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Sara Wilkie

The challenge of responding to off-the-mark comments | Granted, and... - 1 views

    I have been thinking a lot lately about the challenge we face as educators when well-intentioned learners make incorrect, inscrutable, thoughtless, or otherwise off-the-mark comments. It's a crucial moment in teaching: how do you respond to an unhelpful remark in a way that 1) dignifies the attempt while 2) making sure that no one leaves thinking that the remark is true or useful? Summer is a great time to think about the challenge of developing new routines and habits in class, and this is a vital issue that gets precious little attention in training and staff development. Here is a famous Saturday Night Live skit, with Jerry Seinfeld as a HS history teacher, that painfully demonstrates the challenge and a less than exemplary response. Don't misunderstand me: I am not saying that we are always correct in our judgment about participant remarks. Sometimes a seemingly dumb comment turns out to be quite insightful. Nor am I talking about merely inchoate or poorly-worded contributions. That is a separate teaching challenge: how to unpack or invite others to unpack a potentially-useful but poorly articulated idea. No, I am talking about those comments that are just clunkers in some way; seemingly dead-end offerings that tempt us to drop our jaws or make some snarky remark back. My favorite example of the challenge and how to meet it comes from watching my old mentor Ted Sizer in action in front of 360 educators in Louisville 25 years ago. We had travelled as the staff of the Coalition of Essential Schools from Providence to Louisville to pitch the emerging Coalition reform effort locally. Ted gave a rousing speech about the need to transform the American high school. After a long round of applause, Ted took questions. The first questioner asked, and I quote: "Mr Sizer, what do you think about these girls and their skimpy halter tops in school?" (You have to also imagine the voice: very good-ol'-boy). Without missing a beat or making a face, Ted said "Deco

OPINION: How to Move PD Forward | EdSurge News - 1 views

  • The goal should be helping them to develop the profession themselves.
  • And this hints at the deeper reality: teachers--in the classrooms and in the Twitter chats--are the ones with the firsthand knowledge of what’s really going on. It’s time to engage them and bring them into the process.
    How do we engage more teachers in the conversation? We are doing it one by that the only way? How do we get teachers to see themselves as professionals that need to be interested in not only their content but in their pedagogy as well?
    You give me the chance and I will take it! Essential Quote: "If you want teacher buy-in, let the teachers buy!" - Damn straight, better-believe-it-buddy! What is this really saying? Give educators the chance to determine their own needs and allow them to create their own PD - WOW, democracy in the work place, professional autonomy, release of control...Stop right there Mister Radical Man! All this student centered, student owning the learning may be the cool buzz words of the day, and we may wave its flag high and proud, but we ain't goin' to apply it to the employee serfs charged with implementing that pith! Pahleese, teachers in control - teachers deciding how best to teach and facilitate learning? Chaos, Anarchy, Socialism! Dog and Cats living together, mass hysteria...Ain't happenin'...not now, not ever! I actually know this to be true. I designed, proposed, pleaded for a number of programs incorporating this approach and was rebuffed (vehemently and sternly) in two districts, ignored in two others in favor of completely top down, admin centered, and strictly dictated, carrot and stick approach of standard seat time, nothing required but attention or comment, 11, 23, (whatever) Tools! Shocking that we have the PD results we have? Hardly - Continuing to do the same things we have always done and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity - A. Einstein - what an idiot!
Sara Wilkie

Reflective Practice - 1 views

    "Reflective practice is an important sub-component of teacher research. It includes journaling and talking about one's instructional practice. However, doing reflective practice is not the same as doing teacher research. Teacher researchers hypothesize and systematically test their ideas. They look to triangulate their ideas with multiple forms of evidence multiple perspectives (inside and outside of their research group) the research literature on this topic Teacher researchers also write about their projects. Writing is an important part of the process because it requires organization of ideas within a framework."
Sara Wilkie

101 Great Twitter Accounts for Teachers | My Town Tutors - 0 views

    "The feedback from teachers has been incredible to our top 10 twitter accounts for teachers. We would like to continue to provide great resources for teachers and educators, so we are continuing to add to our list."
Sara Wilkie

Day 10: Tara Fisher, Teacher (Annieville) « 180 Days of Learning - 1 views

    "This past year has been one of my biggest learning spikes as a teacher since my first year in the classroom. I have been working with other teachers who are at all stages of their teaching careers and we have been focusing on innovative teaching practices within a school-based inquiry. I have embraced not being the expert, being uncomfortable with not knowing all the answers, and being unsure about how a strategy or a lesson will go. I have found myself increasingly trusting my learners. I am learning like crazy (just like my students) and trying not to burst with excitement! The key has been working with my amazing school staff, along with other dedicated teachers and mentors in our district and throughout the province. I have been collaborating with my colleagues, and I have been implementing new ways of teaching. We are doing wonderful things here in Delta and we need to encourage our colleagues to share their successes with others."
Sara Wilkie

Are they Students or are they Learners? : 2¢ Worth - 0 views

    I spend a lot of time, these days, talking and writing about how we are asking teachers to redefine what it means to be a teacher - and, in all fairness, how difficult that is. I try to present myself as a master learner, suggesting that part of what teachers should be, today, is constant and resourceful learners - master learners. But perhaps a significant part of this exercise in redefinition should involve our students - an explicit remolding of perceptions of these youngsters, in order to fully shift the relationship between student and teacher, learner and master learner.

Personalize Learning: 10 Trends for Personalized Learning in 2014 - 1 views

  • Change the Language to Learner NOT Student
  • Learning is part of us. We were not born students -- we were born learners. Our first experiences of learning were through play and discovery. 
  • It is all about focusing on the learner -- starting with the learner, not technology.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • When you change teacher and learner roles, so the focus is on the learner and the learner drives their learning, everything changes (see post on teacher and learner roles].
  • when you personalize learning, what happens to grades? How will we learn how to drive our own learning?
  • The main questions to ask and research... How do we change teacher and learner roles? How do we support teachers as they change their roles? Will this technology support new teacher and learner roles? How will learners acquire the skills to choose and use the appropriate resources?
  • Technology does make it easier to personalize learning, but learners can take control of their learning with or without it. You see, it is all about changing teacher and learner roles.
  • Learner voice gives learners a chance to share their opinions about something they believe in. There are so many aspects of "school" and "learning" where learners have not been given the opportunity to be active participants. Giving them voice encourages them to participate in their own learning.
  • The best thing we can do for our learners is to teach them to learn how to learn and how to think about their thinking. Now with anytime and anywhere learning, learners will need to acquire the skills to choose the most appropriate resources and tools for any task.
  •  A personal connection or a real-world issue that means something to the learner can make all the difference to whether we care about an academic task. Offering a choice on some aspect of the work also sends its value up, and so does the chance to work on things with friends. 
  • Consider... Taking one lesson at a time. Adding more time to a specific activity that engages your learners so you do not stop the flow of learning. Asking for your learners' ideas on how they would like to express what they know. Encouraging your learners to reflect on their learning.
    Great information on personalized learning. This site is really packed with good reads!
Sara Wilkie

{12 Days: Tool 8} Pinterest Cheat Sheet | Learning Unlimited | Research-based Literacy ... - 0 views

    "Pinterest, a social sharing website that allow users to create and share virtual bulletin boards, has been the darling of social media over the past year. Its primarily female user base continues to grow by leaps and bounds. While you likely know teachers who have free Pinterest accounts, you may still be wondering if you belong on yet another social media site. "YES!" (Uttered quickly and with much enthusiasm!) And here's why. While Pinterest is exploding with fashion boards, trendy home decor, and to-die-for travel destinations (that sadly don't fit my budget), it also includes many boards for educators. Pinterest, heavy on visual appeal, can serve as a great resource for such areas as: classroom decor, language arts. content areas, lesson plans, technology tools, professional books, and much, much more! Your boards can also be a resource for students (age 13+ according to Pinterest regulations), teachers, and parents. If you're a newbie to Pinterest, listed below are a few must-know terms and how-to's. With a few quick tips, Pinterest can help you organize the internet jumble of resources for teachers and students. If you're a full-fledged addict, er, Pinterest Pro, skip to How Educators Use Pinterest or simply download today's Pinterest Cheat Sheet that also includes many ideas for boards."

Who do our students consider the audience? SmartBlogs - 1 views

    "We need to develop more learning opportunities where students constitute the actual evaluators for the work itself. Imagine if students, teachers and others evaluate and provide feedback to determine the effectiveness of a student's creation: Develop an 60-second speech to be shared with the student council and three advertising posters to be copied and placed around school to decrease bullying. Your work will be evaluated according to our rubric by the students in our class, outside professionals and me - as the teacher. These are the experiences that push learning beyond a one-way conversation between student and teacher. They demystify the assessment process and allow each student to be a creator and simultaneous evaluator, providing multiple experiences for students to recognize and apply the criteria for quality."

10 Ways Teacher Planning Should Adjust To The Google Generation - 0 views

  • Instead, anchor learning experiences around new kinds of thinking that force the synthesis of disparate ideas, media, and communities. Scenario-based learning, challenge-based learning, project-based learning, learning simulations, and so on.
  • , the focus should be on more classically human practices of observation, study, and perspective.
  • Curriculum maps should promote careful, self-directed study of relevant and meaningful ideas, rather than design micro-lessons to “efficiently deliver information.”
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Actually make social networks and media channels part of curriculum
  • Rather than emphasizing content, emphasize how to deal with an abundance of fluid and perishable content on a daily basis.
  • In an age of information and analytics, data is abundant. Currently, maps and units and lessons are not designed to accept data, leaving it up to the teacher to extract it, and constantly make often significant adjustments to planning in light of it.
    • anonymous
      Can someone help me better understand what the author meant here? #5 isn't making sense to me. What data is she referring to?
  • It’s simply being pro-active–creating a map–or at least units within a map–that can facilitate the educated guesswork and instinct on the part of teachers.
  • Will they need extra time? Mini-lessons on Digital Citizenship? Unique literacy strategies? A mix of digital and physical texts? More choice or less? Currently this is all done at the unit or lesson level. What would it look like at the curriculum map level?
  • Of course students need to “understand”–but (hoping Grant’s not reading this) prescribing exactly what students will understand, when they will understand it and at what depth, and where, and how they will prove it–regardless of background knowledge, natural interest, literacy levels, etc.–is a bit…ambitious.
  • establish a handful of the most important ideas in content that act as anchors for other more discrete knowledge and facts, and practice them over and over again at a variety of cognitive levels (e.g., Bloom’s).
  • emphasize that learning is a marathon, not a series of artificially-divided sprints.
  • Content is incredible if we can just let it be incredible, and for the Google Generation, it’s right there at their fingertips. Curriculum documents should underscore the nuance of the world, not provide a chronologically-based checklist to cover it all.
  • A curriculum map should be as much for the student as they are for the teacher. As such they should function as learning and discovery pathways, helping the learners see where they’ve been, where they’re going, and what’s possible.
    "The age of knowing is slowing giving way to an age of data navigation, and what students need help with should be adjusted accordingly-even if in ways other than the ideas below."

I Just Can't Do It All: The Connected Educator Letdown | Ditch That Textbook - 0 views

  • Vicki introduces one major new digital focus in her class each year. One. (Well, maybe two … she has blogged about this and I couldn’t find the post.)
    • anonymous
      Reminds me of a conversation from Early adopters yesterday!
  • If a great teacher like Vicki Davis only adds one major element to her ed tech repertoire each year, then I’m OK with that being my guide.
    "I see posts and videos about great educators and the great things that they're doing almost every day. And, being the self-reflective person that I am, it often makes me have the same reaction: "Wow, that's great! Look at what that teacher is doing. Look what her students have created. Look at the impact his classroom is having on the world. "Why am I not doing that? Why aren't my students doing that? Man, what kind of a teacher am I if we're not doing that?"
Jo Ann Arlitt

The Teacher's Guides To Technology And Learning | Edudemic - 0 views

  • Welcome to the official guide to technology and learning by Edudemic! This part of Edudemic is meant to offer you, the teacher, some of the best and most popular resources available today. We’ve combed through hundreds of resources in order to narrow down our guides into something easy to read, easy to use, and easy to share. Below are links to the guides we have made so far. They’re always a work in progress so be sure to let us know if we missed something or if you have more resources you want us to call out in the guides. We’re always looking for the best and most useful resources so don’t be shy, share!
    Welcome to the official guide to technology and learning by Edudemic! This part of Edudemic is meant to offer you, the teacher, some of the best and most popular resources available today. We've combed through hundreds of resources in order to narrow down our guides into something easy to read, easy to use, and easy to share. Below are links to the guides we have made so far. They're always a work in progress so be sure to let us know if we missed something or if you have more resources you want us to call out in the guides. We're always looking for the best and most useful resources so don't be shy, share! - See more at:
Sara Wilkie

Amplification of a Transportation Unit & a Survey | Langwitches Blog - 0 views

    "In a unit on Transportation, our Kindergarteners read a large picture book "On the Move!" by Donna Latham Students got so interested into learning about different ways people around the globe got around. They were even ready to take a trip to Venice, Italy to ride in a Vaporetto. Since our 5 & 6 year olds have gotten pretty good at using PicCollage on the iPads, their teacher Arlene Yegelwel, wanted to personalize another collaborative classroom eBook. She took the time to find over 20 public domain images of transportation methods they had discussed in class on Wikimedia Commons and sent them in one email to each iPad. Student's workflow fluency looked like this: opened the PicCollage app chose one image of the different transportation methods decided how they could best place an image of themselves onto the picture asked a buddy to take an image of them acting out a particular position on the iPad edited the image by clipping the background resized the image to make it fit the ration of the transportation image rotated the image saved the image emailed the image to their teacher"
Sara Wilkie

Learning Is Not That Complicated | Ideas and Thoughts - 0 views

    "The idea of teacher as learner and modeling great learning is one critical notion that usually gets seen as a "nice, but not necessary" role in today's data obsessed world. The idea of mentorship and relationships remains the key determination of learning and yet we have a whole sector of folks advocating for bigger factory models of skill and drill learning. I'm more convinced than ever that those middle schools who have adopted a mentoring model with teachers staying with students for 3-4 years is a return to the classic view of learning. The classic view also shows that inquiry is not simply a new pedagogy but one that acknowledges student interest and can potentially remove artificial barriers such as time from the learning. Again, not something earth shattering or new but places things in a historical perspective juxtaposed beside the recent view of learning that it needs to be fragmented and broken down into small bite chunks of learning."
Sara Wilkie

Maths Maps - an engaging way to teach Maths with Google Maps - 0 views

    "It's been around for a few years now and had plenty of interest from around the world already, but Mr G Online has only just discovered Maths Maps. From first impressions, I am absolutely blown away by the idea. The brainchild of leading UK educator Tom Barrett, (now based in Australia), Maths Maps uses Google Maps as the launching pad for Maths Investigations. Barrett's vision was for teachers around the world to collaborate on building Maths Maps, examples of some seen in the screenshots on the left. Here is a brief description of how it works from the Maths Maps website. Elevator Pitch Using Google Maps. Maths activities in different places around the world. One location, one maths topic, one map. Activities explained in placemarks in Google Maps. Placemarks geotagged to the maths it refers to. "How wide is this swimming pool?" Teachers to contribute and share ideas. Maps can be used as independent tasks or group activities in class. Maps can be embedded on websites, blogs or wikis. Tasks to be completed by students and recorded online or offline."
Kenneth Jones

Teacher Focus: Learning or Behavior - 0 views

    This is basically another "attack" on the way education is "done". I love the sarcastic approach to the prep for the "real world" that is the dominant excuse for rule following. This article reflects why I think the whole notion of "grades" and a "grade book" must be re-examined if we are to really shift instructional practice toward genuine and authentic student learning.
Angelique Moulton

Bill Gates Discovers Money Cannot Buy Teachers - 0 views

    Highlights that dedicated teachers don not teach for the pay or status.

Education Week Teacher: 7 Ways to Increase Student Ownership - 0 views

  • A peer-advising program is another win-win.
  • So why not encourage seniors to share their experiences with underclassmen before they graduate? I'm thrilled to be developing a course for the Student College and Career Library Assistant program that we'll launch in the fall.
  • They are practicing leadership by creating the school they want and need.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • students serve on the interview panel for new employees.
  • We like to survey our students.
  • Err on the Side of Information Overload
  • Invite Students to Articulate Their School's New Identity
    As I read more and more blogs, twitter feeds, etc. teachers everywhere are asking how to engage their students. This blog post demonstrates a real shift in ownership to the students!
Sara Wilkie

Assessing for Learning: Librarians and Teachers As Partners - Violet H. Harada, Joan M.... - 0 views

    "Coauthors Harada and Yoshina authored the first text that focused on learning assessment in a school library context. In this revised and expanded version of "Assessing for Learning: Librarians and Teachers as Partners," they continue to shed light on the issue of school librarians helping students to assess for learning. The book begins with a brief discussion of national reform efforts and the importance of assessment for effective learning within this context. The balance of the book provides numerous strategies and tools for involving students as well as library media specialists in assessment activities, emphasizing the importance of students assessing for their own learning. It also provides specific examples of how assessment can be incorporated into various library-related learning activities. All chapters in this second edition have been updated with additional information, and three new chapters on assessing for critical thinking, dispositions, and tech-related learning have been added."
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