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Phil Taylor

Apps in Education: My E-Textbook Manifesto: - 0 views

  • As educators what do we want from e-textbooks?
  • need to be visually stunning
  • e-textbooks need to have an inherent interactivity that engages
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • should be a fascinating read
  • e-Textbooks that are constantly update
  • able to change the variables so that the effects are changed accordingly
  • non-linear interactive media that allows the students the freedom to negotiate their own learning activities
  • visuals that can be dismantled in order to focus on one aspect
  • Can we monitor a students progress?
  • E-Textbooks are a tool, a tool that in the hands of good teachers and motivated students would produce some absolutely special results. E-Textbooks are only part of the solution. What we need is a situation where student buy-in to their own education. This is where you really see student engagement. 
  • What I really think is this! I think this is the most exciting time in history to be involved in education
Phil Taylor

Shared Leadership: What is the Difference Between Learning and Knowing? - 1 views

  • I believe the gap in know how is related to learning -- new learning, unlearning, relearning.
  • I think of knowing as a more staid, steady, stable state. When I know something, it is for sure; it is so sure it is fact.
  • Learning is an active state, an process of searching, digging, questioning, connecting, thinking, imagining, visualizing, trying, pitching, collecting, building, sharing, enhancing, coloring, synthesizing, communicating.  Learning is unfinished.
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