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Dr. Daniel G. Nocera - YouTube - 0 views

    The supply of secure, clean, sustainable energy is arguably the most important scientific and technical challenge facing humanity in the 21st century. Rising living standards of a growing world population will cause global energy consumption to double by mid-century and triple by the end of the century. Even in light of unprecedented conservation, the additional energy needed is simply not attainable from long discussed sources these include nuclear, biomass, wind, geothermal and hydroelectric. The global appetite for energy is simply too much. Petroleum-based fuel sources (i.e., coal, oil and gas) could be increased. However, deleterious consequences resulting from external drivers of economy, the environment, and global security dictate that this energy need be met by renewable and sustainable sources. The dramatic increase in global energy need is driven by 3 billion low-energy users in the non-legacy world and by 3 billion people yet to inhabit the planet over the next half century. The capture and storage of solar energy at the individual level personalized solar energy drives inextricably towards the heart of this energy challenge by addressing the triumvirate of secure, carbon neutral and plentiful energy. This talk will place the scale of the global energy issue in perspective and then discuss how personalized energy (especially for the non-legacy world) can provide a path to a solution to the global energy challenge. Daniel G. Nocera is the Henry Dreyfus Professor of Energy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Director of the Solar Revolutions Project and Director of the Eni Solar Frontiers Center at MIT. His group pioneered studies of the basic mechanisms of energy conversion in biology and chemistry. He has recently accomplished a solar fuels process that captures many of the elements of photosynthesis outside of the leaf. This discovery sets the stage for a storage mechanism for the large scale, distributed, deployment of solar energy. He has b
Janos Haits

Named Data Networking (NDN) - A Future Internet Architecture - 0 views

    'The Named Data Networking (NDN) project aims to develop a new Internet architecture that can capitalize on strengths - and address weaknesses - of the Internet's current host-based, point-to-point communication architecture in order to naturally accommodate emerging patterns of communication. By naming data instead of their locations, NDN transforms data into a first-class entity. The current Internet secures the data container. NDN secures the contents, a design choice that decouples trust in data from trust in hosts, enabling several radically scalable communication mechanisms such as automatic caching to optimize bandwidth.'
Skeptical Debunker

Technology Review: Mapping the Malicious Web - 0 views

  • Now a researcher at Websense, a security firm based in San Diego, has developed a way to monitor such malicious activity automatically. Speaking at the RSA Security Conference in San Francisco last week, Stephan Chenette, a principal security researcher at Websense, detailed an experimental system that crawls the Web, identifying the source of content embedded in Web pages and determining whether any code on a site is acting maliciously. Chenette's software, called FireShark, creates a map of interconnected websites and highlights potentially malicious content. Every day, the software maps the connections between nearly a million websites and the servers that provide content to those sites. "When you graph multiple sites, you can see their communities of content," Chenette says. While some of the content hubs that connect different communities could be legitimate--such as the servers that provide ads to many different sites--other sources of content could indicate that an attacker is serving up malicious code, he says. According to a study published by Websense, online attackers' use of legitimate sites to spread malicious software has increased 225 percent over the past year.
    Over the past couple of years, cybercriminals have increasingly focused on finding ways to inject malicious code into legitimate websites. Typically they've done this by embedding code in an editable part of a page and using this code to serve up harmful content from another part of the Web. But this activity can be difficult to spot because websites also increasingly pull in legitimate content, such as ads, videos, or snippets of code, from outside sites.
thinkahol *

The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why? by Marcia Angell | The New York Review of Books - 0 views

    It seems that Americans are in the midst of a raging epidemic of mental illness, at least as judged by the increase in the numbers treated for it. The tally of those who are so disabled by mental disorders that they qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) increased nearly two and a half times between 1987 and 2007-from one in 184 Americans to one in seventy-six. For children, the rise is even more startling-a thirty-five-fold increase in the same two decades. Mental illness is now the leading cause of disability in children, well ahead of physical disabilities like cerebral palsy or Down syndrome, for which the federal programs were created.
Intentional Insights

What Do Politics Have To Do With Meaning and Purpose in Life? - The Skeptic Examiner - 0 views

    You pass through the long security line at the United States Capitol building in Washington, DC. While the line of tourists streams forward into the Exhibition Hall, you turn right, and head to the Senate appointment desk. There, you sign in, get an ID badge, and are guided by a security officer to a large meeting room.

Access Information Management For Windows Software - 0 views

    Access Director allows restricting admin privileges of your local users for admin rights. Access Director offers a secured way for user access control where users to request local administrative privileges, access information management and how a normal user will be allowed to elevate and install an application. It's a simple and intuitive way to secure your desktop which Allowing companies to remove admin privileges for all users - right now!

How to Prevent Unathorize User Access Control - 0 views

    Access Director allows restricting admin privileges of your local users for admin rights. Access Director offers a secured way for user access control where users to request local administrative privileges, access information management and how a normal user will be allowed to elevate and install an application. It's a simple and intuitive way to secure your desktop which Allowing companies to remove admin privileges for all users - right now!

Access Information Management & User Access Control for Windows Software - 0 views

    Access Director allows restricting admin privileges of your local users for admin rights. Access Director offers a secured way for user access control where users to request local administrative privileges, access information management and how a normal user will be allowed to elevate and install an application. It's a simple and intuitive way to secure your desktop which Allowing companies to remove admin privileges for all users - right now!

User Access Control | MaryKinney | - 0 views

    Access Director allows restricting admin privileges of your local users for admin rights. Access Director offers a secured way for user access control where users to request local administrative privileges, access information management and how a normal user will be allowed to elevate and install an application. It's a simple and intuitive way to secure your desktop which Allowing companies to remove admin privileges for all users - right now!

Access Information Management For Windows Software - 0 views

    Access Director allows restricting admin privileges of your local users for admin rights. Access Director offers a secured way for user access control where users to request local administrative privileges, access information management and how a normal user will be allowed to elevate and install an application. It's a simple and intuitive way to secure your desktop which Allowing companies to remove admin privileges for all users - right now!

Access Information Management For Windows Software - 0 views

    Access Director allows restricting admin privileges of your local users for admin rights. Access Director offers a secured way for user access control where users to request local administrative privileges, access information management and how a normal user will be allowed to elevate and install an application. It's a simple and intuitive way to secure your desktop which Allowing companies to remove admin privileges for all users - right now!

Access Information Management | Jessicaj | - 0 views

    Access Director allows restricting admin privileges of your local users for admin rights. Access Director offers a secured way for user access control where users to request local administrative privileges, access information management and how a normal user will be allowed to elevate and install an application. It's a simple and intuitive way to secure your desktop which Allowing companies to remove admin privileges for all users - right now!

Privileged Access Management | MaryKinney | - 0 views

    Access Director allows restricting admin privileges of your local users for admin rights. Access Director offers a secured way for user access control where users to request local administrative privileges, access information management and how a normal user will be allowed to elevate and install an application. It's a simple and intuitive way to secure your desktop which Allowing companies to remove admin privileges for all users - right now!
Janos Haits

Welcome to INDECT homepage - indect-home - 0 views

    The INDECT Project aims at developing tools for enhancing the security of citizens and protecting the confidentiality of recorded and stored information as well as the privacy of involved persons. INDECT targets threat detection in both real environments (intelligent cameras) and virtual environments (computer networks, especially Internet).
Janos Haits

meshwiki - 0 views

    Project Meshnet is an organization that aims to build a versatile, decentralized network built on secure protocols for routing traffic over private mesh or public networks independent of a central supporting infrastructure. the free content wiki for project meshnet and supporting projects. 132 articles in English
    Project Meshnet is an organization that aims to build a versatile, decentralized network built on secure protocols for routing traffic over private mesh or public networks independent of a central supporting infrastructure. the free content wiki for project meshnet and supporting projects. 132 articles in English
thinkahol *

Record Arctic Ice Melt Threatens Global Security - 0 views

    'It is now virtually certain a child born in 1979 will not reach 50 years of age before the Arctic is ice-free in the summer. That is a rapid change on a planetary scale, with far-reaching consequences that scientists are just beginning to understand.' Stephen Leahy, Inter Press Service
Janos Haits

GraphLab | Large-Scale Machine Learning - 0 views

    On top of our platform we have developed new sophisticated statistical models and machine learning algorithms for a wide range of applications including product targeting, market segmentation, community detection, network security, text analysis, and computer vision. These models enable our customers extract more value from their data and better understand and respond to a rapidly evolving world.
Janos Haits

NSA Patents - Silk - 0 views

    "A Searchable, Interactive and Fully-Visualizable Database of Patents Filed by the National Security Agency"
Janos Haits

Academic Torrents - 0 views

    "Currently making 1.67TB of research data available. Sharing data is hard. Emails have size limits, and setting up servers is too much work. We've designed a distributed system for sharing enormous datasets - for researchers, by researchers. The result is a scalable, secure, and fault-tolerant repository for data, with blazing fast download speeds."
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