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Top 5 Best Apps For Android Of The Month January 2019 - Useful Apps - Android Apps And ... - 0 views

    Top 5 Best Android Apps Of The Month: Hello everyone I hope you all will be alright As you know that is a site or platform which provide you best and premium android apps.These apps are very helpful and useful for you and your android phone so today I am here with top & best 5 amazing and awesome android apps.These apps are very popular and useful everyone should know about these 5 android apps and use them.You should use these android apps into your android phone.These apps will help you to make your android phone beautiful and amazing.These android apps are best apps of the month january 2019 So you should must use these apps in your phone once as a try.So lets start complete information about these 5 android apps. Apps Of The Month January 2019 Top 5 Best Apps For Android Of The Month January 2019 1. CPU-Z CPU-Z is most awesome & amazing android app available on google play store.If you want to buy an android phone or you want to know complete detail about your android phone then this android app is very useful for you and your android phone.CPU-Z is an android app which provide you complete detail about your android phone for example: Mobile modal number, Mobile brand name,Mobile board,Mobile hardware,Screen size,Screen resolution size,Screen density,Mobile weight,Mobile ram,Internal storage,Mobile Release date and many more.CPU-Z android app also provide you complete detail about your mobile's system for example:Android version,Api level,Security patch level,Bootloader etc.Download this amazing app from playstore or link given below. CPU-Z Free Download Here 2. Smart Lockscreen Protector Smart Lockscreen Protector have a beautiful and simple interface. This app made by Nez Droid developers. This android app have about 4.7 ratings on google play store. Install this lockscreen app from playstore and by clicking on given link below. First when you open it then you should enable lockscreen from its starting interface. This app show you two
Skeptical Debunker

If bonobo Kanzi can point as humans do, what other similarities can rearing reveal? - 0 views

  • The difference between pointing by the Great Ape Trust bonobos - the only ones in the world with receptive competence for spoken English - and other captive apes that make hand gestures is explained by the culture in which they were reared, according to the paper's authors: Janni Pedersen, an Iowa State University Ph.D. candidate conducting research for her dissertation at Great Ape Trust; Pär Segerdahl, a scientist from Sweden who has published several philosophical inquires into language; and William M. Fields, an ethnographer investigating language, culture and tools in non-human primates. Fields also is Great Ape Trust's director of scientific research. Because Kanzi, Panbanisha and Nyota were raised in a culture where pointing has a purpose - The Trust's hallmark Pan/Homo environment, where infant bonobos are reared with both bonobo (Pan paniscus) and human (Homo sapiens) influences - their pointing is as scientifically meaningful as their understanding of spoken English, Fields said. The pointing study supports and builds on previous research on the effect of rearing culture on cognitive capabilities, including the 40-year research corpus of Dr. Duane Rumbaugh, Dr. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh and Fields, which is the foundation of the scientific inquiry at Great Ape Trust. Those studies included the breakthrough finding that Kanzi and other bonobos with receptive competence for spoken English acquired language as human children do - by being exposed to it since infancy. The bonobos adopted finger-pointing behavior for the same reasons, because they were reared in a culture where pointing has meaning.
    You may have more in common with Kanzi, Panbanisha and Nyota, three language-competent bonobos living at Great Ape Trust, than you thought. And those similarities, right at your fingertip, might one day tell scientists more about the effect of culture on neurological disorders that limit human expression. Among humans, pointing is a universal language, an alternative to spoken words to convey a message. Before they speak, infants point, a gesture scientists agree is closely associated with word learning. But when an ape points, scientists break rank on the question of whether pointing is a uniquely human behavior. Some of the world's leading voices in modern primatology have argued that although apes may gesture in a way that resembles human pointing, the genetic and cognitive differences between apes and humans are so great that the apes' signals have no specific intent. Not so, say Great Ape Trust scientists, who argued in a recently published scientific paper, "Why Apes Point: Pointing Gestures in Spontaneous Conversation of Language-Competent Pan/Homo Bonobos," that not only do Kanzi, Panbanisha and Nyota point with their index fingers in conversation as a human being might, these bonobos do so with specific intent and objectives in mind.
thinkahol *

Artificial grammar reveals inborn language sense, study shows - 1 views

    ScienceDaily (May 13, 2011) - Parents know the unparalleled joy and wonder of hearing a beloved child's first words turn quickly into whole sentences and then babbling paragraphs. But how human children acquire language-which is so complex and has so many variations-remains largely a mystery. Fifty years ago, linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky proposed an answer: Humans are able to learn language so quickly because some knowledge of grammar is hardwired into our brains. In other words, we know some of the most fundamental things about human language unconsciously at birth, without ever being taught.
James Stewart

Thank Doctor Cleanduct for the Cleaner Air We Breathe - 2 views

I have a sister who is suffering from asthma. So when she visited my house she was so happy because she said she can breathe easily. So I told her it was because I had my HVAC system cleaned regula...

ducted heating cleaning

started by James Stewart on 22 Sep 11 no follow-up yet
Erich Feldmeier

Dennis Kasper: Für ein gesundes Immunsystem: Microbiom Jedem seine Darmkeime ... - 0 views

    "Was die Zellzahl angeht, besteht jeder Mensch zu 90 Prozent aus Mikroben", sagt Dennis Kasper von der Harvard Medical School in Boston. Die Hauptmasse dieser Mitbewohner des menschlichen Körpers lebt im Darm. Sie unterstützen nicht nur die Verdauung, sondern sind für unsere Gesundheit generell unverzichtbar. So wie sie sich speziell an ihren Wirt angepasst haben, hat sich auch unser Organismus an die Mikroben angepasst. Insbesondere hängt die normale Entwicklung des Immunsystems von der Mitwirkung der Darmkeime ab. Das schließen Kasper und seine Kollegen aus ihren Experimenten mit Mäusen, die in keimfreier Umgebung gehalten wurden. In den bakterienfreien Darm neugeborener Mäuse übertrugen die Forscher ein natürliches Gemisch von Darmmikroben, das entweder von gesunden Mäusen oder von gesunden Menschen stammte. In beiden Fällen kam es zum Wachstum von Bakterien in ähnlich hoher Zahl und mit einem ähnlich breiten Artenspektrum. Beide Bakterienpopulationen waren aber aus sehr unterschiedlichen Keimspezies zusammengesetzt, wie DNA-Analysen zeigten. Die Untersuchung von Darmlymphknoten ergab, dass sich bei den Mäusen mit den „menschlichen" Darmkeimen genauso wenige Immunzellen entwickelt hatten wie bei Mäusen, deren Darm völlig keimfrei blieb. „Es schien so, als ob diese Mäuse die Bakterien gar nicht erkennen würden", sagt Hachung Chung, ein Mitglied des Forscherteams"
Erich Feldmeier

Noise and Signal - Nassim Taleb | Farnam Street - 0 views

    "There is a biological story with information. I have been repeating that in a natural environment, a stressor is information. So too much information would be too much stress, exceeding the threshold of antifragility. In medicine, we are discovering the healing powers of fasting, as the avoidance of too much hormonal rushes that come with the ingestion of food. Hormones convey information to the different parts of our system and too much of it confuses our biology. Here again, as with the story of the news received at too high a frequency, too much information becomes harmful. And in Chapter x (on ethics) I will show how too much data (particularly when sterile) causes statistics to be completely meaningless. Now let's add the psychological to this: we are not made to understand the point, so we overreact emotionally to noise. The best solution is to only look at very large changes in data or conditions, never small ones"
Erich Feldmeier

Belly Bacteria Boss The Brain - Science News - 0 views

    "But, "one has to be cautious. This is exciting science in rodents, but you can't just extrapolate to humans," says Emeran Mayer, a gastroenterologist and neuroscientist at UCLA's Center for Neurobiology of Stress who was not involved in the new study. Drug and food companies that make probiotics - beneficial bacteria taken in a pill or eaten in food such as yogurt - hope the products can help relieve depression, improve weight loss and cure other conditions, but there is little evidence in people that probiotics can accomplish those goals, Mayer says. "It's almost like science fiction; you can imagine the most amazing things because so little is known about it," he says. But, "So far there's really no evidence that probiotics affect emotions in humans." "
Erich Feldmeier

Biological Link between Cancer and Depression - The Naked Scientists May 2009 - 0 views

    "Leah Pyter: Well basically what we know is that patients with cancer have a higher likelihood of also developing depression at some point in their disease progression, so whether that occurred before and is predisposing them to cancer, or it's due to the tumours themselves, or other aspects of having the disease, we don't know. We were only studying right now whether the cancer itself can cause depression. Chris Smith: How could a tumour trigger depression, because a tumour can occur anywhere in the body, therefore at the remote sites in the brain, so how could it trigger changes in brain activity? Leah Pyter: Sure, well what we hypothesized was that the tumours themselves can produce cytokines which has been shown before. Chris Smith: These are inflammatory chemicals that drive the immune system? Leah Pyter: Right, exactly! And there is also a pile of research on how cytokines can access the brain specifically regions of the brain that are associated with depression and anxiety and emotional behaviours, and they can access the brain both tumourally through the blood, or neurally through the vegas nerves. "
Erich Feldmeier

Björn Vickhoff: Herzen von Chorsängern schlagen im Gleichtakt - bild der wiss... - 0 views

    " "Atmen wir bewusst langsam und tief aus, verlangsamt sich unser Herzschlag, atmen wir tief ein, beschleunigt er sich leicht", so die Forscher. Das Ausatmen aktiviert einen Nerv des vegetativen Nervensystems, den Vagusnerv, der direkt auf das Schrittmacherzentrum des Herzens wirkt. Dadurch schlägt das Herz langsamer. Beim Einatmen löst sich diese "Bremse" und die Herzfrequenz erhöht sich wieder. Besonders stark ausgeprägt ist dieser Effekt beispielsweise beim Yoga-Atmen oder anderen bewussten Atemtechniken. Das erkläre, warum diese auch eine positive Wirkung auf die Herzgesundheit und den Blutdruck haben, so die Forscher. Wie wirken Summen, Mantra und eine Hymne auf das Herz? Genau an dieser Stelle setzt die aktuelle Studie von Vickhoff und seinen Kollegen an: Sie wollten wissen, ob auch das Singen im Chor einen Yoga-ähnlichen Effekt auf die Herzfrequenzvariabilität hat"
Erich Feldmeier

@biogarage #gender Macht Arbeitslosigkeit /Männer/ alt? - @bdw-redaktion - 0 views

    "Die Forscher haben für ihre Studie die Länge der Telomere von 5.620 finnischen Frauen und Männern des Jahrgangs 1966 untersucht. Neben DNA-Proben hatten diese Personen auch Informationen über ihre Beschäftigungsverhältnisse abgegeben und ob und wie lange sie einmal arbeitslos gewesen waren. Die Auswertungen zeigten: Männer, die mindestens zwei Jahre lang arbeitslos gewesen waren, hatten doppelt so häufig signifikant verkürzte Teleomere als Männer, die durchwegs in Beschäftigung gewesen waren. Die Ergebnisse hielten auch statistischen Verfahren stand, die systematisch andere Faktoren ausschließen, die zu dem Ergebnis geführt haben könnten - beispielsweise der Gesundheitszustand, oder sozioökonomische Faktoren. Die Forscher fanden den Zusammenhang zwischen verkürzten Telomeren und Arbeitslosigkeit allerdings nicht bei den Frauen. Warum das so ist, bleibt unklar"
Erich Feldmeier

Siegfried Weiß: Schaltbare Salmonellen im Kampf gegen Krebs - bild der wissen... - 0 views

    "nun ist es deutschen Wissenschaftlern gelungen, Salmonellen so zu verändern, dass sie zunächst Tumore angreifen, sich anschließend jedoch dem Immunsystem ergeben. Trotz großer Fortschritte ist Krebs immer noch die zweithäufigste Todesursache in der westlichen Welt. Neue Ideen für Therapieformen sind deshalb gefragt. Bakterienvermittelte Tumortherapie, so nennt sich in diesem Zusammenhang das Forschungsziel der Wissenschaftler vom Helmholtz-Zentrum"
thinkahol *

Fermilab is Building a 'Holometer' to Determine Once and For All Whether Reality Is Jus... - 0 views

    Researchers at Fermilab are building a "holometer" so they can disprove everything you thought you knew about the universe. More specifically, they are trying to either prove or disprove the somewhat mind-bending notion that the third dimension doesn't exist at all, and that the 3-D universe we think we live in is nothing more than a hologram. To do so, they are building the most precise clock ever created.
Skeptical Debunker

Belief In Climate Change Hinges On Worldview : NPR - 0 views

  • "People tend to conform their factual beliefs to ones that are consistent with their cultural outlook, their world view," Braman says. The Cultural Cognition Project has conducted several experiments to back that up. Participants in these experiments are asked to describe their cultural beliefs. Some embrace new technology, authority and free enterprise. They are labeled the "individualistic" group. Others are suspicious of authority or of commerce and industry. Braman calls them "communitarians." In one experiment, Braman queried these subjects about something unfamiliar to them: nanotechnology — new research into tiny, molecule-sized objects that could lead to novel products. "These two groups start to polarize as soon as you start to describe some of the potential benefits and harms," Braman says. The individualists tended to like nanotechnology. The communitarians generally viewed it as dangerous. Both groups made their decisions based on the same information. "It doesn't matter whether you show them negative or positive information, they reject the information that is contrary to what they would like to believe, and they glom onto the positive information," Braman says.
  • "Basically the reason that people react in a close-minded way to information is that the implications of it threaten their values," says Dan Kahan, a law professor at Yale University and a member of The Cultural Cognition Project. Kahan says people test new information against their preexisting view of how the world should work. "If the implication, the outcome, can affirm your values, you think about it in a much more open-minded way," he says. And if the information doesn't, you tend to reject it. In another experiment, people read a United Nations study about the dangers of global warming. Then the researchers told the participants that the solution to global warming is to regulate industrial pollution. Many in the individualistic group then rejected the climate science. But when more nuclear power was offered as the solution, says Braman, "they said, you know, it turns out global warming is a serious problem."And for the communitarians, climate danger seemed less serious if the only solution was more nuclear power.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Then there's the "messenger" effect. In an experiment dealing with the dangers versus benefits of a vaccine, the scientific information came from several people. They ranged from a rumpled and bearded expert to a crisply business-like one. The participants tended to believe the message that came from the person they considered to be more like them. In relation to the climate change debate, this suggests that some people may not listen to those whom they view as hard-core environmentalists. "If you have people who are skeptical of the data on climate change," Braman says, "you can bet that Al Gore is not going to convince them at this point." So, should climate scientists hire, say, Newt Gingrich as their spokesman? Kahan says no. "The goal can't be to create a kind of psychological house of mirrors so that people end up seeing exactly what you want," he argues. "The goal has to be to create an environment that allows them to be open-minded."And Kahan says you can't do that just by publishing more scientific data.
    "It's a hoax," said coal company CEO Don Blankenship, "because clearly anyone that says that they know what the temperature of the Earth is going to be in 2020 or 2030 needs to be put in an asylum because they don't." On the other side of the debate was environmentalist Robert Kennedy, Jr. "Ninety-eight percent of the research climatologists in the world say that global warming is real, that its impacts are going to be catastrophic," he argued. "There are 2 percent who disagree with that. I have a choice of believing the 98 percent or the 2 percent." To social scientist and lawyer Don Braman, it's not surprising that two people can disagree so strongly over science. Braman is on the faculty at George Washington University and part of The Cultural Cognition Project, a group of scholars who study how cultural values shape public perceptions and policy
thinkahol *

Dogs Decoded | Watch Free Documentary Online - 6 views

    Dogs Decoded reveals the science behind the remarkable bond between humans and their dogs and investigates new discoveries in genetics that are illuminating the origin of dogs - with surprising implications for the evolution of human culture. Other research is proving what dog lovers have suspected all along: Dogs have an uncanny ability to read and respond to human emotions. Humans, in turn, respond to dogs with the same hormone responsible for bonding mothers to their babies. How did this incredible relationship between humans and dogs come to be? And how can dogs, so closely related to fearsome wild wolves, behave so differently?

Growing Chick Peas At Home - 0 views

    Chick peas have so many health benefits and can be used in so many varieties of food. It makes chick peas growing a must in everybody's home garden.

Medical Research To Help The Mankind - 0 views

    Medical researches are carried out so that the world has a better prospective about the medicine world and so that we can be cured of most of the illnesses that we suffer from.

Pros And Secrets Of The Stem Cell Research - 1 views

Stem cells are generally present in the body of humans and several animals. They divide themselves into some other cells as well with time, which are important for the survival of humans. Since las...

stem cell research medical research

started by anonymous on 14 Jan 15 no follow-up yet
Erich Feldmeier

Imker in den USA: Millionenschwerer Bienendienst - Panorama - Sü - 0 views

    "Eigentlich ist Thomas Maul der Deponiegärtner in Erfurter Stadtteil Schwerborn, seit 2011 arbeitet er an der Renaturierung des Geländes mit. Irgendwann hat er festgestellt, dass dort so viele verschiedene Pflanzen wachsen, dass es für Bienen eine wahre Freude ist, weshalb er in seiner Eigenschaft als Hobby-Imker mit dem Ansiedeln von Bienen auf dem Deponiegelände begonnen hat. Inzwischen wuseln dort sieben Völker mit rund 60 000 Bienen, die jedes Jahr erheblich mehr Honig als gewöhnliche Durchschnittsbienen produzieren, wie es heißt. Zur Hand geht Maul der pensionierte Uni-Professor Werner Bidlingmaier aus Weimar, und der wiederum hatte, so berichtet die Thüringer Allgemeine, kürzlich Besuch eines Kollegen aus den USA."

Top 5 Magical Secret Codes For Android-Latest Hidden Mobile Codes Collection-Freeapksite - 0 views

Magical Secret Codes For Phones: As you know that is a best site for download free android apps and android games.Here you can find every type of Android App & Android ...

education technology biology excellent health

started by ghulammustafa on 26 Jan 19 no follow-up yet

Top 5 Magical Secret Codes For Android-Latest Hidden Mobile Codes Collection-freeapksit... - 0 views

    Magical Secret Codes For Phones: As you know that is a best site for download free android apps and android games.Here you can find every type of Android App & Android game easily and free.So now this article show you best and hidden secret codes for your phone that codes will change your speed and style of using phone.These magical secret codes will unlock best hidden features of your android phone that you should know. If you use these amazing secret codes in your phone you can get more benefits and that codes will helpful for you & your phone.You can get better information about your phone with the help of these secret codes. Top 5 Best Secret Codes For Android 2019 Top 5 Best Secret Codes For Android 2019 With the help of these secre codes you can check that which one is trying to hack or track your phone,you can check the life of your phone and mobile's battery,you can get complete information about usage of your phone and battery,you can call to your friends without showing your number,you can check imei code and much more.So let's start it 1. *#*#4636#*#* This is amazing secret code for you to check complete information about phone.With the help of this code you can check complete detail about your mobile's sims for example: Imei number,sim number,current network,signal strenth,voice service,data service,data network type,voice call status,roaming and much more.This secret mobile code will tell you complete information about your mobile's battery for example: battery status,power plug,battery level,battery scale,battery health,battery voltage,battery temperature,battery technology and time since boot.This code will tell you about your phone's usage statistics and information about your wifi connection. 2. *#21# This code is very useful for everyone.After type this code in your phone's dialer you need to press ok then this secret code will show you information that someone forward your call or not.This code inf
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