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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sara Wilkie

Sara Wilkie

A New Pedagogy - Fullan - 0 views

    "LEARNing Landscapes | Vol. 6, No. 2, Spring 2013 23 Michael Fullan , University of Toronto ABSTRACT There is currently a powerful push-pull factor in schooling. The push factor is that school is increasingly boring for students and alienating for teachers. The pull fac - tor is that the exploding and alluring digital world is irresistible, but not necessarily productive in its raw form. The push-pull dynamic makes it inevitable that disruptive changes will occur. I have been part of a group that has been developing innova - tive responses to the current challenges. This response consists of integrating three components: deep learning goals, new pedagogies, and technology. The result will be more radical change in the next five years than has occurred in the past 50 years. T here is currently a volatile push-pull dynamic intensifying in public schools. The push factor is that students are increasingly bored in school"
Sara Wilkie

Three Ring - 0 views

    "Three Ring unlocks the power of your mobile phone or iPad. Now it's easy for teachers and students to document evidence from the classroom. Capture anything, regardless of format, in just seconds. Take a picture of any paper, drawing, or board work. Record presentations or discussions with audio or video. Students can upload their own work from any mobile device or computer."
Sara Wilkie

Implementing the First 5 Days / Interview with Ian VanderSchee - 0 views

    "BLCFeatureTopicIn this episode of the November Learning Podcast Series, Alan November speaks to Ian VanderSchee, an upper level mathematics teacher at Coppell High School, in Texas. The two discuss Ian's implementation of Alan's "First 5 Days" ideas at the start of this school year and how these ideas have positively impacted his students ever since. To learn more about these and other possible "First 5 Days" implementations, we encourage you to read Alan's book, Who Owns the Learning, and we invite you to attend the Building Learning Communities conference being held this summer in Boston. You can learn about both of these on our Web site at You might also share your thoughts and stories about the "First 5 Days" on Twitter, using the hashtag #1st5days."
Sara Wilkie

Newsela | Nonfiction Literacy and Current Events - 0 views

    leveled reading resources about current events Check to search current events AND Ss select own lexile levels w/quizzes for FREE. #ELAchat #sschat #r4november
Sara Wilkie

BalancEdTech - Mini Challenges - 0 views

    "Mini challenges are a great alternative to open exploration or direct instruction. They can be a form of guided discovery. We recommend starting with easier (easier to find, more intuitive, etc.) challenges and building up. Ideally these challenges are completed in pairs or small groups so that there is additional support and an immediate opportunity to "teach." A favorite final challenge is for the student(s) to come up with a challenge for the other pairs/groups or to prepare a "discovery" to share with the whole class using an LCD projector."
Sara Wilkie

Educational Leadership:Feedback for Learning:Seven Keys to Effective Feedback - 1 views

    Advice, evaluation, grades-none of these provide the descriptive information that students need to reach their goals. What is true feedback-and how can it improve learning? Who would dispute the idea that feedback is a good thing? Both common sense and research make it clear: Formative assessment, consisting of lots of feedback and opportunities to use that feedback, enhances performance and achievement. Yet even John Hattie (2008), whose decades of research revealed that feedback was among the most powerful influences on achievement, acknowledges that he has "struggled to understand the concept" (p. 173). And many writings on the subject don't even attempt to define the term. To improve formative assessment practices among both teachers and assessment designers, we need to look more closely at just what feedback is-and isn't.
Sara Wilkie

Why edWeb - edWeb - 1 views

  • is a highly-acclaimed professional social and learning network that has become a vibrant online community for exceptional educators, decision-makers, and influencers who are on the leading edge of innovation in education. edWeb members are teachers, faculty, administrators, and librarians at K12 and post-secondary institutions. edWeb is a place where educators who are looking for ways to improve teaching and learning can gather and share information and ideas with peers and thought leaders in the industry. Any educator can use edWeb for free to create a personal learning network or professional learning community to make it easier to collaborate, share ideas, and move forward faster with new ideas and initiatives, particularly those than leverage technology to accelerate improvement.
Sara Wilkie

Creativity Becomes an Academic Discipline - - 0 views

    ""The reality is that to survive in a fast-changing world you need to be creative," says Gerard J. Puccio, chairman of the International Center for Studies in Creativity at Buffalo State College, which has the nation's oldest creative studies program, having offered courses in it since 1967. "That is why you are seeing more attention to creativity at universities," he says. "The marketplace is demanding it." Critical thinking has long been regarded as the essential skill for success, but it's not enough, says Dr. Puccio. Creativity moves beyond mere synthesis and evaluation and is, he says, "the higher order skill." This has not been a sudden development. Nearly 20 years ago "creating" replaced "evaluation" at the top of Bloom's Taxonomy of learning objectives. In 2010 "creativity" was the factor most crucial for success found in an I.B.M. survey of 1,500 chief executives in 33 industries."
Sara Wilkie

Making Connections: Text to Self, Text to Text, Text to World - Diane Kardash - 0 views

    "Schema theory explains how our previous experiences, knowledge, emotions, and understandings affect what and how we learn (Harvey & Goudvis, 2000). Schema is the background knowledge and experience readers bring to the text. Good readers draw on prior knowledge and experience to help them understand what they are reading and are thus able to use that knowledge to make connections. Struggling readers often move directly through a text without stopping to consider whether the text makes sense based on their own background knowledge, or whether their knowledge can be used to help them understand confusing or challenging materials. By teaching students how to connect to text they are able to better understand what they are reading (Harvey & Goudvis, 2000). Accessing prior knowledge and experiences is a good starting place when teaching strategies because every student has experiences, knowledge, opinions, and emotions that they can draw upon. "
Sara Wilkie

Teaching Empathy: Turning a Lesson Plan into a Life Skill | Edutopia - 0 views

    "In cooperative learning, students work together, think together and plan together using a variety of group structures designed along an instructional path. This dynamic learning model breaks with the dusty forms of frontal teaching that often create classrooms of "lonesome togetherness" -- students who may sit together but live worlds apart. Cooperative learning creates what Daniel Goleman calls "cognitive empathy," a mind-to-mind sense of how another person's thinking works. The better we understand others, the better we know them -- pointing toward (among other virtues) greater trust, appreciation and generosity. "
Sara Wilkie

Passion-Based Learning, Day 1: Probing Minecraft's Appeal - 0 views

    "This is the first of several reflections from Wisconsin elementary principal Matt Renwick on digital and passion-based learning in a new afterschool program. "
Sara Wilkie

Historical Map Collection in Google Earth - 0 views

    View historical maps as Google Earth overlays. Great now/then material for History!
Sara Wilkie

What Machines Can't Do - 5 Traits - 0 views

    "As this happens, certain mental skills will become less valuable because computers will take over. Having a great memory will probably be less valuable. Being able to be a straight-A student will be less valuable - gathering masses of information and regurgitating it back on tests. So will being able to do any mental activity that involves following a set of rules. But what human skills will be more valuable?" 5 Traits...
Sara Wilkie

Dewey Defeats Truman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Likely reason why visits to H. Truman's Wikipedia page spike on presidential elections: @sewilkie @NLearning
Sara Wilkie

Why Does Jack Have to Change? - Finding Common Ground - Education Week - 0 views

    Healthy food for thought & growth "@CurtisCFEE: "Why Does Jack Have to Change?" @PeterMDeWitt: #edchat @BalancEdTech
Sara Wilkie

5 Habits of Innovative Educators | Courtney O'Connell - 0 views

    RT @DrTonyWagner: "@HuffPostEdu: 5 habits of innovative educators" Some worthwhile advice #sbisdea
Sara Wilkie

A Conceptual Analysis of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge :: ETD - 0 views

    definition for webquest
Sara Wilkie

Scaling: The Problem of More - Robert I. Sutton - Harvard Business Review - 0 views

    Scaling challenges nearly always come down to the same problem: the difficulty of spreading something good from those who have it to those that don't - or at least don't yet. It is always, in other words, the problem of more.
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