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Hrobjartur Arnason

Færnikröfur starfa: Hver þarf að kunna hvað og hversu vel? - 0 views

    Greining menntunarþarfa1 hefur frá upphafi verið ein af grunnstoðunum í starfsemi Fræðslumiðstöðvar atvinnulífsins (FA) og á slíkum greiningum byggist námshönnun og námsskrárritun. Í fyrsta þjónustusamningi FA og mennta- og menningarmálaráðuneytisins er kveðið á um að Fræðslumiðstöðin eigi að „skilgreina menntunarþarfir markhópa og byggja upp framboð á lengra og styttra námi til að mæta þeim þörfum„ (Þjónustusamningur milli FA og mrn, apríl 2003) og hafa ákvæði þessu lík verið í öllum þjónustusamningum þessara aðila síðan.
    Grein eftir Guðmundu Kristinsdóttur m.a. um hæfniviðmið.
Hrobjartur Arnason

Hvað áttu við - 0 views

    Orðaskýringar í tengslum við færni, hæfni o.s.frv.
    Hér eru nokkrar orðaskýringar úr GÁTT sem tengjast margar hugtökunum færni, hægni og leikni.
Hrobjartur Arnason

European Qualifications Framework - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

    Wikipedia grein um hæfniviðmið
Hrobjartur Arnason

transfer mellem uddannelse og arbejde - 0 views

    Hefti eftir Bjarne Wahlgren um yfirfærslu náms
Hrobjartur Arnason

European Qualifications Framework (EQF) - 1 views

    Grein eftir Ólaf Grétar Kristjánsson um EQF, tilgang, markmið og aðgerðir á Íslandi
    stutt yfirlit
Hrobjartur Arnason

Instructor Competencies - 1 views

    Hæfniviðmið leiðbeinenda
Hrobjartur Arnason

Per-Erik Ellström et. al: Competence Development in the Workplace: Concepts, ... - 2 views

    In spite of the expectations that exist regarding efforts to develop competence and in spite of the large amounts of resources devoted to it, there is a marked lack of empirically-based research on competence development in companies and other organizations. The purpose of this article is to present a review of research on strategies for competence development in organizations, their prerequisites and effects. More specifically, the following three questions will be addressed: (i) Why do organizations invest in competence development? (ii) What effects can realistically be achieved through competence development? (iii) What characterizes successful strategies for competence development in organizations? Before these questions are dealt with, different views of the meaning of the concepts of competence and competence development are presented and discussed.
    Hér er grein eftir Per-Erik Ellström um svipað efni og fyrirlesturinn
Hrobjartur Arnason

Vibe Aarkrog: Fra Teori Til Praksis - Google Books - 0 views

    Fra teori til praksis indgår i Munksgaards serie Erhvervsuddannelserne: didaktik - undervisning - læring og henvender sig til underivsere på erhvervsuddannelserne. Mange elever i erhvervsuddannelserne oplever et praksischok, når de første gang kommer ud i praktik. De overrumples af en virkelighed, der synes at ligge langt fra det, de har lært om på skolen. Sagt på en anden måde har de svært ved at overføre den viden, der har fra skolen, til de opgaver, de skal udføre i praksis. Fra teori til praksis - Undervisning med fokus på transfer er en bog om transfer, dvs. at overføre viden og færdigheder fra en situation til en anden. Med bogens teori og redskaber kan underviseren tilrettelægge undervisningsforløb, der både tager udgangspunkt i den enkelte elevs forudsætninger og samtidig hjælper eleven til at kunne anvende det lærte i praktikken.
Hrobjartur Arnason

Bjarne Wahlgren: Educating professionals How to develop a curriculum for professionals? - 2 views

    The purpose of the professional bachelor's degree is to qualify the students to act competently in a subsequent job situation. Anecdotal experience and research have shown that limited transfer between what is learned during the coursework and the subsequent professional practice. This article relates to actual development work, where a social worker education program is restructured and developed, with the aim of creating optimal transfer. The social worker must 'be able to co-operate, organize, coordinate, implement, evaluate and develop social efforts' in accordance with the curriculum. How does that look in practice? Based on interviews with newly-educated social workers, I have analyzed which competences the social worker (hereafter 'he') uses in practice, how these competences are developed, and how the student learns to apply the competences acquired in the educational program.
Hrobjartur Arnason

Eva Ellström et. al. Two Types of Learning Environment: Enabling and Constrai... - 2 views

    Purpose: First, to elaborate on the notion of a learning environment based on an empirical study of care work. Second, to explore how aspects of a learning environment may differ between and within units in the same organization, and how to understand and explain such differences.
Hrobjartur Arnason

Vibe Aarkrog - Publikationer - Forskning - Aarhus Universitet - 0 views

    Yfirlit yfir rit eftir Vibe
Hrobjartur Arnason

Vibe Aarkrog - 0 views

    The article deals with transfer in the dual Danish VET system. Transfer is defined as the process of applying knowledge and skills acquired in an educational situation to working life. The existence of many identical elements in both training and transfer situations is known as 'near transfer', and is most readily achieved when training is conducted within company premises. Students find the relevance of their theoretical training to in-company-based application highly motivating. Cognitively, transfer is facilitated by the concrete similarities between training and its application. However, the purpose of school-based education is to develop the students' mastery of 'far transfer', i.e., their ability to apply knowledge and skills to a broad range of situations. Therefore the pedagogy of VET should provide a progression from near to far transfer. The aim of this article is to describe and discuss some of the pedagogical challenges for VET of near and far transfer.
    Grein eftir Vibe
Hrobjartur Arnason

Learning and Teaching Home - 4 views

    • Hrobjartur Arnason
      Hvernig líst þér á þessa síðu???
    vefir eftir breskan kennara um námskenningar og kennslu. heilmikið gagnlegt efni.
Hrobjartur Arnason

Didaktik für Vuxna - 0 views

    Yfirlit yfir ólíkar stefnur í kennslufræði fullorðinna.
Hrobjartur Arnason

Staffan Larsson: Didaktik för vuxna - 0 views

    Yfirlitsrit um kennslufræði fullorðinna
Hrobjartur Arnason

QCF interactive guides - QCDA - 1 views

    Leiðbeiningar um gerð námskeiða og námsmats: You can use these interactive guides alongside the written guidance included in the QCF support pack.  Each step-by-step guide will walk you through the key concepts and themes of the QCF and include case studies, hints and tips, and links to further
Hrobjartur Arnason

Pedagogical patterns in required Masters level instructional design courses with refere... - 2 views

    Doktorsritgerð um skipulangingu... ATH þið þurfið að vera búin að skrá ykkur inn í Proquest til að síðan opnist!!! Hægrismellið fyrst á þessari slóð: og látið hana opnast í öðrum glugga smellið svo á slóðina á doktorsritgerðinni.
Hrobjartur Arnason

Læringsformers betydning for voksnes motivation for læring - 0 views

    Rannsóknarskýrsla frá Nationalt Center for Kompetanseudvikling í Danmörku. Skýrslan gefur yfirlit yfir ýmsar rannsóknir á áhrifum kennsluforms á námsáhuga fullorðinna.
    Hér setja höfundar fram skemtilegt módel um áhugahvöt: Að áhugahvöt verði til eða sé vakin í spennu milli þriggja ólíkra kennsluhátta...
Hrobjartur Arnason

European Commission - Education & Training - lifelong learning policy - Mobility and li... - 1 views

    Yfirlit yfir verkfæri frá Evrópustofnunum sem eiga að styðja við stefnu aðildarlanda um ævimenntun (Lifelong Learning) 
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