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Terry Elliott

rhizomatic learning | Viplav Baxi's Meanderings - 1 views

  • Uncertainty exists in all forms of education and learning. It is not mostly celebrated. In fact, it is suppressed.
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, this is exactly the point James Scott makes when he creates the binary of legible/illegible where the suppression of uncertainty is the definition of legibility.
  • It is even systematically constrained in other (non-traditional) environments, even informal ones at most times.
    • Terry Elliott
      I think you are pointing to the embodied and cognitive biases that are part of being a human being?
  • Not all certainties may be “good” or “appropriate”.
    • Terry Elliott
      I am thinking here of Nicolas Taleb's ultimate uncertainty, the unknown unknown, the Black Swan. I think that most suppression of uncertainty arises from the futile attempt to quell Black Swans and their evolutionary disruption.
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  • democratizing uncertainty
    • Terry Elliott
      Is democratizing uncertainty like trying to formalize the informal?
  • We shall also need to “prove” in many ways, that more “good” uncertainty in the system will impact social outcomes positively.
    • Terry Elliott
      Seems like predictability is worming its way into your discussion of uncertainty. Uncertainty is largely complex and unmanageable. Should we be focusing more on the processes and products that emerge from uncertainty? I don't think we can do a whole lot more than that, but I am certainly open to being informed more on this.
    • Terry Elliott
      Perhaps your last paragraph addresses obliquely what I asked above.
Terry Elliott

touches of sense...: From mobs to communities. - 1 views

  • Beautiful, terrifying mob
    • Terry Elliott
      I love the visualization. Part of its charm is in realizing that it is a snapshot, a 2D slice of the body of #rhizo14. In a way it is the smoke from the fire and the wake from the ship, not the fire and not the ship. I am only vaguely aware of the 4D presence that is the growing tip and the blooming buzzing perfusion that is the felt whole of #rhizo14.
  • We will be long gone in the ether and without a care in their world.
    • Terry Elliott
      Paradox. A finitude (#rhizo14) creates an infinitude (something greater than #rhizo14 that is only partly glimpsed in Hawksey's visualization.
    • Terry Elliott
      I am reminded of the story here: The nun Wu Jincang asked the Sixth Patriach Huineng, "I have studied the Mahaparinirvana sutra for many years, yet there are many areas i do not quite understand. Please enlighten me." The patriach responded, "I am illiterate. Please read out the characters to me and perhaps I will be able to explain the meaning." Said the nun, "You cannot even recognize the characters. How are you able then to understand the meaning?" "Truth has nothing to do with words. Truth can be likened to the bright moon in the sky. Words, in this case, can be likened to a finger. The finger can point to the moon's location. However, the finger is not the moon. To look at the moon, it is necessary to gaze beyond the finger, right?"
  • Chaos is a lure for gaze but hard to digest.
    • Terry Elliott
      Chaos is too big to eat. I say swim in it like a fish, breath it, do the full catastrophe in it. Grow in it.
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  • God we need fun, what more is there? God we need poetry, when they only give us time for prose.
    • Terry Elliott
      I am so glad that you get this. I wrote a post recently that was a short video of a glass of water overflowing in my sink. I put it on YouTube and then shared it via Vialogues so that others could just play with it. Jenny M commented that she didn't get it. There wasn't really anything to get, but it was kind of her to play along. We are homo ludens.
  • #Rhizo14 is carnival.
    • Terry Elliott
      I love the idea of Carnivale.
    • Terry Elliott
      I think we can view the visualization as part of carnivale and your post as part of it. It doesn't really end if we continue to act with the idea of it in our heart. Carnivale is an irruption of life. Your post is an irruption, conscious and alive and aware. There is a larger Carnivale.
  • We are not all maggots.
    • Terry Elliott
      Yet in the end we are all food for the maggots. In the end our word and ideas and memes are the wakes from our ships. So be it. Let the maggots dance!
Jaap Bosman

A Nomad's Guide to Learning and Social Software - 0 views

  • Learning to be implies the application of knowledge in the development of skills that allows us to fulfill a particular (professional or non-professional) role in society. But to highlight the fact that being is not static, I’m using learning as becoming to signify an ongoing process. Learning, as constant becoming, is the work of nomads, to use another Deleuzian image explained below by Semetsky (2004):
    2005 article on Nomads
Vanessa Vaile

Mediated Cultures: Digital Ethnography - 2 views

    Michael Wesch's NetVibes aggregation page: links, feeds, Padlet message wall, resources, etc for digital ethnography/webculture courses, Kansas State University. Wesch's network - aggregation page, personal and course blogs, YouTube channel, etc is (in my opinion) a rhizome ~ with the caveat that my own understanding of the term is continually shifting
Cris Crissman

Teaching in the Age of Uncertainty « Kevin's Meandering Mind - 2 views

    Kevin uses chapter book Frindle, story of student's campaign to add new word to dictionary, to reflect on the uncertainty of the future and what his students will need to know and be able to do to be successful.
Terry Elliott

Ego and The Swarm | teachnorthern - 1 views

  • I’m finding it impossible to escape the thread of ‘ego’ running through the last ten days.  
    • Terry Elliott
      I am having trouble, too. In fact I find myself moving from ego to eco, from tree to root, from node to network in a kind of leap of faith.
  • Independent learning is tough.  Independent thinking even tougher.
    • Terry Elliott
      I agree and I want to add that the task of interdependent learning and thinking is even harder. It is so hard for me that I am not sure I am even doing it. I trust that this share annotation is one simple way of doing interdependence. The hard part is figuring out what is happening in the mix that rises above the mix. What is the reintegration that happens as we bake our variety into the cake? What is the final baked product?
  • I’ve thought about Tragic Life Stories (actually the name of a department in WH Smith) and the way in which they dominate not only TV and popular news media, but stories about adult learning too.
    • Terry Elliott
      I file this under 'everybody's a critic'. Each of us has a set of personal and professional filters for the buzzing profusion of life that pushed into us every day. The tabloid filter is quite simple; it bleeds, it leads. There are lots of schema (some might call them assumptions or presumptions). Diversity is good--a presumption. Dependency is bad--a presumption. The problem with all of these presumptions is that they are habitualized into near-instinct quick filters. Hence, the birth and perpetuation of the blindspot. Dammit.
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  •  I want a dialogue that begins, “I can’t do this thing you asked me to do, in this timeframe,” and continues with, “What are you assuming, that is stopping you meeting the deadline?” – designed to search only for a strategy to get past whatever barrier has set itself in the way.
    • Terry Elliott
      This is heavy pull here. The filter/value of keeping deadlines is self-referential. You make the filter because that cog is needed to fit into the larger machinery of the institution. You must have deadlines in order to have order within the term or semester. We wouldn't want to treat others unfairly, unequally (even more filters). Thus the system creates the circular logic that justifies the values of the system. The heavy pull is to dump the trash can that holds the whole mess together and say, "'s a mess. Let's try something else." What you are asking for is the right to be messy. The system struggles against such illegibility. Mightily. So mightily that subversion (one of the tools of messification) is inevitable and iconoclasm becomes a way of life in that system. Or we become 'silent runners'. Does this analysis seem true to what you are saying? I ask in the spirit of interdependence.
  • Bernard Williams ‘fetish of assertion’
    • Terry Elliott
      "Certitude is not the test of certainty. We have been cocksure of many things that were not so." - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
  • So, released from time to time from the imperative to obey my ego, I walk happily into the swarm.
    • Terry Elliott
      Fro ego to eco--how else can it be with 7 billion people on the planet. This is not just a stance, it is an imperative.
Cris Crissman

Beta: The Courage to Fail & Change | Wright'sRoom - 0 views

    Embracing uncertainty takes courage. Shelley Wright is one of the most courageous teachers I know.
Vanessa Vaile

The Amazing Story of Kudzu | Max Shores - 1 views

    There's so much of this fast-growing vine in the Southeastern U.S., you might think it was a native plant. Actually, it took a lot of hard work to help kudzu spread so widely. Now that it covers over seven million acres of the deep South, there are a lot of people working hard to get rid of it! But kudzu is used in ways which might surprise you…plus Kudzu's history
Jaap Bosman

No! You should not do DS106 | doublemirror - 0 views

  • What have you changed you mind about recently and why?
  • the greater the tension, the greater is the potential. Great energy springs from a correspondingly great tension of opposites
  • DS106 subscribes to what Cormier calls ‘community as curriculum’
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  • depending on one’s pedagogical position, one can argue about feasibility and validity of knowledge created within a community
  • Yes, it takes a particular kind of learner to engage with the mythology of DS106 and understand that the learning is in the engagement.
  • The psychology of creativity involves a great deal and as the new self appointed DS106 Headless Shrink I hope to bring some of that capability into the collective.
  • Some see this interactional pattern and have accused DS106 of being cult. I
  • [but] the vast majority of the rest of them will just keep blindly following one superprofessor messiah after another, thinking that they’re learning something important about life when in fact what they’re really doing is helping the enemies of higher education keep more people from ever becoming enlightened at all. ‘
    the real headless mooc
Vanessa Vaile

Webs,nets, rhizomes; - 1 views

    "This board is in support of the web essay incorporating ideas based on the Rhizome chapter in the book by Deleuze and Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus. Check the web essay here: NOTE: The chapter of the book is available online:"
Vanessa Vaile

Rhizome (philosophy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    "Rhizome is a philosophical concept developed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in their Capitalism and Schizophrenia (1972-1980) project. It is what Deleuze calls an "image of thought", based on the botanical rhizome, that apprehends multiplicities."
Vanessa Vaile

Rhizome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    "In botany,[dendrology], a rhizome (from Ancient Greek: rhízōma "mass of roots",[1] from rhizóō "cause to strike root")[2] is a modified subterranean stem of a plant that is usually found underground, often sending out roots and shoots from its nodes. Rhizomes may also be referred to as creeping rootstalks or rootstocks."
Vanessa Vaile

rhizome (plant anatomy) -- Encyclopedia Britannica - 0 views

    "rhizome,  in botany, horizontal, underground plant stem capable of producing the shoot and root systems of a new plant. This capability allows the parent plant to propagate vegetatively (asexually) and also enables a plant to perennate (survive an annual unfavourable season) underground. In some plants (e.g., water lilies, many ferns and forest herbs), the rhizome is the only stem of the plant. In such cases, only the leaves and flowers are readily visible."
Vanessa Vaile

rhizomes: my rhizome pinboard (Vanessa) - 0 views

    "for #rhizo14 Rhizomatic Learning (which has its own board that I will pin from) but mostly because I like the images and the tangled root system of associated concepts in philosophy, education, SNA, network and communication theory, design, etc."
Terry Elliott

lastrefuge: #rhizo14 - week 2: Seeding independent learning: wrestling with writing - 0 views

  • wrestling
    • Terry Elliott
      When I taught high school and middle school I was reminded of how I felt after wrestling practice when I was in high school myself. Totally drained in the body.
  • hat ‘fish out of water’ feeling that is the experience of so many non-traditional students in the traditional classroom.
    • Terry Elliott
      Also felt by teachers in those classrooms.
  • doing the MOOCs really reinforced the need to bring the human back into the physical classroom.
    • Terry Elliott
      I find that I drop out of MOOC s that do not have this humanity and do not have opportunities to bond.
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  • role plays and simulations in the trad ‘lecture’ time really helped this to happen.
    • Terry Elliott
      Inspiring me to sponsor some academic play at the beginning of every classroom. So....what does academic play look like?
    • Terry Elliott
      It looks like any other kind of play with flow and sharing and game boards and game pieces.
  • the classes definitely FEEL different
    • Terry Elliott
      I think that without this feel there probably has been no learning. I often ask my students what learning feels like. When this embodied cognition, this snick of the tumblers in a lock feeling, is absent I daresay the reading and writing and academic research have not been integrated, intertwined with not only your own rhizomes but with other rhizomes. I have a post about this struggle here:
  • using creative techniques: drawing, collage, poetry… to help us all to think differently
    • Terry Elliott
      Expanding the academic space. Yes. And expanding our idea of what constitutes play in that space. Inviting everyone in to play.
    • Terry Elliott
      blog, voice, transmedia, iteration, flow, joy, the feeling of climbing and the crossing the divide, failing and banishing fear from the space, playing the fool, online spaces--these are ways to play in an academic space.
  • It all feels too slow and painful. Anyway - once you have improved it a bit yourself - print all of that off - and bring it to the class on Wednesday. We can give you feedback and hopefully help you to the next step!
    • Terry Elliott
      My struggle here is an institutional and structural one. How can we play when no matter what it is still my enforced independence, my assignment , my classroom?
Cris Crissman

Painting Myself Out of the Picture | Virtually Foolproof - 2 views

    Week Two's question of enforcing independence leads me to revisit an old post about semester-long collaborative projects for grad students.

cathellis13 Post - 5 views

Vanessa Vaile

Rhizo14 MOOC Research Storm - Ma Bali, Google Drive - 1 views

    Thoughts about the #Rhizo14 MOOC Research Project? INTRO BY MAHA: We can EACH have our own research agenda and work together to support each other in making it work for this course. This might mean four or five or ten different research questions led by different people, and supported by as many of us as are interested in the other's question. I see already we are on the path to a rhizomatic research approach that is not unidirectional and slightly chaotic but has such rich potential. This would hopefully result in different research projects and publications that each give a different perspective on rhizo14. A metaphor i like is "crystallization" - like a crystal, u can look at it and illuminate it from different angles and see totally different things. Would be beautiful to have this about #rhizo14.
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