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Mitch Weisburgh

Signed Stories Home Page - ITV Signed Stories - 4 views

    The goal of Signed Stories is to increase the literacy of deaf children; however, it is a great resource for all children. After choosing a story, you will see the text, hear the story and see it in sign language. Almost 100 titles are available and can be searched by topic or by browsing all titles.The goal of Signed Stories is to increase the literacy of deaf children; however, it is a great resource for all children. After choosing a story, you will see the text, hear the story and see it in sign language. Almost 100 titles are available and can be searched by topic or by browsing all titles.
    Use stories on the interactive whiteboard or projector to teach story elements - pause as the story is read to allow students to retell details to the stopping point then make predictions of what will happen next. Help students understand disabilities and adaptations to disabilities through watching the stories being told in sign language. Use stories on the interactive whiteboard or projector to teach story elements - pause as the story is read to allow students to retell details to the stopping point then make predictions of what will happen next. Help students understand disabilities and adaptations to disabilities through watching the stories being told in sign language.
vivek singh

BTech in Delhi NCR,B.Tech in IT Noida ,BTech Distance Learning - 0 views

    Distance learning B.TECH College CIMT offer a wide range of engineering specialties like Civil, Mechanical, Electrical Engineering etc.
    Becoming an engineer has been the aim of many, however only a few were successful in the past due to limited financial resources or one not being able to leave ones job. Now, Cimt College gives you the opportunity to fulfill your dreams and become a successful Engineer .
School and University

Smart careers after High School Graduates - 0 views

    Everyone aspires for a college degree; however it is becoming more and more expensive.
School and University

Student Items Discount - 0 views

    Getting higher education is a cherished goal of many. However, getting an undergraduate or a graduate education is not a cheap proposition.
David Wetzel

Five Reasons Why Continuing Education is a Positive Career Step - 3 views

    Many people make a decision about jobs and careers after leaving high school or college, some based on clear goals and others on need. However, there are many varied and often uncontrollable reasons why these initial occupations do not last. This leads to five reasons why continuing education must be considered as a positive investment for achieving success in a chosen occupation
David Wetzel

PowerPoint Presentations Beyond Note Taking: Education Technology Applications That Imp... - 11 views

    The use of PowerPoint presentations in schools takes advantage of education technology integration strategies and techniques. However, student learning is not improved when these presentations are merely a substitute for note taking bullets from older overhead projectors. To take advantage of the power of this technology, the elimination of boring slide shows must be replaced with interactive story telling that keeps students engaged.
David Wetzel

6 Top Free Online Tools for Support Teaching and Learning - 7 views

    The six top free online tools were selected from available web 2.0 tools for teaching and learning using presentations, blogging, and bookmarking online resources. There are many excellent online tools available in these three categories, making the selection difficult at best. However, the selection was made based on reviewing available online resources along with other contributions and feedback from teachers.
David Wetzel

10 Elementary School Math Teaching Tips - 6 views

    Teaching math to elementary students is critical for establishing a foundation of success in mathematics. There is a need for some basic memorization of facts, because students who do not memorize arithmetic functions struggle in upper grades. However, math must be fun and interesting, along with making connections with real-world applications.
David Wetzel

How LinkedIn can Facilitate Managing a Professional Career - 4 views

    FaceBook is fun and tweets have a short shelf life. However, for those who are serious about building a professional network, then LinkedIn is the service for managing their career. In today's job market an invitation to "join a professional network" has become obligatory and more useful than swapping business cards or sending out résumés.
David Wetzel

Little Know Ways to Support Earth Day - 6 views

    Earth Day is around the corner - April 22nd - and every year teachers and students try to come up with new and innovative activities. Recycling is a popular activity to keep the idea recycling going strong. Classrooms often come up with ideas to recycle paper, ink cartridges, plastic bottles, metal cans, and newspapers. However, there are other recycling activities that students can get involved in to support Earth Day.
David Wetzel

5 Ways to Increase a Professional Network Using LinkedIn - 2 views

    Most people use LinkedIn to increase their professional network in order to expand their client base, form a business partnership, collaborate on a project, or find employment. This free online service works well, because it is a professional network of more than 60 million members. However, even with its ever expanding membership LinkedIn is an online tool which is often under-utilized.
Dugg Lowe

Writing Research Papers is an Arduous Task « Financial Knowledge and Resource - 0 views

    For most of us, writing research papers is disastrous. However, if you are serious about writing it yourself, this article is your helper. Let's begin. Indeed.
David Wetzel

Do Rocks Absorb Water? - 7 views

    Although it is not obvious to the casual observer, rocks absorb water. You can ask your students to observe rocks all day long and they will not be able to tell if the rocks they are observing are absorbing water. However, there is an investigation which allows students to discover that rocks absorb water and how much water specific rocks absorb.
vivek singh

MTech iN Delhi NCR,M.Tech in Noida ,MTech Distance Learning - 0 views

    M.TECH in Delhi NCR - CIMT College offers M.TECH distance learning program. The M.TECH distance learning is two years part time program affiliated to renowned University which will award the degree.
    Becoming an engineer has been the aim of many, however only a few were successful in the past due to limited financial resources or one not being able to leave ones job. Now, Cimt College gives you the opportunity to fulfill your dreams and become a successful Engineer .

Accounting Assignment Help Fulfills All Your Account Project Needs - 0 views

    Gone are the days when accounting aspirants had to face a number of sleepless nights in a search for the option to get their projects completed on time. However, today with the right online accounting assignment help , you can be rest assured of completing your projects successfully within the stipulated time.

Top 5 Digital Marketing Channels For Local Businesses - 0 views

    Digital marketing channels are the doors to step in to create your online presence. However, every digital marketing channel cannot be equally fruitful for your business.
Nigel Coutts

Supporting students in uncovering complexity - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    One of the thinking moves that we hope our students will confidently engage with is centred around the disposition of uncovering complexity. As we endeavour to shift our students towards a deeper understanding, the capacity to uncover complexity is a vital step. However, the ability to uncover complexity is itself complex and an excellent example of a skill that is best achieved when considered as a disposition. 
Nigel Coutts

Why didn't that work? Maybe its culture? - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    n practical terms, any change effort that does not consider the culture into which it is introduced is unlikely to succeed. The worst-case scenario is that the change effort is resisted to such a degree that it is never truly implemented. In many cases, however, the change effort fails to produce the sort of results initially imagined despite the efforts of all involved to adopt the change. Although the new behaviours are adopted, something goes wrong, and it isn't always that the new idea itself is to be blamed. - Maybe it's culture?

Saving Cash - 2 views


saving cash

started by mariobize on 24 May 15 no follow-up yet
Shawan Jack

Bright Green PowerPoint Background - 0 views

    Bright Green PowerPoint background is a free theme for PowerPoint that you can download if you are looking for a free retro theme for presentations or free bright green color. This green background theme for PowerPoint has a strange green pattern and you can download the template as free abstract background for presentations. The green color is also good for presentations on green products and services if you want to go green, however we have plenty of other free green PowerPoint templates and backgrounds that you can download and use as PPT presentation templates in Microsoft Office PowerPoint.
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