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Frederick Smith

SerPolUS_IDES on DIIGO - a longer description of the group's focus - 8 views

Service-Politics, Universal Spirituality, Inclusive/Diverse, Embracing Science SERPOLUSIDES (  SerPol: Politics in Service to the greater ...

service politics community inclusive diversity spirituality equality science humanism religion human rights . freedom moderation middle path Buddha-consciousness Christ-consciousness

started by Frederick Smith on 28 Dec 09 no follow-up yet
Frederick Smith


Total opposition appears to be the only relationship between science and religion admissible by "militant atheists" like Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Caniel Dennett and Christopher Hitchens. Las...

religion and science religion

started by Frederick Smith on 10 Jan 10 no follow-up yet
Frederick Smith

SCIENCE'S INFLUENCE ON RELIGION - Consider Homosexual Inclusion - 1 views

The interface between science and religion interests me greatly, since I define myself both as a devout Christian and as a world citizen who is deeply grateful for the scientific method and its eno...

religion and science religion homosexuality

started by Frederick Smith on 10 Jan 10 no follow-up yet
Frederick Smith

Healthcare-Reform - 1 views

Health care reform is an issue that has been on the political front burner for me this year - as it has been for so many others, now and in 1993-4, if not earlier. (The comments below draw in part...

health care reform FSmith posting

started by Frederick Smith on 10 Jan 10 no follow-up yet
Frederick Smith

The Emerging "Coffee Party" Movement & coincidental convergence - 1 views

Americans' Break for Coffee: "Let's wake up, smell the coffee, and converse civilly about America's ABCs" (Incomplete write-up-2/14/10) A. Our Government is Paralyzed Americans Break for Coff...

politics Coffee-Party government Tea Party movement

started by Frederick Smith on 03 Mar 10 no follow-up yet
Frederick Smith

$200 microhouse - 0 views

    Derek Diedricksen - Stoughton, Massachusetts
Frederick Smith

When the doctor's wife has cancer (by Peter Bach, MD) - 0 views

    An oncologist at MSKCC recounts his own experience when his wife was diagnosed & began treatment for cancer.
Frederick Smith

18 Stethoscopes, 1 Heart Murmur and Many Missed Connections - by MADELINE DREXLER - 0 views

    The problem with teaching Physical Diagnosis in medical school without first teaching Communication Skills.
Frederick Smith

To Sell an Apartment, No Detail Is Too Small - 0 views

    Brokers say small moves can alter the ultimate sales price of an apartment by 5 to 10 percent. The calculations are irrational, and buyers are usually unaware they are doing it. But chipped plaster or broken bathroom tiles can knock $500 to $5,000 off an offer, $1,500 floating walls can add $50,000 to $70,000, and a $10,000 paint job easily adds $50,000 to the price, according to an informal survey of city brokers.
Frederick Smith

Muslim-Christian Dialogue: Loving God and Neighbor Together: A Christian Response to A ... - 0 views

    'The recent historic open letter signed by 138 leading Muslim scholars ... from around the world - "A Common Word Between Us and You" - identifies some core common ground between Christianity and Islam, as well as Judaism. 'What is common between us lies in something absolutely central to both [and Judaism]: love of God and love of neighbor. 'The future of the world depends on our ability as Christians and Muslims to live together in peace. If we fail to make every effort to make peace and come together in harmony you correctly remind us that "our eternal souls" are at stake as well. 'We are persuaded that our next step should be for our leaders at every level to meet together and begin the earnest work of determining how God would have us fulfill the requirement that we love God and one another.'
Frederick Smith

DGushee,Glenn Beck & "unChristian Social Justice" - 0 views

    "I have never before written about Glenn Beck, [who] I think of as a hugely skilled political entertainer who ... has made his rise on skillfully inflammatory rhetoric that has hooked the emotions of millions. But this time he hooked the Bible and the God of the Bible.... "He has united and offended all Christians who know that our God is a God of justice, and that advancing justice is central to our mission as a people and to the kingdom of God for which we work and wait."
Frederick Smith

In His Service: Prison population statistics - 0 views

    America incarcerates five times as many people per capita as Canada and 7 times as many as most European democracies. In the early 70s, there were about 200,000 people locked up in the U.S. In 2004 the prison population of 1.8 million represented a growth of over 800% in the past 30 years. Nearly 7 million people were on probation, in jail or prison, or on parole -- 3.2% of all U.S. adult residents or 1 in every 31 adults.
Frederick Smith

Charles Blow, Empire at the end of decadence - 0 views

    "America is great in many ways, but on a whole host of measures America is great in many ways, but on a whole host of measures - some of which are shown in the accompanying chart - ...not only are we not No.1, we are among the worst of the worst. These include the worst income inequality in the developed world except for Hong Kong and Singapore; and the world's highest per capita prison population at 1 out of every 15 people (which is greater than Russia's).
Frederick Smith

Religious hospitals' restrictions sparking conflicts, scrutiny - 0 views

    Excommunication of Phoenix nun, & ejection of St. Joseph's Hospital, for allowing an abortion to save a mother's life; prohibitions of tubal ligations in Texas & Oregon.
Frederick Smith

When Self-Knowledge Is Only the Beginning By RICHARD A. FRIEDMAN, M.D. - 0 views

    I realized then that I am pretty good at treating clinical misery with drugs and therapy, but that bringing about happiness is a stretch. Perhaps happiness is a bit like self-esteem: You have to work for both. So far as I know, you can't get an infusion of either one from a therapist.
Frederick Smith

Tim Muldoon on the primacy of Natural Law over Social Contract - 0 views

    Catholic theologian Tim Muldoon: when "social contract" theory fails as a source of social ethics, then - said Martin Luther King Jr. (in "Letter from a Birmingham prison") - the appeal must be to some kind of transcendant "natural law." (I would only add that new views of "natural law" evolve with history and social circumstances - the incompatibility of slavery wasn't clearly seen till the 19thC, of segregation till the 20th, of discrimination against homosexuals in all the rights & privileges of civil society until the 21st.)
Frederick Smith

James Kugel's In the Valley of the Shadow - review by Judity Shulevitz - 0 views

    Kugel uses his encounter with death to investigate and report on a state of mind notoriously resistant to literary exploration: the state of mind in which you intuit something on the order of God. . . . To the religious - or at least to Kugel and his sources - religion is an experience more than a cosmology. "It is not God's sovereignty over the entire universe that is at issue so much as his sovereignty over the cubic centimeter of space that sits just in front of our own noses," he writes. "That is to say, religion is first of all about fitting into the world and fitting into one's borders. There may indeed be something 'mythic' about it, but it pales before the mythic quality of our own clumsy, modern selves."
Frederick Smith

Charles Blow, The GOP's Abandoned Babies - 0 views

    Republicans need to figure out where they stand on children's welfare. They can't be "pro-life" when the "child" is in the womb but indifferent when it's in the world. The good news is that last year the National Center for Health Statistics reported that the rate of premature births fell in 2008, representing the first two-year decline in the last 30 years. The bad news is that, according to the March of Dimes, the Republican budget the House just passed could do great damage to this progress, including: $50 million in cuts to the state-based prenatal care programs and services for children with special needs; and nearly $1 billion in cuts to CDC's preventive health programs, including its preterm birth studies.
Frederick Smith

PTSD Risk in Women Tied to Genetics - 0 views

    Nature study - urban women w/ chronic illness (but not men). "Heavily traumatized civilian women with two copies of a specific single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the ADCYAP1R1 gene were more likely to show PTSD with an odds ratio of 1.66 (95% CI 1.32 to 2.09) relative to similar women without the condition, Kessler and colleagues found."
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