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The map as history - 1 views

    • Lauren Olson
      This site is run by European (French) historians and so it is important to note the different framework with which these maps were created. Users should understand potential deviations from traditional American understandings of history.
    How might teachers use this site and its materials?

Teaching with Historic Places--Home page for the program's website - 3 views

    • Samantha Greenwald
      The current feature lesson plan provides teachers with many examples of how to teach their students about a particular period in history, an event, or a person/group of people.
    • Samantha Greenwald
      It is great that the National Park Service organizes their lesson plans and follows the National Standards for 5-12 Social Studies so teachers can see how it fits into the objectives they are required to follow over the course of the semester/year.
    The National Park Service provides a register of places that teachers can teach/take their students to in order to incorporate historic sites into their lessons. The website provides featured and current lesson plans and guides educators on how they can use it.

National Archives - 2 views

    Excellent resource for primary and secondary source material.
    How might teachers use the site?

Guide to Resources in Global Studies - 4 views

  • Self-Guided Search
    • kkasargodstaub
      Site is valuable to social studies teachers because it's a clearinghouse for accessing lots of different information. There are statistics, articles, books, publications etc.
    Tags? How might teachers use the site?

K-12 Educational Resources | The Center for Global Studies - 3 views

shared by kkasargodstaub on 03 Oct 10 - No Cached
  • Opportunities for educators and students around the world to explore global issues together.
    • kkasargodstaub
      Great way for you to connect students with other students around the world!
  • Online collections and interactive mapping sites that graphically depict global issues.
    • kkasargodstaub
      Useful maps for students to see the visual impact of global issues.

The Center for Global Studies - 3 views

    The Center for Global Studies is based out of the University of Illinois. Their resources primarily come from the University of Illinois but they also have videos and research submitted from other places. Always check the source! I find most of the information to be useful when thinking about world history and global studies type courses.
    How might you or another social studies teacher use it in a class?

Environment Facts, Environment Science, Global Warming, Natural Disasters, Ecosystems, ... - 1 views

  • The ocean needs your help
    • kkasargodstaub
      The site relies on a lot of different sources but National Geographic is a reliable source. There are great tools here for teachers to take current issues and make them relevant in students' lives. You could use the site for research, inspiration and/or to get students involved in local community issues. It's great for a civics, current issues and/or geography class.
    I absolutely LOVE the National Geographic Website as a social studies tool. I've specifically used it in civics classes or geography classes for students to study current events, but the options are endless. They have videos, pictures and great information.

Student Speech | American Civil Liberties Union - 1 views

    This page on the ACLU web site features materials related to students' free speech rights.
    This is a podcast interview of a woman who was suspended from school for protesting the Viet Nam War during the 1960s. Subject talks about the example set by her parents, who were Civil Rights activists.
    Site contains a wealth of materials -- legal documents, blogs, news articles, podcasts, etc. -- that are searchable by subject area. Subject breakdown could be very helpful for students looking for a research topic.

James Madison - 4 views

    Interesting recitation of his role as Father of the Bill of Rights". Equally interesting: Dolley Madison was expelled from the Society of Friends for marrying James.
    What does the site offer? How might teachers use it?

Federalist Papers - 1 views

    Federalist Papers and the thoughts and writings of Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay. I will use some of these materials in preparing my unit curriculum.
    What does the site offer? How might teachers use it?

Thomas Paine - 1 views

    My hero - a radical, revolutionary & "bomb thrower" (figuratively). Authored 'The Crisis' which began with the famous quote "There are the times that try men's souls."
    How might teachers use this? What does the site offer?

BBC Dimensions - 3 views

    This website is amazing. Type in a zip or postal code (for the U.S. or elsewhere) and the website will help you overlay an event for your students. Its makes it easy to see how much area would be affected if the BP oil spill happened in your zip code, or mow much space Bejing in 1425 really covered. Fascinating.
    How do you think teachers might use it?

Bill of Rights: Primary Documents of American History (Virtual Programs & Services, Lib... - 2 views

    • Samantha Greenwald
      This can be used especially on Constitution Day (September 17th).
    • Samantha Greenwald
      A bibliography is provides as well as other external resources for students and teachers to explore.
    • Samantha Greenwald
      This site provides exhibitions and primary source documents which provide more detailed descriptions of certain events/people which teachers can use to expand student learning.
    • Samantha Greenwald
      This is one site of three that provides primary documents. The other two discuss national expansion and reform and the civil war and reconstruction.
    This Library of Congress website provides access to primary documents including letters, notes, papers, Washington's inaugural address, and copies of the amendments to the US Constitution.
    Any other ways in which teachers might use this site?

Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection: Historical Map Web Sites - 0 views

    This collection, run by the University of Texas, contains maps of all sorts from a large period of time. Additionally, it also houses links to collections not run by the university, but nearly all of both groups of maps are excellent scans of the original documents.
    I use this site all the time for my research.

Watergate and the Constitution - 2 views

  • a memo to the Watergate Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski, was written by Jaworski's staff as he was considering whether or not to indict Nixon.
    • Jonathon Gordon
      The lesson plan gets its direct information from a document that was used in the Nixon hearings
  • This lesson would likely work best after an introductory lesson on Watergate.
    • Jonathon Gordon
      Important that the writer of this lesson suggests that students will need prior knowledge on Watergate
  • The lesson is centered around a primary document from the Watergate scandal, and requires students to read the Constitution.
    • Jonathon Gordon
      The lesson uses primary source documents which help students learn to read with a historical eye. 
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Historical background is detailed and accurate. The document is from The National Archives.
    • Jonathon Gordon
      All historical documents come from the National Archive making them historically accurate 
  • Yes The lesson is clearly presented and is easily adapted to emphasize either History or Civic standards.
    • Jonathon Gordon
      This website is very useful for social studies teachers, especially those teaching history, because it helps teachers design valuable lesson plans with accurate information. 
  • One of the suggested activities asks students to identify the specific role each branch of government played in the Watergate affair. Another activity asks students to apply specific sections of the Constitution and determine the role particular constitutional powers and rights played in the Watergate affair.
    This site provides history teachers with information for helping with their classes. This part of the site includes lesson plans with this one specifically on "Watergate and the Constitution." 

War and Terrorism | National Council for the Social Studies - 3 views

    This section of the National Council for the Social Studies website appears to be a little bit dated, but the materials that are presented seem to be a useful resource. It must be difficult for social studies teachers to tackle the tough subjects of current global conflict, terrorism, Afghanistan, Iraq, and September 11, 2001. I am sure many school districts are still using textbooks that were printed prior to 2001 or 2002, and just don't cover this relevant information. Some of the items listed on this page are basic and practical (maps, etc.) and others are a bit more engaging and dynamic, aiming to help students develop an emotional connection to the subject matter.
    How might teachers use what's there, even if it is dated?
    Global issues classes in high schools will probably cover this subject matter; mine did in-depth. Some of the resources could be useful as hand outs, especially the maps. As an example, maybe over the course of a week or so of instruction, a teacher using this site as a resource could put together a lesson that stretches over the 5 class meetings, chronologically examining the roots of the second War in Iraq, stemming from the Persian-Gulf war, through Clinton's involvement, to 9/11, terrorism, Al-Qaeda being used as a pretext for war, concluding with an examination of the anti-war movement and the short course of the "traditional" war against the Iraqi military. The following week could move in to the insurgency or another related topic. Basically, I see this website as a place where a teacher looking to present the outlined events can find some extra resources that won't be in most textbooks.

Cliques in Schools | Teaching Tolerance - 1 views

  • Cliques in Schools
    • kkasargodstaub
      This is really valuable to social studies teachers because it brings issues students are facing into the classroom. It makes the education relevant.
    • kkasargodstaub
      Teachers can use this to supplement social studies curriculum to make lessons meaningful
    • kkasargodstaub
      This website relies on lots of different resources including primary documents as well as cartoons, narratives and posters. The types of sources depends on lesson plan.
    Ah, I see.

Teaching Tolerance - 2 views

  • Teaching Tolerance
    A great website by the Southern Poverty Law Center that provides thoughtful ways to address all kinds of issues. There are useful history, geography and current issues lesson plans.
    How might teachers use this site specifically?

Letter to the Danbury Baptist Association - 2 views

    • Richard Kirschner
      Repudiates those who deny separation of church & state doctrine
    Letter by Thomas Jefferson affirming doctrine of separation of church and state.
    How might teachers use this site?

Separation of church and state in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The separation of church and state is a legal and political principle derived from various documents of several of the Founders of the United States. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution reads "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . ." The modern concept is often credited to the writings of English philosopher John Locke, but the phrase "separation of church and state" is generally traced to an 1802 letter by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists, where Jefferson spoke of the combined effect of the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. His purpose in this letter was to assuage the fears of the Danbury, Connecticut Baptists, and so he told them that this wall had been erected to protect them. The metaphor was intended, as The U.S. Supreme Court has currently interpreted it since 1947, to mean that religion and government must stay separate for the benefit of both, including the idea that the government must not impose religion on Americans nor create any law requiring it. It has since been in several opinions handed down by the United States Supreme Court,[1] though the Court has not always fully embraced the principle.[2][3][4][5][6]
  • The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution (Amendment XIV) is one of the post-Civil War amendments, intended to secure rights for former slaves. It includes the due process and equal protection clauses among others. The amendment introduces the concept of incorporation of all relevant federal rights against the states. While it has not been fully implemented, the doctrine of incorporation has been used to ensure, through the Due Process Clause and Privileges and Immunities Clause, the application of most of the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights to the states. The incorporation of the First Amendment establishment clause in the landmark case of Everson v. Board of Education has impacted the subsequent interpretation of the separation of church and state in regard to the state governments.[37] Although upholding the state law in that case, which provided for public busing to private religious schools, the Supreme Court held that the First Amendment establishment clause was fully applicable to the state governments. A more recent case involving the application of this principle against the states was Board of Education of Kiryas Joel Village School District v. Grumet (1994).
    • Richard Kirschner
      An excellent recitation of the historical background of the First Amendment with references to the influence of the Church of England and patriots such as Patrick Henry & Thomas Paine. Excellent list of references. Important resource to keep for future reference.
    This is one of the very best websites I have ever found addressing the First Amendment and religion in the public schools. It deals with student prayers, official participation, teaching about religion, student dress, etc.
    How is this site different from How might teachers use this site?
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