Hightech Events: Scrum - 0 views
Scrum works very fine within small teams, adding new functionality in an incremental way. But how to transform traditional developers into a scrum way of working and how to align the multiple teams? How to maintain piles of legacy code? And how to go about solving the specific issues the high tech industry has with Agile? The session ‘Scrum is not enough!’ will give an overview of these challenges and presents best practices to address them.
Scrum.org > Home - 0 views
IT Job Market, Processes & Methodologies Category - 0 views
Agile Software Development21+4£45,000-10114 (8.23 %)
Scrum35+10£47,500-6778 (5.51 %)
Kennisavond 11 juni 2012 | kennisavond | requirements kenniscentrum - 0 views
Alistair.Cockburn.us | Why I still use use cases - 1 views
XP pretty much banned use cases, replacing them with the similar sounding “user stories”
Scrum did similar, using the “product backlog” instead of user stories
Yet as I go around projects, I keep running across organizations suffering from three particular, real, painful, and expensive problems
- ...15 more annotations...
How We Made Our Customer The Product Owner | by Barry Overeem | The Liberators | Jun, 2... - 0 views
Product Owner - Scaled Agile Framework - 0 views
For most enterprises moving to Agile, this is a new and critical role, typically translating into a full-time job, requiring one PO to support each Agile team (or, at most, two teams). This role has significant relationships and responsibilities outside the local team, including working with Product Management, Customers, Business Owners, and other stakeholders
Without the right number of people in the right roles, bottlenecks will severely limit velocity.
The Anatomy of a Successful Team Squad What I Learned from My Recent Experiment with th... - 0 views
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