The Book is not dead, its multiplied into many different forms and the future is one where print is simply one option.
The Discussion Forum is Dead; Long Live the Discussion Forum - Hybrid Pedagogy - 0 views
The book is dead, or soon will be - Winnipeg Free Press - 0 views
Inquiry Based Learning is dead, long live inquiry. - The Learner's Way - 0 views
Not that this is a truly radical idea, Einstein understood this and stated ‘Education is not the learning of facts, it’s rather the training of a mind to think’.
If our goal is to teach students to swim we would not do so by pushing them into the sea, but we would also not expect them to learn to swim without ever getting into the water.
go back to trying to understand how we may best support our students achieve their potential and prepare for a world beyond our classrooms
TechLearning: Top 10 Predictions for 2011 (with proof!) - 1 views
Top 10 Predictions for 2011 (with proof!)
Textbooks are dead! For real this time!
Assessment will be comprehensive and constant!
- ...8 more annotations...
Eighth-Grade Students Learn More Through Direct Instruction| The Committed Sardine - 0 views
Bad lecturing is dead (as it should be); a corollary is most teachers are bad lecturers (which they are)
Livescribe 'smartpen' useful for students, journalists - - 0 views
I like the Livescribe pens and find them useful. But as computers, they are a dead end. They're just not flexible enough to be general-purpose devices, like tablets. An iPad that worked well with pen input would make me drop the Echo. Apple's competitors already have rudimentary pen-based tablets out, and who knows, maybe the iPad 3 will have some surprises for us.
10 Emerging Technology Predictions That Were Ridiculously, Famously Wrong - Emerging Ed... - 0 views
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