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Phil Taylor

Free Technology for Teachers: Free Guide - Making Videos on the Web - 0 views

  • This guide was created for those teachers who would like to have their students make videos but don't have access to editing software and or video equipment. All of the resources in this guide are completely web-based.
Phil Taylor

The 4Ss of Note Taking With Technology | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Whether students work in cloud-based platforms or take pictures of analog notes, technology lets them save their work indefinitely. I once had a wonderful advisee. Every afternoon, we repeated this routine. Find his planner. Find his notebooks. Make sure that he could find his notes in said notebooks. Put the notebooks into his backpack. When we finally got this child a laptop, everything changed. He typed all of his notes in Google Docs so that he could access them from any device and from anywhere. Suddenly, everything was truly saved.
  • note taking is an activity where the note taker needs to process information and reframe, reorganize, and work with the data to make note taking useful.
Phil Taylor

Disrupting Education: 8 Ideas That Will Break It Once And For All - 0 views

  • Ideally this would free teachers for more human and emotionally complex interactions, provided strategic adjustments are made.
  • Microsoft, Apple, Google, Honda, Amazon, and well just about every other forward thinking company on earth are scrambling to adjust for a mobile culture that is cloud-based and social. This should affect everything in education, from how learning models and curriculum are designed, to how students interact with one another and their local communities.
  • Universities are decaying. At least in their current form.
Phil Taylor

Learner-Centered STEM: Meet Harmony Public Schools - Getting Smart by Tom Vander Ark - ... - 0 views

  • What do you get when you mix STEM, project-based learning, college prep, personalized blended learning, and a small supportive environment?
Phil Taylor

What do we mean when we say, "Transformative learning experiences powered by technology... - 0 views

  • when we say transformational learning experiences powered by technology, we are talking about authentic, project-based learning, where students have agency, ownership and commitment to a relevant and meaningful goal that allows them to use digital tools to take on roles of creators, problem solvers, and learner-teachers working with and alongside peers, instructors, and other mentors to accomplish something bigger than themselves.
Phil Taylor

Definition | Adaptive Learning | EdSurge - 0 views

  • Tools with adaptive content are all about two things: looking at a student's specific answer and then responding with unique hints, feedback and resources on a specific topic.
  • Adaptive assessments change and respond based on whether students answer questions correctly or incorrectly.
  • Tools with adaptive sequences are the most complex of the three. They often make use of “algorithms” and “predictive analytics” that can continuously collect data and use it to change what a student sees.
Phil Taylor

Which Generation is Most Distracted by Their Phones? - 0 views

  • Adults are as addicted—if not more addicted—to technology as teenagers.  
  • adults’ smartphone addiction telepressure: “the combination of a strong urge to be responsive to people at work through message-based [information and communications technologies and] a preoccupation with quick response times.”
  • It’s worth considering: When we criticize teens who are glued to their screens, are we offering wise advice? Or are we projecting our own mixed feelings onto them?
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