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What Does Digital Leadership Mean? - Finding Common Ground - Education Week - 0 views

  • As important as technology is, and it is an important tool, so is our need to have human interaction and digital leaders need to promote that too.
    This post really struck a cord with me. I agree that we need to have a balance of digital and non-digital experiences/interactions, and that we need to model the "art of human conversation" with students. Digital conversations can be powerful, and at times, that is the only way we can get together and hold the conversation! This summer, we are working in a blended environment with teachers for PD and I am so extremely proud of them. They are responding online to blog posts with such thoughtful comments and voice. When people take the time to craft their thoughts, I do feel their presence with me! 

Why Videos Aren't the Best Way for Kids to Learn | - 4 views

    How does this finding impact our work with blended/flipped learning? How does this finding impact our conversations in the classroom?
    This fosters the idea that classroom discussions and activities are necessary when a blended/flipped environment is practiced. The face to face interactions are were the true learning and connections are made.
    One of my students described the flipped class as his "Reverse class, the one where we teach ourselves by watching videos and then doing the work in class" He viewed it as a teacher replacement. Video is cool, but a moving screen is not the draw, if it is a boring teacher, talking about boring stuff on a moving screen - I can't see how we magically think that is more engaging than a stand and deliver, sit and get lecture.
Sara Wilkie

Challenging the Model of 1:1 with BYOD | Edutopia - 1 views

    "By engaging teachers and the technology integrationist in conversations about the curriculum, specific class dynamics and capabilities of the technology, we are now able to talk about what we would like to do, the tools best suited for that purpose, ways to tweak units or lessons, and what is not working. This collaborative, co-teaching model has allowed for us to find connections across content areas, classes and our district. We all recognize how much is gained when we are allowed to really talk about our curriculum and our students, and this model allows for that creative, collaborative time to work through complex and interesting questions and ideas about integrating technology effectively. "

The Principal of Change - 0 views

  • Learning is, and should be, much more participatory than ever.  
  • We truly can learn from anyone, anywhere, anytime, including the “experts” and “amateurs” in any given field.  We need to take advantage
  • What I am most excited about now is that we no longer need to be stagnant in our roles as either “teacher” or “learner”, because now, at any time, we can be either or both.  Isn’t that setting the staff for true “lifelong learning”?
    This post made me think about how easy it is to learn something you want/need to learn right now. It also made me think a bit about a conversation I had with a librarian yesterday who was commenting on how all it takes is a little effort on the part of the individual to learn. 
Sara Wilkie

BalancEdTech - Critical Friends Feedback - 0 views

    "The goal is to move beyond superficial peer conferencing and commenting, to dig into feedback that helps the "author" grow and improve in whatever form they are using. Too often the feedback students provide is superficial, commenting on what they liked without explaining why, offering generic improvement ideas, or focusing on less important elements (i.e. spelling, punctuation, etc.). How do we help students provide each other meaningful, productive feedback? How do we help students internalize those conversations to become their own best critical friend? "
Sara Wilkie

The challenge of responding to off-the-mark comments | Granted, and... - 1 views

    I have been thinking a lot lately about the challenge we face as educators when well-intentioned learners make incorrect, inscrutable, thoughtless, or otherwise off-the-mark comments. It's a crucial moment in teaching: how do you respond to an unhelpful remark in a way that 1) dignifies the attempt while 2) making sure that no one leaves thinking that the remark is true or useful? Summer is a great time to think about the challenge of developing new routines and habits in class, and this is a vital issue that gets precious little attention in training and staff development. Here is a famous Saturday Night Live skit, with Jerry Seinfeld as a HS history teacher, that painfully demonstrates the challenge and a less than exemplary response. Don't misunderstand me: I am not saying that we are always correct in our judgment about participant remarks. Sometimes a seemingly dumb comment turns out to be quite insightful. Nor am I talking about merely inchoate or poorly-worded contributions. That is a separate teaching challenge: how to unpack or invite others to unpack a potentially-useful but poorly articulated idea. No, I am talking about those comments that are just clunkers in some way; seemingly dead-end offerings that tempt us to drop our jaws or make some snarky remark back. My favorite example of the challenge and how to meet it comes from watching my old mentor Ted Sizer in action in front of 360 educators in Louisville 25 years ago. We had travelled as the staff of the Coalition of Essential Schools from Providence to Louisville to pitch the emerging Coalition reform effort locally. Ted gave a rousing speech about the need to transform the American high school. After a long round of applause, Ted took questions. The first questioner asked, and I quote: "Mr Sizer, what do you think about these girls and their skimpy halter tops in school?" (You have to also imagine the voice: very good-ol'-boy). Without missing a beat or making a face, Ted said "Deco
Sara Wilkie

A Dialogue With Patrick Honner on Rigor | Granted, and... - 0 views

    "This is the first post in a dialogue between Patrick Honner and me concerning rigor, testing, and the new Common Core Math Standards. Each installment in this series will be cross-posted both here and at We invite readers to join the conversation. Please post any comments at Patrick's site so that they are all in one place."

OPINION: How to Move PD Forward | EdSurge News - 1 views

  • The goal should be helping them to develop the profession themselves.
  • And this hints at the deeper reality: teachers--in the classrooms and in the Twitter chats--are the ones with the firsthand knowledge of what’s really going on. It’s time to engage them and bring them into the process.
    How do we engage more teachers in the conversation? We are doing it one by that the only way? How do we get teachers to see themselves as professionals that need to be interested in not only their content but in their pedagogy as well?
    You give me the chance and I will take it! Essential Quote: "If you want teacher buy-in, let the teachers buy!" - Damn straight, better-believe-it-buddy! What is this really saying? Give educators the chance to determine their own needs and allow them to create their own PD - WOW, democracy in the work place, professional autonomy, release of control...Stop right there Mister Radical Man! All this student centered, student owning the learning may be the cool buzz words of the day, and we may wave its flag high and proud, but we ain't goin' to apply it to the employee serfs charged with implementing that pith! Pahleese, teachers in control - teachers deciding how best to teach and facilitate learning? Chaos, Anarchy, Socialism! Dog and Cats living together, mass hysteria...Ain't happenin'...not now, not ever! I actually know this to be true. I designed, proposed, pleaded for a number of programs incorporating this approach and was rebuffed (vehemently and sternly) in two districts, ignored in two others in favor of completely top down, admin centered, and strictly dictated, carrot and stick approach of standard seat time, nothing required but attention or comment, 11, 23, (whatever) Tools! Shocking that we have the PD results we have? Hardly - Continuing to do the same things we have always done and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity - A. Einstein - what an idiot!

Who do our students consider the audience? SmartBlogs - 1 views

    "We need to develop more learning opportunities where students constitute the actual evaluators for the work itself. Imagine if students, teachers and others evaluate and provide feedback to determine the effectiveness of a student's creation: Develop an 60-second speech to be shared with the student council and three advertising posters to be copied and placed around school to decrease bullying. Your work will be evaluated according to our rubric by the students in our class, outside professionals and me - as the teacher. These are the experiences that push learning beyond a one-way conversation between student and teacher. They demystify the assessment process and allow each student to be a creator and simultaneous evaluator, providing multiple experiences for students to recognize and apply the criteria for quality."

Steve Hargadon: Escaping the Education Matrix | MindShift - 0 views

  • “What are most kids getting out of 12 years of school?” he asks. “The honest answer is they’re learning how to follow,
  • “They don’t question schooling. How do you tell a story that opens the door to rethinking what people have believed for decades? So much in their lives depends on that story being what they think it is.
  • But families must also reclaim ownership of learning, rather than viewing it as the responsibility of schools and government,
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “As individuals, families and communities, we need to reclaim the conversation around learning, and to do so in such a way as to recognize the inherent worth and value of every student, with the ultimate goal of helping them become self-directed and agents of their own learning.”

Connectedness: The New Standard - 0 views

  • PLNs can be defined as collections of like-minded people with whom one exchanges information and engages in conversation. Those exchanges— whether they are held in physical or virtual environments—focus on mutual interests and goals, and their main objective is professional growth and improvement.
  • Those who are connected to greater social networks are more informed about their practices, beliefs, and perceptions regarding education. Perhaps more importantly, those educators engage in both consumption and publication. Knowledge is shared and exchanged, not simply taken.
  • It is the consistent give and take at the individual level that makes a collective PLN exponentially stronger, more knowledgeable, and wiser. No leader should miss the opportunity to be part of this human-generated portal of information.
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  • A PLN is a two-way mechanism for constructive feedback, support, and advice.
  • A PLN can provide the seeds of change, but is up to each respective leader to plant and cultivate them to witness their growth and development into transformative culture elements. Through modeling and sharing the benefits of my PLN, I encourage my teachers to use PLNs for their own learning and growth.
    "It is essential that principals and other school leaders develop professional learning networks (PLNs) both within and beyond their local organizations. Although colleagues at the local level are often generous in their offerings of support, current technologies enable school leaders to reach far beyond the walls of their schools to access the expertise of school administrators and teachers from around the world and bring a wealth of resources to their schools."

I Just Can't Do It All: The Connected Educator Letdown | Ditch That Textbook - 0 views

  • Vicki introduces one major new digital focus in her class each year. One. (Well, maybe two … she has blogged about this and I couldn’t find the post.)
    • anonymous
      Reminds me of a conversation from Early adopters yesterday!
  • If a great teacher like Vicki Davis only adds one major element to her ed tech repertoire each year, then I’m OK with that being my guide.
    "I see posts and videos about great educators and the great things that they're doing almost every day. And, being the self-reflective person that I am, it often makes me have the same reaction: "Wow, that's great! Look at what that teacher is doing. Look what her students have created. Look at the impact his classroom is having on the world. "Why am I not doing that? Why aren't my students doing that? Man, what kind of a teacher am I if we're not doing that?"

The Playground Advocate: Teacher Creativity Skill: Solve a Problem - 0 views

  • "If only there were some sort of device that was connected to a network of information and resources..."
  • search for information well on the Internet.
  • Even my most tech-savvy colleagues will occasionally give me the opportunity to use the Let Me Google That For You Web Tool.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • More importantly, though, the Internet is a social space where you can ask a question directly to human beings. My favorite method for this is to ask a question on Twitter or in one of the Google+ communities that I belong to.
  • Creating environments in which students can safely take on the role of problem-solver is the focus of many of the most compelling initiatives in learning, including Project-Based Learning, Design Thinking, and the Maker Movement.
    I gave a final exam designed to do just that - provide the opportunity for students to see, touch, and feel that information is cheap and freely available and therefore, there is little inherent value in finding it and especially in spitting it back!. Either my mission was flawed (no surprise), or the deck is seriously stacked against the effort. The result: MUST FIND ANSWERS! Wow, look at me, I have the answers....Couldn't apply it if my life depended on it, but man, just look at my answers! I was preaching the Problem Solver, PBL mantra in a recent conversation and was told bluntly, providing that opportunity in the real isolation of 1 45 minute period out of 7 is a complete waste of time. Man, that stung and I continue to resist it, but there is a very large kernel of CAP T Truth present there.
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