Differentiated Instruction with UDL | National Center on Accessible Instructional Mater... - 3 views
The instructional concepts should be broad-based, not focused on minute details or unlimited facts. Teachers must focus on the concepts, principles and skills that students should learn. The content of instruction should address the same concepts with all students, but the degree of complexity should be adjusted to suit diverse learners.
Siri Anderson on 12 Nov 10I often find that teachers struggle to identify different concent for learners because they are overly focused on the facts of the assessment rather than the concepts in the standard. If we can always articulate to learners what they are going to learn in broad terms we may be better able to see that the concept can be covered at varying levels of complexity. I found with middle school students the easiest content differentiation was providing different reading materials to different students about the same theme.
Differentiated instruction is a process to teaching and learning for students of differing abilities in the same class.