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Harvey Peter Sackett

How Long Is Pregnancy Disability Leave in California in 2023? - 1 views

    In 2023, the pregnancy disability leave (PDL) in California provides eligible employees up to four months of unpaid leave for pregnancy-related disabilities. It's important to note that you do not need to take four months to leave all at once. If an employee experiences a pregnancy-related disability, such as pregnancy-induced hypertension, severe morning sickness, or gestational diabetes, they may be entitled to take up to four months of job-protected leave.
Harvey Peter Sackett

What Happens When You Report Someone For Disability Fraud? - 0 views

    The theft of disability benefits by someone falsely claiming to be disabled is illegal. By squandering valuable resources needed to support the financial needs of truly disabled people, these false claims put to damage the integrity of the system and contribute to the social stigma some people feel when they need to rely on government benefits to meet daily expenses.

What Is The Average Time To Get Approved For Disability Benefits? - 1 views

If you are disabled and unable to work, you may have arrived at this page wondering if you are entitled to pursue disability benefits - and if so, how soon you might be approved for those benefits....

#Social #Security #Disability #Attorney #SSD #SSDI #SSI

started by disabilityexpert on 23 May 23 no follow-up yet

How Much Money Can You Make On Disability In 2023 - 0 views

    The 2023 limits on earning for people receiving Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are different from that for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients. The Social Security Administration administers both programs, but each program serves different groups of people. Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are reserved for workers and former workers who become disabled either by an injury or illness that prevents them from working for at least 12 months. Eligibility for SSD benefits depends on whether the applicant worked and paid taxes for long enough and recently enough to earn the minimum number of work credits. Typically, it takes 10 years of work to accrue the required work credits, with half earned during the 10 years before filing a claim for SSD benefits. The Supplement Security Income (SSI), on the other hand, is available only to disabled people who have low income and very limited financial resources. Typically, SSI recipients will have been unable to become eligible for SSD benefits because their disability prevented them from working long enough to accumulate the required work credits. SSD and SSI Recipients Allowed to Earn Different Amounts Each of these programs has different rules and regulations that apply to how much a benefits recipient can earn and still continue to receive benefits. The only significant criteria that both program share is the definition of what constitutes a disability: According to the Social Security Administration, a disability is a medically determinable physical or mental impairment that last or is expected to last for 12 months (or results in death) and prevents the person from performing substantial gainful activities. Let's look at the Social Security Disability program first. For Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, there is a monthly limit to how much you can earn through work activity, called the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) limit. In 2023, the SGA limit for non-blind indiv
Harvey Peter Sackett

How To Apply For Temporary Disability In California? - 1 views

A disability of any kind can be difficult - even if it is temporary. If your financial situation depends on working a job and regularly receiving a salary, being without that salary for even a shor...

Social Security Disability Lawyer SSI SSD SSDI

started by Harvey Peter Sackett on 27 Jun 23 no follow-up yet

Social Security Disability Rules After Age 50 - Keener Law - 1 views

    Being disabled can be difficult in many ways. Anyone who struggles with a disability knows that all too well. Certainly, with age, complex health issues can become even more complicated. As a result, those receiving disability benefits or considering applying for them often wonder if the rules and standards might change with age. It's a reasonable and understandable question to ask. After all, disabled individuals often depend upon their disability benefits for financial support and want to ensure that those benefits will continue. Let's take a closer look at the types of benefits available and how the requirements to receive those benefits might change with age.

How Much Social Security Disability Benefits Will I Get at Age 65? - 1 views

    Those who are struggling with a long-term, severe disability may depend upon their Social Security disability benefits to support themselves and their families. Understandably, then, it can be worrisome to think of losing those benefits or having them reduced in any way. As a result, many people wonder whether, when they reach 65 and qualify for Social Security retirement benefits, they will automatically lose their disability benefits. Let's take a closer look at the law together.
Harvey Peter Sackett

How Much Can You Earn While On Social Security Disability? - 0 views

    Being disabled can be difficult in many ways. One of those ways is certainly the fact that a disability can limit you from working and earning an income as you normally would. If you are in this situation, you may wonder whether or not you should attempt to return to work if you feel that you are able. Certainly, some individuals have disabilities so severe that they can never return to work - but in some cases, disabled individuals can perform some types of work to bring in additional income.
Harvey Peter Sackett

What Ailments Qualify for Social Security Disability? - 0 views

    Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) provides financial assistance to individuals who are unable to work due to a disability, either because of non-work-related illness or injury. However, not all ailments automatically qualify for SSDI benefits. Understanding the criteria for qualifying ailments (impairments) is crucial for those beginning the SSDI application process.
Harvey Peter Sackett

How Much Will SSI Checks Be in 2024? - 0 views

    In January 2024, individuals who received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) received an increase in their monthly payments. The increase in SSI payments is tied to the Social Security Administration's annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), which is designed to help the payments keep pace with inflation. This blog post explains the SSI payment increase for 2024, how it compares to previous years, and what it means for beneficiaries.

How Much Money Can You Make And Still Get SSI? - 0 views

    The Supplemental Security Income program provides essential disability benefits to adults and children. It also pays benefits to adults ages 65 and older who are not blind or disabled. SSI is a federally funded, need-based program that limits the amount of monthly income and countable resources or assets a person may have and still be eligible for benefits. The program provides monthly cash payments to help you afford a place to live, food to eat, and other necessities. "How much money can you make and still get SSI," is a question frequently asked by people applying for benefits through the SSI program. The disability professionals at Disability Experts of Florida provide the answer by explaining the effect that income has on your monthly disability benefits.

How Much Will SSI Checks Be In 2024? - 0 views

    Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, is available through the Social Security Administration. SSI benefits include monthly payments to help eligible adults and children pay for food, housing, and other essentials. SSI pays monthly federal benefits of $943 to eligible individuals and $1,415 to eligible couples in 2024. Still, the amount you receive can be more or less depending on several factors explained in detail in this blog post. Disability Experts of Florida understand the essential role SSI benefits play in the lives of adults and children who are blind or disabled, as well as older adults without disabilities who are at least 65 years old. This blog explains how the SSI program works, including the factors that determine the amount of your monthly disability benefits.
Harvey Peter Sackett

Will I Lose My Disability Benefits If I Work Part-time in 2024? - 0 views

    If you're one of the millions of people who depend on the disability benefits, they receive through Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance, you may have thought about working part-time. The extra money from a part-time job may be helpful, but you don't want to jeopardize your disability benefits. The team of disability professionals at Sackett Law Disability Lawyers understands your concern and the importance of knowing, "Will I lose my disability benefits?" This guide is designed to ensure you are fully informed about how working while receiving disability works when receiving benefits through SSI and SSDI.
Harvey Peter Sackett

How Much SSI Will I Get While Waiting For Disability? - 0 views

    Millions of adults and children who are blind, disabled, or seniors aged 65 and older receive federal benefits through the Supplemental Security Income Program (SSI). SSI is a need-based program that helps people with little or no income and limited resources pay for food and shelter, but the application review process takes several months or longer before you receive a decision from the Social Security Administration.
Harvey Peter Sackett

How Much SNAP Will You Get If You are On SSI Disability? - 0 views

    Applying for disability benefits through SSI and Social Security Disability Insurance can be a frustrating and challenging experience, with the vast majority of applications being denied benefits. Sackett Law has been helping people overcome the challenges of a complicated system with unsurpassed experience and knowledge.
Harvey Peter Sackett

Can You Get Survivor Benefits If You're Already On Disability? - 0 views

    If you have questions about survivor benefits while on disability or need a skilled disability lawyer to appeal a claim denial, contact Sackett Law. Find out for yourself why people throughout Northern California and around the country have placed their trust in Sackett Law for more than four decades.
Harvey Peter Sackett

What Are Considered As Disability Expenses For Housing Vouchers? - 0 views

    Many people living with disabilities struggle financially to make ends meet because they cannot work. Disability benefits through programs administered by the Social Security Administration can help, but it can still be challenging to afford housing.
Harvey Peter Sackett

Should I Answer "No" Or "Yes" To Having A Disability? - 0 views

    Living with a disability presents challenges, and a common one that people struggle with when applying for a job is how to answer a disability disclosure. No one wants to disclose personal information to someone you just met at a job interview, especially about a disability. Yet, there it is, the line on the application form, a "yes" or "no" disability question.

How To Win Disability Benefits For PTSD? - 0 views

    The Social Security Administration oversees two programs, Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income, that provide disability benefits for mental health conditions, including PTSD. Getting approved for Social Security Disability for PTSD is not easy. Only about one-third of claims submitted annually for disability benefits win approval during the initial application review process.

When Will SSI Checks Be Deposited For October 2024? - 0 views

    If you are one of millions relying on Supplemental Security Income benefits, you don't need a crystal ball or a friend at the Social Security Administration to predict the October 2024 SSI deposit dates. Let Disability Experts of Florida show you a simple method for not only the SSI payment schedule for October 2024. You'll also learn about the payment dates for other benefits through the Social Security Administration for the rest of this and all of next year.
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