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Phil Taylor

How the smartphone is killing the PC | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

  • The change that smartphones bring is computing power in the palm of our hands or in our pockets. It is internet connectivity almost anywhere on earth. That's going to have profound effects
  • dominant share belongs to Google, which gives Android away in return for providing its services – search, maps, access to apps in its "Market" (equivalent to Apple's App Store).
Phil Taylor

iPads and iPods 'are helping our pupils learn without realising they are doing it' | Education | The Guardian - 0 views

  • , tellingly, there have been no breakages or damage since the iPads arrived in February. The pupils seem to take great care of them
Phil Taylor

Whether the digital era improves society is up to its users - that's us | Danah Boyd | Comment is free | - 4 views

  • a battle between those with utopian and dystopian viewpoints, over who can have a more extreme perspective on technology. So where's the middle ground?
  • With this complexity in mind, I would like to introduce a question that I have been struggling with for the past few years: what role does social media play in generating or spreading societal fear?
  • We fear the things – and people – that we do not understand far more than the things we do,
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The internet makes visible things that we want to see, but it also makes visible things that we don't want to see. It exposes us to people who are different. And this is the source of a great amount of fear.
  • Social media is here to stay. We need to get past the point in which we celebrate it or lament it in order to figure out how to live productively with it. We need people engaging critically with the dynamics that unfold as a result of a new structure of connecting people.
  • We all need to think critically about the information we create, consume and share. We all need to take responsibility for helping shape the world around us.
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Phil Taylor

Everything you need to know about the internet | Technology | The Observer - 1 views

  • We're in the state once described by that great scholar of cyberspace, Manuel Castells, as "informed bewilderment".
  • The idea is that our short-term memory can only hold between five and nine "chunks" of information at any given moment (here a chunk is defined as a "meaningful unit"). So, when trying to decide how many big ideas about the internet would be meaningful for most readers, it seemed sensible to settle for a magical total of nine. So here they are.
  • On a scale of one to five! You have only to ask the questions to realise the fatuity of the idea. Printing did indeed have all of these effects, but there was no way that anyone in 1472, in Mainz (or anywhere else for that matter) could have known how profound its impact would be.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The internet: Everything you ever need to know
Phil Taylor

Online communities are transforming professional development for teachers | Teacher Network | Guardian Professional - 0 views

  • Twitter was allowing me to share and discuss with hundreds, even thousands, of teachers all over the world - a far cry from those isolated initial years
  • many majorly successful online teacher communities which provided the sort of positive environment I was looking for.
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