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educational liveBinders - 5 views

    LiveBenders list of educational "livebinders" uploaded and shared by robertson8686 found this profile from this livebender "online teaching in the k-12 environment another interesting binder: mobile apps for education (unfortunately I don't see a section for android) I just found this site but I noticed by far most of the livebinders are educational LiveBenders is a cool website; it's like a virtual online 3 ringed binder put together by you that you can share with anyone and browse the other binders that have been created by other people.
Mitch Weisburgh

Innovative Education with LiveBinders - LiveBinder - 5 views

    Dean Matnz's live binder on uses of livebinder
Mitch Weisburgh

livebinders4teachers / FrontPage - 8 views

    wiki site that has links to activities by grade and subject, links are to livebinders pages. You can add your own favorite sites to the wiki.
Mitch Weisburgh

LiveBinders - 3 views

    tutorials and links for livebinders
David Wetzel

How to Use LiveBinders in Science and Math Education - 5 views

    LiveBinders is a free web 2.0 tool which offers educators the ability to save and organize materials for any class. One advantage of this online service the capability to update a binder anywhere an educator has internet access.
Mitch Weisburgh

Digital Storytelling Resources - LiveBinder - 4 views

    livebinder of digital storytelling resources
David Wetzel

5 Reasons Why You Should Use LiveBinders - 2 views

    LiveBinders is a web 2.0 tool which provides the ability to save and organize materials for your science or math class. The great thing about this free tool is that you can update the resources instantly to ensure your lessons include the latest ideas, tips, and resources in science and math.
Mitch Weisburgh

Space 2D Space - flip, slide, turn - 1 views

    Livebinder with links to show geometric transformations
Mitch Weisburgh

An Overview And Intro To Google Reader - 3 views

    Livebinder with explanations for RSS, feeds, and google reader

Curriculum 21: Cell Phones for Educators - Livebinder - 0 views

    Livebinder containing a large number of resources about using cell phones in schools...follow the links and menus at the top of the screen.
Mitch Weisburgh

Google+ For Educators - 7 views

    great livebinder on google+
Mitch Weisburgh

STEM Engineering Resources - 4 views

    livebinder on STEM resources
Mitch Weisburgh

School Librarians and the Common Core Standards: Resources - LiveBinder - 5 views

    live binder of common core websites and resources
Mitch Weisburgh

Astronomy - Astrobiology - LiveBinder - 10 views

    live binder for astrobiology
David Wetzel

5 Most Popular Teach Science and Math Posts for August 2010 - 5 views

    These popular posts include using Wolfram, LiveBinders, Twitter, Flip Cameras, and iPod touch apps in science and math.
Mitch Weisburgh

5th Grade Reading Unit 1 - LiveBinder - 8 views

    ela resources for 5th grade
Mitch Weisburgh

Genius Hour / 20% Time - LiveBinder - 3 views

    Great list of resources for problem based learning
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