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Siri Anderson

Readability - An Arc90 Lab Experiment - 2 views

    Make websites easier to read for SPED students.
Siri Anderson

Using Technology to Support Diverse Learners - 1 views

    SPED support ideas using technology
Raschell Collyer

Spelling & Vocabulary Website: SpellingCity - 0 views

    good sight for spelling games
Raschell Collyer

English flashcards and study tools | Quizlet - 1 views

    good activity for vocabulary
Siri Anderson

Chapter 4: Teaching Every Student TOC: Information & Ideas - 0 views

    Differentiated instruction in a digital age.
Raschell Collyer

Teacher Resources from SDE - 1 views

    sight for ideas for differentiation
Raschell Collyer

CAST: Center for Applied Special Technology - 0 views

    good sight for information on technology for special needs
    I liked the Science Writer and the Strategy Tutor applications for older students.
Siri Anderson

Reading Rockets: Assistive Technology for Kids with Learning Disabilities: An Overview - 0 views

    Thoughts on LD assistive technology. Has links to additional resources including electronic math tools.
Laurie Traxler

Homework and Practice | Researched-Based Strategies | Focus on Effectiveness - 5 views

  • Understand the four types of homework. Know when and why to have students practice: Memorization of basic rules, algorithms, or laws so the skill becomes rote. Increase in skill speed, used for improving students' abilities to apply these skills in more complex problem solving. Deepening understanding of a concept—providing students time to read further, elaborating on a new idea and expanding their understanding. Preparation for the following day's learning, such as an advance organizer or cue to increase readiness for new information.
  • Practice means students are engaged in applying new learning, often repeatedly
    • Siri Anderson
      This strikes me as super relevant to planning.
    • Laurie Traxler
      This sounds a lot like sped steps of skill acquisition: introduce the skill/concept, practice till mastery (usually 90%) then after mastered, practice for fluency, which is when skills can be timed. 
    Explication of the homework concept in Marzanos work.
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