Here you can find a list of reading material for elementary students. These books can all be found at your local library, at a bookstore, or on amazon. Keep your kids engaged and excited about reading over summer break! Use this suggested summer reading list for elementary students.
Teaching math to elementary students is critical for establishing a foundation of success in mathematics. There is a need for some basic memorization of facts, because students who do not memorize arithmetic functions struggle in upper grades.
However, math must be fun and interesting, along with making connections with real-world applications.
As class sizes keep growing, it becomes harder and harder to find the time to look for new teaching materials, while still giving your kids the personalized attention they need (and deserve!).
After all, you can only be pulled in so many directions at once, right?
With that in mind, I put together this list of websites for elementary teachers, hoping that you'll finally be able add something fresh and fun to your lesson plan.
Now, you don't have to skim the results of hundreds of Google searches to find a handful of useable internet resources-I've already got 101 of 'em!
Eliminating math misconceptions is difficult and merely repeating a lesson or extra practice will not help. Telling students were they are mistaken will not work either.
Recognizing student misconceptions and immediately focusing on the misconception is important. Providing guiding questions using inductive reasoning is the best approach, along with the use of writing prompts which help reveal further student misconceptions.