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Bruce Gorrill

Google Wave - Wave in the Classroom - 3 views

  • Wave can be really useful in the classroom.
  • Have a handout ready for the basic tasks in Wave.
Bruce Gorrill

One-to-one computing programs only as effective as their teachers | New Options in One-... - 3 views

  • It’s “impossible to overstate the power of individual teachers in the success or failure of 1-to-1 computing,” Bebell and Kay write. “Teachers nearly always control how and when students access and use [the] technology during the school day. In addition, teachers must make massive investments in time and effort to adapt their teaching materials and practices to make the 1-to-1 environment effective and relevant.”
    Nice to see Alan and Mark getting some ink in the popular press. Article is a complete validation of what we have been doing at BA. thanks for sharing
Bruce Gorrill

Lit to Go: Browse by Author - 3 views

    very cool - I shared with English dept
Chris Hafner

Starbucks to use QR codes for payment from smartphones! - 3 views

    Starbucks to use QR codes for payment from smartphones!
  • ...1 more comment...
    so does this mean that in the future our payments for everything could be done with a mobile device? No more carrying tons of cards in a wallet???
    At some point I hope. A different proprietary swipe system is used in Japan by a majority of the population for day to day transactions. The reason why I like this is simple: The technology is not specialized, proprietary or restricted in any way. The Japanese system requires secured chips imbedded in cell phones (or their cases) belonging to a system that everyone uses through their banks. This system simply uses your credit card transmitted through a bar code.
Bruce Gorrill - 3 views

    lots of research - kind of old - wonder if there is anything newer
Bruce Gorrill

Rubrics for Assessment Online Professional Development - UW Stout, Wisconsin's Polytech... - 2 views

    UW Stout is the school I took the online learning course from this summer. nice coincidence
Bruce Gorrill

100+ iPad Apps Perfect For High School | Edudemic - 2 views

    wow - this is a nice list for teachers to start with!
Bruce Gorrill

Bloom's Taxonomy - 2 views

    I have just done lots of current research on Blooms for BSI. I like the revised version better.
Peter Hess

iSchool - 2 views

    energetic young entrepreneur making a case for mobil learning. heard him speak on 'future of education' webcast. provided lots of great ideas for apps that kids can use. I will see if I can get the archive of the talk.
Bruce Gorrill

Khan Academy: My Final Remarks | Action-Reaction - 2 views

    Exactly. What a clear description of the limitations to the Khan stuff.
Peter Hess

Concord Consortium - 2 views

    Have you seen this? Seems like a good resource for ed. technology resources.
    Nice resource
Bruce Gorrill

2010 October - feature: do schools need ICT? - 2 views

  • Our schools are now a desert swept with the winds of yesterday's technology; meanwhile our students can be found drinking from an oasis of smartphones, smart apps and smart interfaces. They have answers to questions we haven't even dared to ask. They outsmart us at every turn.Teenagers upgrade their mobile phone every 12 months. Even the socially disadvantaged are one step ahead of their school's ICT. That's not a problem. That's a huge opportunity schools should grasp. It's an
  • pportunity to save money and upgrade our thinking about ICT.
    Long on the problem - short on the solutions. the Luddites need to know how these tools can be used in classrooms. good wake up call though.
Chris Hafner

Chrome cloud print... you must read to understand - 2 views

    Here's something to keep an eye on for the future! Oh... and the term "cloud" is still just as bastardized here as it is anywhere else.
Bruce Gorrill

Let's Stop Making Students Power Down at School - 2 views

    Unlike parents or teachers at their age, 21st century students are fortunate to have what Marco Torres refers to as "the global stage" which describes the worldwide publishing potential now offered by the Internet. Yet, for the most part students are performing on this stage completely devoid of teacher or adult influence. It is unfortunate that outside of school students operate in a world where they are interacting, publishing, and producing for thousands, yet as they enter the school building, they have to power down and produce work usually for an audience of one.
Chris Hafner

Lighting effects on student engagement - 2 views

    We've all known that we're sensitive to the amount and type of light. Here's an interesting test from the UK that's worth paying attention to.
Bruce Gorrill

Ewan McIntosh: Schools Are Churning Out the Unemployable - 2 views

  • What's so wrong with schooling? And what are these old structures that lead to the unemployable? I think Don Ledingham's summary of Alan McCluskey from the Swiss Agency for ICT in education sums it up: The 7 Tacit Lessons Which Schools Teach Children: Knowledge is scarce.Learning needs a specific place and specific time (lessons in classrooms).Knowledge is best learnt in disconnected little pieces (lessons).To learn you need the help of an approved expert i.e. a teacher.To learn you need to follow a path determined by a learning expert (a course of study).You need an expert to assess your progress (a teacher).You can attribute a meaningful numerical value to the value of learning (marks, grades, degrees)
Bruce Gorrill

Rise in Online Classes Flares Debate About Quality - - 2 views

    Yup - saw this. Like anything else - it speaks to there being a good way to do something and a not so good way. I am glad that we are thinking about introducing online tools in a thoughtful, measured way.
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