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Janos Haits

Home - Library Guides at University at Albany - 0 views

    Research assistance, subject guides, and useful resources compiled by your friendly librarians. Know what we know - find it in Library Guides!

Keeping Your Home Safe from Pests: A Guide to Pest Control Services in TX - Termite, Be... - 0 views

    Pests can cause significant problems in homes, ranging from property damage to health hazards. Unfortunately, Texas is home to a variety of pests, such as cockroaches, ants, rodents, and termites, that can cause severe damage if not controlled. In this article, we will provide a guide to pest control services in TX to help homeowners keep their homes safe from pests.
Janos Haits

flazx community - your computing guides & resources. - 0 views

    flazx community, your one stop computing guide & resource. Our vision is to create a cozy atmosphere for computer science students & IT professionals to learn and share their knowledge. That is the reason why we are encouraging you to sign-up to our community. Be part of fast growing IT community.
Angel Scott

Top 10 Guides to Upcoming Engineering Conferences in India - 0 views

    Conferences provide best opportunities for the different areas delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. Are you an engineering student or doing a job in this field? Here we provided you the schedules of some upcoming engineering conferences; will guide and help you for your future growth and better carrier.

SEO do's and don'ts of 2017 - 0 views

    What are the do's and don't of SEO in 2017? What are the guidelines of SEO in 2017? How to take advantage from the SEO? How to rank on Google via SEO? 2017 SEO guide.
Janos Haits

Main Page - Time Machine - 0 views

    "Explore simultaneously in space and time with Time Machine Each Time Machine on this page captures a process in extreme detail over space and time, with billions of pixels of explorable resolution. Choose a time machine and zoom into the image while traveling backwards or forwards through time. Select a Time Warp and the time machine's authors will take you on a guided space-time tour with text annotations explaining what you are viewing. You can even learn how to create your own Time Machines and Warps."

Home Tuition Shah Alam: GUIDE TO MAKE A... - 0 views

    "Home tuition teacher in Shah Alam can help your children prepare for examinations." Preparation Exam Begins On First Week of School. Exam preparation begins on the first day of instruction for the start of the topic. Due to the topics included in the syllabus of the examination, the problem will occur if the student defer to learn it.
    "Home tuition teacher in Shah Alam can help your children prepare for examinations." Preparation Exam Begins On First Week of School. Exam preparation begins on the first day of instruction for the start of the topic. Due to the topics included in the syllabus of the examination, the problem will occur if the student defer to learn it.

Home Tuition Shah Alam : History subject is... - 0 views

    "Top notch home tuition shah alam teacher can guide students to avoid ineffective History learning." The problem of students not interested in the subjects of history is not a new thing even be a concern, especially when the Ministry of Education put it as a compulsory pass subject in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) that started last year.
Janos Haits

API guide - CKAN 2.5.3 documentation - 0 views

    "This section documents CKAN's API, for developers who want to write code that interacts with CKAN sites and their data. CKAN's Action API is a powerful, RPC-style API that exposes all of CKAN's core features to API clients. All of a CKAN website's core functionality (everything you can do with the web interface and more) can be used by external code that calls the CKAN API."
Erich Feldmeier

Becoming Human - 0 views

    Becoming Human is an interactive documentary experience that tells the story of our origins. Journey through four million years of human evolution with your guide, Donald Johanson.
Janos Haits - 0 views

    Through this website, we will continue, unify, and expand NASA's open source activities. The site will serve to surface existing projects, provide a forum for discussing projects and processes, and guide internal and external groups in open development, release, and contribution.
Erich Feldmeier

Alex Kogan, Dacher Keltner: Thin-slicing study of the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene and... - 0 views

    "Individuals who are homozygous for the G allele of the rs53576 SNP of the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene tend to be more prosocial than carriers of the A allele. However, little is known about how these differences manifest behaviorally and whether they are readily detectable by outside observers, both critical questions in theoretical accounts of prosociality. In the present study, we used thin-slicing methodology to test the hypotheses that (i) individual differences in rs53576 genotype predict how prosocial observers judge target individuals to be on the basis of brief observations of behavior, and (ii) that variation in targets' nonverbal displays of affiliative cues would account for these judgment differences. In line with predictions, we found that individuals homozygous for the G allele were judged to be more prosocial than carriers of the A allele. These differences were completely accounted for by variations in the expression of affiliative cues. Thus, individual differences in rs53576 are associated with behavioral manifestations of prosociality, which ultimately guide the judgments others make about the individual. "
Janos Haits

Thomson Reuters Cortellis - Drug pipeline - Drug patents - Company deals and financials - 0 views

    "Thomson Reuters Cortellis™, your advanced source for timely and accurate Life Sciences information. From drug discovery data to patent reports, the latest global regulatory documentation changes to submission guides, Cortellis can give you the confidence to make the best business decisions, faster."
Ivan Pavlov

New Carnivore Discovered, Rare With Teddy Bear Looks - 0 views

  • A fuzzy fog-dweller with a face like a teddy bear is the first carnivore found in the Western Hemisphere in more than three decades, a new study says.The 2-pound (0.9-kilogram) creature, called an olinguito, didn't make itself easy to find. The orange-brown mammal lives out a solitary existence in the dense, hard-to-study cloud forests of Colombia and Ecuador,
Erich Feldmeier

Pieter van Boheemen Biohacking: DNA Fingerprinting - Waag Society - 0 views

    "Last Summer, our Open Wetlab organized a workshop DNA fingerprinting at the Observe Hack Make festival, to bring hackers in contact with the Open Wetlab and Do-It-Yourself biotech. During the hands-on workshop hackers were guided by Pieter van Boheemen (DIY biologist - Open Wetlab)"
Walid Damouny

Freezing out breast cancer - 0 views

    "Interventional radiologists have opened the door to an encouraging potential future treatment for the nearly 200,000 women who are diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States each year: image-guided, multiprobe cryotherapy. In the first reported study, researchers were able to successfully freeze breast cancer in patients who refused surgery; the women did not have to undergo surgery after treatment to ensure that tumors had been killed, note researchers at the Society of Interventional Radiology's 35th Annual Scientific Meeting in Tampa, Fla."
thinkahol *

Everything We Knew About Human Vision is Wrong: Author Mark Changizi Tells Us... - 0 views

  • Our funny primate variety of color vision turns out to be optimized for seeing the physiological modulations in the blood in the skin that underlies our primate color signals.
    For theoretical neurobiologist and author Mark Changizi, "why" has always been more interesting than "how." While many scientists focus on the mechanics of how we do what we do, his research aims to grasp the ultimate foundations underlying why we think, feel and see as we do. Guided by this philosophy, he has made important discoveries on why we see in color, why we see illusions, why we have forward-facing eyes, why letters are shaped as they are, why the brain is organized as it is, why animals have as many limbs and fingers as they do, and why the dictionary is organized as it is.
thinkahol *

Foxes zero in on prey via Earth's magnetic field - life - 12 January 2011 - New Scientist - 0 views

    It sounds like something a guided missile would do. Foxes seem to zero in on prey using Earth's magnetic field. They are the first animal thought to use the field to judge distance rather than just direction.
thinkahol *

‪Quantum Computers and Parallel Universes‬‏ - YouTube - 0 views

    Complete video at: Marcus Chown, author of Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You: A Guide to the Universe, discusses the mechanics behind quantum computers, explaining that they function by having atoms exist in multiple places at once. He predicts that quantum computers will be produced within 20 years. ----- The two towering achievements of modern physics are quantum theory and Einsteins general theory of relativity. Together, they explain virtually everything about the world in which we live. But almost a century after their advent, most people havent the slightest clue what either is about. Radio astronomer, award-winning writer and broadcaster Marcus Chown talks to fellow stargazer Fred Watson about his book Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You. - Australian Broadcasting Corporation Marcus Chown is an award-winning writer and broadcaster. Formerly a radio astronomer at the California Institute of Technology, he is now cosmology consultant of the weekly science magazine New Scientist. The Magic Furnace, Marcus' second book, was chosen in Japan as one of the Books of the Year by Asahi Shimbun. In the UK, the Daily Mail called it "a dizzy page-turner with all the narrative devices you'd expect to find in Harry Potter". His latest book is called Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You.
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