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Janos Haits

Scientific Search Engine - - Online JOurnal Search Engine - Where science... - 0 views

    Online JOurnals Search Engine - where science meets the web. OJOSE (Online JOurnal Search Engine) is a free powerful scientific search engine enabling you to make search-queries in different databases by using only 1 search field. With OJOSE you can find, download or buy scientific publications (journals, articles, research reports, books, etc.) in up to 60 different databases.
Janos Haits

YaCy 'KIT-sn-head': About - 0 views

    Sciencenet - Towards a global search and share engine for all scientific knowledge. We have developed a prototype distributed scientific search engine technology, "Sciencenet", which facilitates rapid searching over this large data space. By "bringing the search engine to the data" we do not require server farms. This platform also allows users to contribute to the search index and publish their large scale data to support e-Science. Furthermore, a community-driven method guarantees that only scientific content is crawled and presented. Our peer-to-peer approach is sufficiently scalable for the science web without performance or capacity tradeoff.
Janos Haits

:: Okkam Search :: - 0 views

    Okkam Entity Search Search Okkam and find the OKKAM ID and the Okkam Profiles among more then 7.5 milion entities.
Janos Haits

YaCy 'sciencenet': About - 0 views

    "Sciencenet - Towards a global search and share engine for all scientific knowledge Modern biological experiments create vast amounts of data which are geographically distributed. These datasets consist of petabytes of raw data and billions of documents. Yet to the best of our knowledge, a search engine technology that searches and crosslinks all different data types in life sciences does not exist."
Janos Haits

New Pubmed Search - provided by - 0 views

    Searching more than 20 million Pubmed Abstracts Semantic Search service provided by, Side-by-side comparison to PubMed
Janos Haits

Sciencenet - Distributed Scientific Search and Publishing Engine - 1 views

    Towards a global search and share engine for all scientific knowledge
Janos Haits

AI Academic Research Reading App: AI Literature Search Tool; 250 M+ Research Papers | R... - 0 views

    "Your #1 companion for AI literature search! Academic research reading made easy. Access 250M+ research papers from the most preferred AI literature search tool."
Janos Haits

Google Custom Search - DSpace Community Resource Search Engine - 0 views

    "DSpace Community Resource Search Engine"
thinkahol *

5 Things That Internet Porn Reveals About Our Brains | Sex & the Brain | DISCOVER Magazine - 1 views

    With its expansive range and unprecedented potential for anonymity, (the Internet gives voice to our deepest urges and most uninhibited thoughts. Inspired by the wealth of unfettered expression available online, neuroscientists Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam, who met as Ph.D. candidates at Boston University, began plumbing a few chosen search engines (including Dogpile and AOL) to create the world's largest experiment in sexuality in 2009. Quietly tapping into a billion Web searches, they explored the private activities of more than 100 million men and women around the world. The result is the first large-scale scientific examination of human sexuality in more than half a century, since biologist Alfred Kinsey famously interviewed more than 18,000 middle-class Caucasians about their sexual behavior and published the Kinsey reports in 1948 and 1953. Building on the work of Kinsey, neuroscientists have long made the case that male and female sexuality exist on different planes. But like Kinsey himself, they have been hampered by the dubious reliability of self-reports of sexual behavior and preferences as well as by small sample sizes. That is where the Internet comes in. By accessing raw data from Web searches and employing the help of Alexa-a company that measures Web traffic and publishes a list of the million most popular sites in the world-Ogas and Gaddam shine a light on hidden desire, a quirky realm of lust, fetish, and kink that, like the far side of the moon, has barely been glimpsed. Here is a sampling of their fascinating results, selected from their book, A Billion Wicked Thoughts.
Janos Haits

Academic Search Engines | Fagan Finder - 0 views

    "Fagan Finder Academic Search Engines"
Janos Haits

Home | VIVO Search - 0 views

    This website provides a working example of how a multi-institutional search functions, allowing you to search across all seven partner institutions and across all disciplines to find people and information that could dramatically impact your work.
Janos Haits

CTSAsearch - 0 views

    "CTSAsearch is a federated search engine using Linked Open Data published by members of the CTSA Consortium and other interested parties. To try it out, use the form below or click on the "CTSA Search" entry in the menu on the left to see a ranked list of matching investigators. Check the "Display Map" box or click on the "CTSA Map" entry in the menu to visualize coauthorship amongst the matching investigators."
Janos Haits

Search Solutions | Precognox - 0 views

    Next Generation Search and Knowledge Discovery Tools for the Web
Janos Haits

Search - CORDIS - EUROPA - 0 views

    the new beta CORIDS Search Service
Erich Feldmeier

Jeremy Ginsberg: Grippe, Detecting influenza epidemics using search engine query data :... - 0 views

    "Seasonal influenza epidemics are a major public health concern, causing tens of millions of respiratory illnesses and 250,000 to 500,000 deaths worldwide each year1. In addition to seasonal influenza, a new strain of influenza virus against which no previous immunity exists and that demonstrates human-to-human transmission could result in a pandemic with millions of fatalities2. Early detection of disease activity, when followed by a rapid response, can reduce the impact of both seasonal and pandemic influenza3, 4. One way to improve early detection is to monitor health-seeking behaviour in the form of queries to online search engines, which are submitted by millions of users around the world each day. Here we present a method of analysing large numbers of Google search queries to track influenza-like illness in a population."
Janos Haits - 0 views

    A DataONE Search Tool for Scientific Data
Janos Haits

Home / Home - Wissensportal ETH-Bibliothek - 0 views

    search the ETH Knowledge Portal ..
    search the ETH Knowledge Portal ..
Skeptical Debunker

Human cells exhibit foraging behavior like amoebae and bacteria - 0 views

  • "As far as we can tell, this is the first time this type of behavior has been reported in cells that are part of a larger organism," says Peter T. Cummings, John R. Hall Professor of Chemical Engineering, who directed the study that is described in the March 10 issue of the Public Library of Science journal PLoS ONE. The discovery was the unanticipated result of a study the Cummings group conducted to test the hypothesis that the freedom with which different cancer cells move - a concept called motility - could be correlated with their aggressiveness: That is, the faster a given type of cancer cell can move through the body the more aggressive it is. "Our results refute that hypothesis—the correlation between motility and aggressiveness that we found among three different types of cancer cells was very weak," Cummings says. "In the process, however, we began noticing that the cell movements were unexpectedly complicated." Then the researchers' interest was piqued by a paper that appeared in the February 2008 issue of the journal Nature titled, "Scaling laws of marine predator search behaviour." The paper contained an analysis of the movements of a variety of radio-tagged marine predators, including sharks, sea turtles and penguins. The authors found that the predators used a foraging strategy very close to a specialized random walk pattern, called a Lévy walk, an optimal method for searching complex landscapes. At the end of the paper's abstract they wrote, "...Lévy-like behaviour seems to be widespread among diverse organisms, from microbes to humans, as a 'rule' that evolved in response to patchy resource distributions." This gave Cummings and his colleagues a new perspective on the cell movements that they were observing in the microscope. They adopted the basic assumption that when mammalian cells migrate they face problems, such as efficiently finding randomly distributed targets like nutrients and growth factors, that are analogous to those faced by single-celled organisms foraging for food. With this perspective in mind, Alka Potdar, now a post-doctoral fellow at Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Clinic, cultured cells from three human mammary epithelial cell lines on two-dimensional plastic plates and tracked the cell motions for two-hour periods in a "random migration" environment free of any directional chemical signals. Epithelial cells are found throughout the body lining organs and covering external surfaces. They move relatively slowly, at about a micron per minute which corresponds to two thousandths of an inch per hour. When Potdar carefully analyzed these cell movements, she found that they all followed the same pattern. However, it was not the Lévy walk that they expected, but a closely related search pattern called a bimodal correlated random walk (BCRW). This is a two-phase movement: a run phase in which the cell travels primarily in one direction and a re-orientation phase in which it stays in place and reorganizes itself internally to move in a new direction. In subsequent studies, currently in press, the researchers have found that several other cell types (social amoeba, neutrophils, fibrosarcoma) also follow the same pattern in random migration conditions. They have also found that the cells continue to follow this same basic pattern when a directional chemical signal is added, but the length of their runs are varied and the range of directions they follow are narrowed giving them a net movement in the direction indicated by the signal.
    When cells move about in the body, they follow a complex pattern similar to that which amoebae and bacteria use when searching for food, a team of Vanderbilt researchers have found. The discovery has a practical value for drug development: Incorporating this basic behavior into computer simulations of biological processes that involve cell migration, such as embryo development, bone remodeling, wound healing, infection and tumor growth, should improve the accuracy with which these models can predict the effectiveness of untested therapies for related disorders, the researchers say.
Janos Haits

The Virtual Learning Resources Center indexes thousands of the best academic informatio... - 0 views

    The Virtual Learning Resources Center (VLRC) has thousands of websites in its index and readily available to search. VLRC tries to always keep their 10,000+ pages as up to date as possible to ensure that students are receiving the most accurate information.
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