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Brenda Janot

Professional Learning Community-Global Health Promotion - 6 views During the course of compiling the information for this assignment I connected my recent experience in Geneva with anothe...

PLC Health Promtion 2.0

started by Brenda Janot on 12 Oct 10 no follow-up yet

Comparison of Wikipedia and Grolier - two online resource databases. - 3 views

I chose two similar programs, Wikipedia is the first exposure most of us have had with a wiki, it is free and able to be edited by anyone and Grolier Online is a paid resource database often purcha...

Grolier Wikipedia PLC comparison databases resources

started by anonymous on 12 Oct 10 no follow-up yet
Stephen Lazowski

Open V. Closed PLC Comparison - 1 views Here is my comparison, hope everyone likes it.

PLC Personal

started by Stephen Lazowski on 11 Oct 10 no follow-up yet

PLC Comparison - 2 views

shared by aeckel on 10 Oct 10 - No Cached
    I compared the differences between and open and closed PLC. From what I found having a closed membership gives the PLC to be more subject specific and a little more in depth with their topics.
Ann Randall

Demo: Creating CMS Content in LibreOffice - 0 views

    A couple of years ago I stumbled across this method of formatting text for closed web-based LMSs such as Blackboard or Sakai. I finally got around to creating a screencast. I'm sharing this here as this method is also useful for creating content for social network tools such as blogs or wikis. It isn't a substitute for learning HTML, but it's a quick and easy procedure that works as well as a lot of WYSIWYG editors.
Todd Anderson

Todd Anderson-PLC Comparison - 3 views

It was interesting to compare and contrast different aspects of open and closed PLCs. I think that buy in really does impact the effectiveness of PLCs.

PLC network education

started by Todd Anderson on 09 Oct 10 no follow-up yet
Lora Evanouski

PLC Comparsion - 3 views

    Here is my link to my table comparing my PLCs. I compared Whiteboards in the classroom and Gaming and the liberal arts.
    I have resubmitted my PLC comparison. I compared GSA and Whiteboards in the classroom.
Lisa Dawley

Facebook | Messages - Twitter List for Virtual World Educators - 4 views

    I thought this was an interesting example of how to use the "list" functionality of Twitter to create a professional learning community for people interested in virtual worlds. Note they recommend Hootsuite and Tweetdeck for organizing your Twitter account. I use both of these and find they help.

Google in Education - 5 views

    This is a great resource for finding great tools found in Google for educators. A lot of great things are out there and the teachers in this group are great at filling you in! I liked Google templates in particular. It's a great resource for history teachers. The time line template would be a great activity for my art history students.
Dennis Lecker

Classroom Management - 1 views

    When I was teaching in the D.C. area, Harry Wong's ideas got me through. Universities really don't teach teachers how to manage an unruly classroom. Studying the ideas of Wong allowed me to exit survival mode and enter teaching mode.
    Hi Dennis, curious why you shared this resource in a group called "social network learning?" Do you see a connection somewhere? Thanks.
Libby Cody

Professional Learning Communities: A Bandwagon, an Idea Worth Considering, or Our Best ... - 2 views

  • the term has been used "to describe every imaginable combination of individuals with an interest in education—a grade-level teaching team, a school committee, a high school department, an entire school district, a state department of education, a national professional organization, and so on. In fact, the term has been used so ubiquitously that it is in danger of losing all meaning" (DuFour, 2004, p. 6)
    • Libby Cody
      PLC is a buzz word that people like to use, although often times incorrectly as this article points out.
  • The authors of the "Bandwagon" article did not focus much on practices; instead they focused on terminology, structures, and perceptions
    • Libby Cody
      It seems like the authors had an agenda going into their "research" which makes for a very inaccurate or biased article!
  • Adams Middle School in Westland, Michigan
    • Libby Cody
      Yay Michigan! Maybe I will have to share this with my principal and see if we have any contacts there or ways to learn from them.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The professional learning community concept does not offer a short cut to school improvement. It presents neither a program nor a recipe. It does provide a powerful, proven conceptual framework for transforming schools at all levels, but alas, even the grandest design eventually degenerates into hard work
    • Libby Cody
      Seems like people jump on the bandwagon as a quick patch to use for School Improvement in order to show progress for AYP. Having never given it a true chance, it will not succeed and then the powers that be will jump onto some other bandwagon.
    Article from National Middle School Association's Middle School Journal about misunderstandings and misrepresentations of PLCs
    I guess I wasn't expecting to see all of the highlights and sticky notes listed out here. I hope I did this correctly!
    Interesting display that I didn't expect! Thanks for exploring this tool with us, Libby :)
Stephen Lazowski

Viigo for Blackberry (RSS reader) - 8 views

It say Highlight a key point...This is not an article resource, it is an application review resource. I did not have a key point just features.

viigo technology RSS PLC


What's The Best Classroom Management Advice You've Gotten? | Edutopia Group Discussions... - 2 views

shared by keefe67 on 07 Oct 10 - No Cached
  • "Pick your Battles," and "Don't Major in the Minors."
    • keefe67
      Great Advice!!
    • Lisa Dawley
      Hey Tyler, Edutopia is a fantastic PLC, but I didn't understand how the specific link you've provided here informs us about social networks or PLCs, in particular, and why it was included in this Diigo group?
Dennis Lecker

Harry & Rosemary Wong: Effective Teaching - Teachers.Net Gazette - 3 views

shared by Dennis Lecker on 05 Oct 10 - Cached
  • The I Can’t Funeral started with every student thinking of one thing they either did not feel successful in last year, or that often made them think, “I can’t do that.”  They each wrote their “I Can’t” on an index card.  Then, while playing very sad music, they placed the card in a “funeral box” and said their farewells to their “I Can’ts.”  They buried the “I Can’t” funeral box in Amanda’s car trunk.
  • ude: Give each student a job. Practice procedures. Learn to be a good listener. Have signals to take care of the small stuff. Create a mailbox. Smile and laugh. Be energetic. Say Thank You/Give certificates. Hold an “I Can’t Funeral.” Come up with a class motto or quote. Tell them why they are learning.
  • These
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  • Amanda used a PowerPoint presentation to introduce her classroom procedures.  After each slide, the class stopped and practiced each new procedure.  Her repeated practice paid off as the procedures quickly become routines for the students.  Without any prompting, the students knew what to do and followed procedures in a responsible manner. 
    Here is another link to the ideas of Harry Wong.
    Hey Dennis, looks like an interesting network, but I didn't understand how the specific link you've provided here informs us about social networks or PLCs, in particular.
Dennis Lecker

Outstanding Forum - 4 views

    This forum is part of a larger site the contains a wealth of forums and literature pertaining to connectivism and other learning theories. It is fun to see Stephen Downes interact with others in a forum setting. I'm hoping to also locate Siemens.
Stephen Lazowski

Analyzing Online Social tRelationships - 3 views

Article written by - Jonathon N. Cummings, Brian Butler, and Robert Kraut This is a great article that compares online and face to face social interaction. What I found most ...

social Networking PLC networks Personal

started by Stephen Lazowski on 07 Oct 10 no follow-up yet
Brenda Janot

Personal Learning Community- Mobile Phone Learning - 7 views I have highlighted the abstract of the above peer reviewed article.

Learning Community Mobile

Faith B.L

How to protect your child from online bullies - - 2 views

  • Susan Limber, a professor and bullying researcher at Clemson University, said in a presentation last year that parents and schools need to take time to make it clear that cyber bullying is just as wrong as face-to-face bullying.
  • Many students who know it's wrong to pick on a classmate in person may not realize that something done online can be just as hurtful, she said in the webcast for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
  • f a child reports being bullied online, the response of many parents is to take away the child's internet access as a way to protect them. This is the wrong approach, Limber said. "In the children's eyes, this can be seen as punishment, so it's another reason they tell us they don't report it," she said.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Faith B.L
      As we introduced our students to learning online, how can we better equipped them to deal with cyber bullying?
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