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Bruce Gorrill

8 Common Misconceptions about Technology Integration in Education | Technology Bits Byt... - 1 views

  • by Michael Zimmer from the blog: The Pursuit of Technology Integration Happiness 1. Technology integration is THE ANSWER to improving test scores. 2. New teachers have a better understanding of how to integrate technology integration in schools. 3. Current teachers have no desire to learn how to integrate technology in their classrooms. 4. Integrating technology is too expensive for my school to afford. 5. I don’t have time to learn how to integrate technology in the classroom. 6. There can’t possibly be any technology to integrate in the subject matter that I teach. 7. I have to know EVERYTHING about the technology before I can integrate it. 8. My students have a better understanding of the technology, and that is embarrassing.
Chris Hafner

smart phone - 5 views

That's actually what keep's us ahead of most of the rest. ;-) As for a forum... aren't there TED forums? I'll go look.

technology smartphone education

Bruce Gorrill

From Distraction to Engagement: Wireless Devices in the Classroom (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) ... - 0 views

    The "professor versus laptop (or other wireless access device)" issue is a false construct if we view technology-mediated learning as a social system offering many ways to alter one component and thus change the whole system. Rather than seeing distraction as a challenge, educators can see it as an opportunity to reflect upon and change the design of their entire instructional approach. Creative and innovative educators can use technology innovations to help reform teaching, similar to the way Guttenberg's press helped bring about scientific revolution and modern authorship.
Bruce Gorrill

Educational Leadership:Teaching Screenagers:Screenagers: Making the Connections - 1 views

  • "Technology is all about engagement. … The point is not to 'teach with technology' but to use technology to convey content more powerfully and efficiently."
  • envisions the day when broadband is as pervasive as electricity and when all students will come to school with digital devices in hand, much as they came with their pencil boxes in the past.
Bruce Gorrill

Virtual Learning Preparing our Kids - 1 views

  • Those teachers who use technology on a daily basis in a blended classroom environment have the best success when it comes time for virtual school. The technology is already in place and more importantly the students know where to go to find information and what the expectations are. The students and educators who struggle the most are those who have to try and set up the technology at the last minute….it just doesn’t work.
Bruce Gorrill

Grants - Full List - 1 views

    sform classroom learning and encourage student development. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Foundation Eligibility: K-12 Amount: up to $1000 The AIAA Foundation has established a Classroom Grant program specifically for use by AIAA Educator Associates. If you are a K-12 teacher interested in the development or application of science, mathematics, and technology within your educational curriculum, you may qualify for a grant of up to $200 per individual request to supplement
    Thanks for sharing this Bruce
Bruce Gorrill

iPad As.... - 1 views

    Good organized site for apps to help you do things on the ipad
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