seven Years War. It provides an extensive lesson plan as well as background information for teachers on the topic.

Smithsonian Education - Lesson Plans - History and Culture - 0 views

    • Elliot Borg
      The SI uses their extensive collections to provide teachers with excellent resources.
    • Elliot Borg
      The Smithsonian provides lesson plans about American and other cultures around the world, including Japanese internment, African American life, currency, and much more.
    Site provides activities on history and culture, straight from the Smithsonian Institute. Primarily geared toward elementary students, the Institute provides lesson plans from art to war to language.
    What makes the resources "excellent"?

PBS Teachers | Resources For The Classroom - 1 views

    • David Loudon
      You can select different time periods/themes to search through. The four most prominent sections are Civics, World History, U.S. History and Cultural Studies.
    • David Loudon
      The problem with this site is that the links they provide are not often scholarly, and as such aren't as reliable as other sources may be.
  • Source: NOVA 60.0 1 Article/Essay Discover the story of how Dale Larson saved 29 schoolchildren during a 1928 tornado in Thurston County, Nebraska. Imagine how the events of that tornado would have been different with the current advances in severe weather warning systems. Details » Tags: 6-8, 9-12, Science & Tech, Social Studies, Geology & Natural Disasters, Meteorology, Historical Perspective
    • Jonathon Gordon
      Searching on this site is extremely easy. By using tags similar to DIIGO, teachers can search for exact lessons or ideas to improve lessons. 
  • the.News: Woody Biomass - Nebraska Source: PBS NewsHour 60.0 0 Resource Set Analyze the use of woody biomass as a fuel. Understand the carbon cycle, calculate your carbon footprint and formulate a policy position on using woody biomass to produce energy. Details »
    • Jonathon Gordon
      Classroom resources are not limited to just lesson plans, they also include on/offline activities for students; grade level specific in all cases. 
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Earth Days: Technology - Conveniences and Consequences Source: American Experience
    • Jonathon Gordon
      The sources from this site come from various PBS programs including "American Experience", "PBS Newshour", and "NOVA". 
  • Classroom Resources Discussions Professional Development Classroom Resources
    • Jonathon Gordon
      This is a great website for teachers. It is a credible source of information with multiple options for improving lessons plans. 
    This website is provided by PBS for teachers to use to help with different classroom applications. It offers teachers the ability get classroom resources, start discussion boards with other educators, and professional development tools. 

This Day in History - - What Happened Today in History - 2 views

    • Samantha Greenwald
      Students can use this site on a daily/weekly basis to share something that they think is interesting about the day in history with their class members.
    • Samantha Greenwald
      Teachers can use the short video that is provided to start class, students can pick a topic, research it, and present their findings the next day
    Provided by the History Channel, they provide information about what happened everyday in history. There is a video presentation, links to click on for more information, and a short summary of the major historical events of the day.
3More - 0 views

    • Elliot Borg
      This site is important because it provides teachers with good teaching strategies for Landmark cases as well as other facets of law.
    • Elliot Borg
      This site can be used to check out the programs and publications that Street Law offers. Its sister site,, can be used to teach about major court cases in American history.
    This site includes lesson plans and activities for classes studying landmark Supreme Court cases or other law concepts.

EDSITEment - Lesson Plan - 0 views

    • David Loudon
      WAY too much in the introduction and background information for the teacher. Teachers should already have a general knowledge of these things, all the details are not necessary.
    • David Loudon
      Good list of documents, covering the south, Frederick Douglas and Lincoln.
    • David Loudon
      I don't particularly like the idea of having the students write an innaugural address as if they are President Lincoln, mainly because the scope seems too narrow for me. Rather than focusing on what it was like to be Lincoln, the lesson should focus on what is going on in the country. Nevertheless, I appreciate the lesson plan's attempts to have students interact with the history be taught.
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    • David Loudon
      I think that along with his lack of triumphalism, Lincoln's scathing indictment of the institution of slavery should also be noticed by students. This speech, combine with his Gettysburg Address shows Lincoln's thought (changing thoughts?) and slavery and african American and would be interesting for the students to explore.

Lesson Plans | Teach US History - 1 views

    • David Loudon
      Great introduction and topic. Most traditional texts I have heard leave out the repeated attempts of the Cherokees to assimilate. Very accurate information here.
    • David Loudon
      Great list of primary sources. I would use these in my classroom. A good secondary source (like Howard Zinn's People's History) could also be used.
    • David Loudon
      Great way to teach the material, divide students into groups and have them make make sense of the material. Depending upon the age/skill-level of the group, I may not give each person a role but rather just have them all contribute to answering the questions.
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    • David Loudon
      I like the idea of looking at it from three perspectives, getting students to think about history from multiple points of view.
    • David Loudon
      Fantastic lesson plan overall, I can't find anything that I don't like about it. I would definitely use something like this in my classroom. In particular, I love the way it gets students to look at it from the Cherokees point of view, NOT JUST the government or the American people.
    Lesson plan on the Cherokee removal and the Trail of Tears

Peace Corps | Coverdell World Wise Schools | Educators | Lesson Plans - 0 views

    • Stephanie Beer
      The site mainly relies on stories written by Peace Corps Volunteers as its main sources.
    • Stephanie Beer
      You can use this site for supplemental resources to add to units on history or geography.
    • Stephanie Beer
      The search function is useful for finding lesson plans for the appropriate subject, region/country, and grade level.
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    • Stephanie Beer
      This site is valuable to educators because it provides resources that allow students to see into cultures that are very different from their own
    This website uses resources from current and returned Peace Corps Volunteers to create lesson plans to help teachers educate their students about the world. Most of the lesson plans center around stories written by Volunteers but there are some videos as well. Teachers can also request that a Volunteer visit their classroom to talk with their students.

UNESCO World Heritage Centre - Official Site - 0 views

    Main page of the UNESCO World Heritage Center website.
    I absolutely love the UNESCO World Heritage Center website because it offers thousands of ideas for out-of-class exploration of cultural sites. All you have to do is click on the World Heritage List and scroll to your country's list of locations. You can visit most of these sites free of charge and they offer tours and kid-friendly information on the site. This site could also be used as a way to formulate upper-level discussion about what culture is and who gets to decide what cultures (and what parts of a specific culture) are worth saving.

Place The State - Interactive Games, Maps and Timelines - 2 views

    • Lauren Olson
      The levels on this game are a little tricky-- I would try the game first to determine which level is best for your students. Even though I know where all the states are, it requires you to be very precise.
    • Lauren Olson
      I don't like that this is all the way at the bottom. If you use this in the classroom as an interactive learning game, make sure you scroll down the page so you can see the state facts. The game is a little bare without the extra information.
    History Channel interactive "place-the-state" game.
    This site is, overall, a little boring but it does what it's supposed to do. Sometimes getting students interested in geography is tricky but this game could increase student interest. Students will select a level, then drag and drop the states to their correct location on the map. There could be a little more information about each state (just to increase the amount of learning) but this is generally a good, basic, online learning game.

Online High School Economics Lessons - 1 views

    • David Loudon
      This site is NOT a list of primary or secondary sources but rather offers creative lesson plans, as well as the links to important materials for the plans, for teaching economics in a high school setting.
    • David Loudon
      Fantastic links of materials in each lesson plan to use for the lesson.
    • David Loudon
      This site is a valuable tool for teachers, especially those who don't feel very comfortable with economics but want to look at the practical implications of it with their students. I would definately use this site.
    A list of very good detailed lesson plans for a high school economic class related to different country and the economic policies that they pursue.

PBS Teachers | Resources For The Classroom - 0 views

    • David Loudon
      This is the best part of the site, in my opinion. You can communicate and share ideas and resources with other educators around the country and the world. This is what I would most likely you the site for.

BBC - History: World War Two - 1 views

  • The causes, events and people of the most destructive war in history.
    • Jonathon Gordon
      Very straight-forward as to what the website has to offer. The different sections make searching for specific information very easy. 
  • World War Two: Summary Outline of Key Events - A guide to the key events of World War Two.
    • Jonathon Gordon
      The outline is another great feature. It has a great rundown of World War Two's key events. 
  • The Ending of World War One - Germany had high hopes of winning World War One - especially after astonishing advances early in1918. The Rise of Adolf Hitler - From aimless drifter to brutal dictator, by Jeremy Noakes Hitler's Leadership Style by Dr Geoffrey Megargee Nazi Propaganda by Professor David Welch Japan's Quest for Empire 1931 - 1945 by Dr Susan Townsend Countdown to World War Two: Monday 28 August 1939 by Mark Fielder
    • Jonathon Gordon
      The majority of the information comes from historical novels, biographies of important figures, and scholarly works on the various subjects. 
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  • Why Churchill Lost in 1945 Labour's landslide in the 1945 general election remains one of the greatest shocks in British political history. How did Churchill fail to win? By Dr Paul Addison.
  • Post-war Reconstruction and Retribution
    • Jonathon Gordon
      The site is extremely useful for teachers who teach modern World history or American history because it provides in depth information on all the theaters of the war, including post-war reconstruction.
    This website through BBC has great information on World War II including video, picture, and interactive information. It provides teachers with credible information to use in their classrooms. 

Reader Idea | Studying The Constitution With The Times - - 1 views

    • Margit Nahra
      The activities on this site all call for using articles from the New York Times, but any newspaper could be used.
    • Margit Nahra
      These are helpful handouts and graphic organizers that could be used in conjunction with the activities described in the lesson plan.
    • Margit Nahra
      The activity described here is a great way to demonstrate to students the relevance of the First Amendment to their daily lives, as well as to get them to reflect on the ramifications of living in a country that doesn't offer First Amendment protections.
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    • Margit Nahra
      These links link to the texts of the referenced source documents (e.g., the Bill of Rights), as well as to an index of articles from the New York Times that relate to those documents or the rights protected therein. These would be helpful links if students were having trouble locating relevant articles.
    This lesson plan from the New York Times web site utilizes the newspaper to teach high school students about First Amendment rights and the daily impact of those rights on their lives.
    This lesson plan from the New York Times web site has students locate, summarize and reflect on articles in the newspaper related to First Amendment rights as well as articles illustrating the lack of such rights in other countries.

Creating the Declaration of Independence Interactive -  Exhibitions - myLOC.g... - 1 views

    • Margit Nahra
      Seeing the strikeouts and marginalia on the rough drafts of some of these documents brings the process of their creation to life in a way that merely reading about it cannot.
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