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Phil Taylor

In the context of web context: How to check out any Web page - Scott Rosenberg's Wordyard - 0 views

  • Every piece of information you receive online emits a welter of useful signals that can help you appraise it.
Phil Taylor

The Committed Sardine - blog - 0 views

    "This a prototype activity mapping tool designed to link higher order thinking skills to how the content and context of the topic, unit, course or courses are approached and learnt. "
Phil Taylor

An education prof. goes back to high school, finds technology is no longer a tool but a... - 0 views

    "in the lives of my high school students digital technology was an extension of themselves"
Phil Taylor

Tuned Out - Karen Hume - 1 views

  • five aspects of schooling where teachers can make a positive difference to student engagement. They are Competence, Creativity, Community, Context, and Challenge.
  • A central premise of Tuned Out is that if something is important to student engagement, it is equally important to teacher engagement. Therefore, some of the suggested actions are for students, some are for teachers, and some are for use by facilitators of adult learning.
Phil Taylor

Educational Leadership:Teaching Screenagers:Character Education for the Digital Age - 0 views

  • Our challenge is to find ways to teach our children how to navigate the rapidly moving digital present, consciously and reflectively.
  • the "one life" perspective says the opposite, that it is precisely our job as educators to help students live one, integrated life, by inviting them to not only use their technology at school, but also talk about it within the greater context of community and society.
  • The tie that binds us to our ancestors is that both ancient and digital-age humans crave community
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • A third approach awaits us: establishing proactive, aggressive character education programs tuned to digital youth.
  • Issues of Digital Citizenship
Phil Taylor

How Tablets Are Changing the Way We Search - 1 views

  • The tablet, more so than other devices, can know enough about you to understand the context around your queries and give you better answers, he says. “Search becomes a unified experience on a tablet … a unified experience between our eyes, our ears and our cognitive processes.”
Phil Taylor

Guidelines for Policy Makers on Child Online Protection - - 1 views

  • They are meant to act as a blueprint which can be adapted and used in a way which is consistent with national or local customs and laws.
  • online child safety
  • t includes a number of key areas for consideration. These Guidelines have been prepared in the context of the Child Online Protection (COP)
Phil Taylor

Stagnant Future, Stagnant Tests: Pointed Response to NY Times "Grading the Digital Scho... - 1 views

  • they are understanding a complex text and making sense of it within the context of their own lives.   No parent wants more, no teacher does, than for kids to be able to not just "read" Shakespeare but to understand why his work still speaks urgently to the present, why it is worth taking the time to read all that odd English from another time
  • We are not responsible as educators unless we are teaching not just with technology but through it, about it, because of it.   We need to make kids understand its power, its potential, its dangers, its use.  That isn't just an investment worth making but one that it would be irresponsible to avoid.
Phil Taylor

From Traditional Teacher to "Modern Learning Advisor" - Modern Learners - 0 views

  • From a content and skills standpoint, why wouldn’t we expect teachers to connect their students to the smartest, most experienced experts they can find online?
  • But it is not  either/or approach.  It’s NOT either the traditional approach or the modern approach. There is room for both approaches, particularly there will still be a need for the design and management of essential (e.g. compliance, and regulatory) training.
  • If nothing else, we should be thinking and talking about this, about how the new realities of the world require different thinking and doing and defining, especially in the context of the roles the adults play in the classroom.
Phil Taylor

Not all screen time is equal: Some considerations for schools and parents - Shooting Az... - 0 views

  • According to Livingstone and Blum-Ross ‘screen time’ “is an obsolete concept. As digital media become integrated into all aspects of daily life, it is more important to consider the context and content of digital media use, and the connections children and young people (and parents) are making, or not, than to consider arbitrary rules about time.”
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