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Enhance The Immune System In Plants To Improve Your Productivity! - 0 views

    The immune system in plants has to be in a good condition in order to save plants from infection and diseases. There are two types of immunity in plants - the PAMP-triggered immunity and the effector-triggered immunity.

How To Grow Okra Plants Without Any Fertilizers And Pesticides - 1 views

Okra is customarily a southern U.S. plant that flourishes in the warm climate. It is not difficult to grow and utilize and looks extraordinary all through the growing season because of its excellen...

how to grow okra plants organic farming agriculture trivedi science research the effect

started by anonymous on 27 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

Genetic Modification Of Plants: A Natural Method! - 1 views

New qualities acquainted with harvest plants by genetic engineering can possibly build good yields, enhance horticultural practices, or add nourishing quality to items. Case in point, genetically m...

modified plants genetically crops microbial genetics science research Trivedi Effect the

started by anonymous on 02 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

Enhancing The Immunity Of Plants - 0 views

    TheTrivedi Effect® hashad a very optimistic impact on all the living organisms. This hasbeen pioneered by MahendraTrivedi, also known as TrivediGuruji. The effect acts by energy transmission phenomenon, which haslasting effect on the living as well as non living organisms.

Illustrate The Process Applied On Organic Agriculture - 2 views

Organic agriculture is an essential emerging trend with farming and gardening. Nowadays it is getting very unpleasant, due to using chemical compounds for gardening and for that reason the fertilit...

mango production how to increase fruit organic sustainable agriculture farming trivedi science research

started by anonymous on 19 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

Transform To Sustainable Agriculture Today! - 2 views

Agriculture in the fast paced world requires many resources for faster growth and serving. But using lots of resources for this generation and leaving the next generation helpless is not good. Main...

sustainable agriculture natural farming agricultural science Trivedi Effect organic agriculture science research trivedi science

started by anonymous on 29 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

Organic Farming With The Trivedi Effect - 0 views

    The Trivedi Effect phenomenon helps you improve crop yield, its immunity and better growth to the plants!

Okra Report By Trivedi Science - 0 views

    Okra report on increasing in glutathione content in treated OKRA plants by using energy transmission by the Trivedi effect.

Increasing The Ability Of Seeds To Produce Better Varieties Of Plants - 0 views

    You can increase the seed's ability of production through improving their immunity.

Increasing Crop Yield - Mahendra Trivedi Science - 0 views

    Increasing crop yield is now much easy with increasing plants immunity and going for seed science research.
Erich Feldmeier

Michael Marletta: Mystery of bacterial growth and resistance solved: Findings shed ligh... - 0 views

    "explains how nitric oxide, a signaling molecule involved in the immune system, leads to biofilm formation. "It is estimated that about 80 percent of human pathogens form biofilms during some part of their life cycle," said Scripps Research president and CEO Michael Marletta, PhD, who led the work."

Ginseng And Its Immense Health Benefits - 1 views

Since the days of herbal medicines, ginseng was used as an antidote for various medical conditions. History tells us that Asia and North America were the leading regions were ginseng has huge popul...

how to grow ginseng scientific research Mahendra reviews trivedi science foundation

started by anonymous on 24 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
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