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To Slow Piracy, Internet Providers Ready Penalties - 0 views

    Americans who illegally download songs and movies may soon be in for a surprise: They will be warned to stop, and if they don't, they could find their Internet access slowing to a crawl.

Kansas State Librarian Argues Consortium Owns, Not Licenses, Content from OverDrive - 0 views

    "The state librarian of Kansas, with the backing of state attorney general's office, is planning to terminate the Kansas Digital Library Consortium's contract with ebook vendor OverDrive and is asserting the bold argument that the consortium has purchased, not licensed, its ebook content from OverDrive and, therefore, has the right to transfer the content to a new service provider."

Pushing Back Against Legal Threats by Putting Fair Use Forward - Technology - The Chron... - 0 views

    A review of the book, "Reclaiming Fair Use: How to Put Balance Back in Copyright" - perhaps a fair use for dummies - academic edition.

For The Love Of Culture | The New Republic - 0 views

    Lessig starts with a story about a documentarian and the specter of litigation in that community of practice when it comes to fair use and clearing images, sounds, etc. in documentary filmmaking. He goes on to consider how to reframe copyright: "[W]e need an approach that recognizes the errors in both extremes, and that crafts the balance that any culture needs: incentives to support a diverse range of creativity, with an assurance that the creativity inspired remains for generations to access and understand."

Is YouTube Killing Music Piracy? - 0 views

    "For years the top record label executives have been claiming that it's impossible to compete with free, but YouTube is proving them wrong. With billions of views every month the major record labels are making millions by sharing their music for free."

Google Plus - Read the Fine Print BEFORE You Sign Up « Photofocus - 0 views

    Privacy & Licensing issues with google+, fwiw, compare the posted Google+ terms of service with facebooks terms;  "For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos ("IP content"), you specifically give us the following permission, subject to your privacy and application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook ("IP License"). This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it."

Harvard's Privacy Meltdown - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    In 2006, Harvard sociologists struck a mother lode of social-science data, offering a new way to answer big questions about how race and cultural tastes affect relationships. The source: some 1,700 Facebook profiles, downloaded from an entire class of students at an "anonymous" university, that could reveal how friendships and interests evolve over time.
    And now the fun begins.... very timely topic

Artist Gets Visit From Secret Service After Secretly Photographing Apple Store Customer... - 1 views

    This happened a few days ago now, but I forgot to post it until I went to talk about it in my journal this week! From the article: "Over the course of three days in June, artist Kyle McDonald captured the faces of Apple patrons in two of the company's Manhattan stores. He did this by installing a program on computers in the stores, which automatically took an image every minute." His idea was that the photos constituted an art project about what people look like when they engage with technology. The Secret Service confiscated his computers after an Apple Store employee traced where the photos were being transferred to. I thought this was interesting because it's an example of visual surveillance of people's physical presence/actions in public spaces like Greenfield talks about, rather than surveillance of their digital actions, which so much of the literature focuses on. I definitely think the artist's project constitutes a violation of the privacy of the people whose photographs he took, but I can't help thinking it's also a really fascinating project that wouldn't work if people knew their photo was being taken in that moment.

Web 2.0 Guru - Digital Ethics - 1 views

    Here's a wiki that aims to educate students on digital responsibility and to become good digital citizens. There are a lot of good links to specific lessons for students.

Murdoch Closes Scandal-Ridden 'News Of The World' : NPR - 0 views

    The Rupert Murdoch-owned News of the World is ceasing publication. News Corp. announced Thursday that the final issue of Britain's best-selling tabloid will be Sunday. The paper is accused of hacking into the cell phone messages of victims ranging from a missing schoolgirl to grieving families, royals and politicians in a quest for headlines.

PrivacyVille: Zynga's New Game Teaches Users How to Play Secure - 0 views

    Interesting way to educate users about privacy settings

eBook FAQs. 36 Most Common Questions Answered by the OITP eBook Task Force - 0 views

    Just to backtrack a couple of weeks: I came across this FAQ pulled together by the ALA Office for Information Technology Policy that might be handy as a pocket-guide for the future to supplement the wiki the presenting group compiled.

Ravelry and knitting: Why Facebook can't match the social network for knitters. - 0 views

    The best social network you've (probably) never heard of is one-five-hundredth the size of Facebook. It has no video chat feature, it doesn't let you check in to your favorite restaurant, and there are no games. The company that runs it has just four employees, one of whom is responsible for programming the entire operation.

Top Five Corporate Compliance Challenges in 2011 for Telecommunications Companies - 1 views

    For companies in the telecommunications industry, 2010 has proved to be an eventful year in the regulatory context with the release of the National Broadband Plan by the FCC. Congress intended the Plan to be a long-reaching analysis of what the government and private industry needed to do to achieve ubiquitous broadband access.
    I see a lot of the "the Plan recommends" and "the Plan expresses concern"...but it doesn't seem like there's too much in the way of regulation or enforcement.

Pulling plug on privacy - 2 views

    Opinion-editorial from Alex Kozinski, chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circui, and his law clerk Stephanie Grace on the changing nature of the Fourth Amendment, reasonable expectations of privacy and technology.

ObscuraCam: Enhance Your Visual Privacy! - 0 views

    I came across this new Droid app that enables users to obscure the faces of individuals in photos or videos they've taken on their mobile devices. The app creators are involved more generally in developing technologies and technology policies for human rights defenders, especially ones that document abuses, protests and other demonstrations and share the videos/pictures through various media channels and see a need to hide identities from repressive governments. I think it ties our discussion last week of Evgeny Morozov's research into the Internet and government oppression into the issue of privacy.

23 Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal 2001-2002 Information Technology and Workers'... - 0 views

    INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND WORKERS' PRIVACY: ENFORCEMENT Hans-Joachim Reinhardt The use of information technology at work has emphasized a tension between two distinct principles that appear at first sight to be opposed to one other: On the one hand, there is the principle of the inviolability of the employees' private lives and private communications and, on the other, the principle of the employers' rights to enjoy their private property and their managerial powers of command.

Resolution to Protect Library User Confidentiality in Self-Service Hold Practices - 0 views

    The ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee and the IFC Privacy Subcommittee developed the "Resolution to Protect Library User Confidentiality in Self-Service Hold Practices" after receiving requests from librarians and library users to examine the issue of reader privacy and self-service holds (June 28, 2011).

Social Media and Privacy: Best Practices for Managing Your Personal and Professional I... - 0 views

    Interesting tips for social media users that go well with the NPR recording on how employers really have more power to fire people than I originally thought. This may be a must read for teens/college students in regards to new jobs and social media.

Civiguard - smartphones saving lives... - 0 views

    I thought this was an interesting case where privacy wouldn't matter...I posted it in this week's discussion as well.
    I think that this is a very good idea and am glad to see that even when the network is down they can still communicate through text.
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