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Peter Van der Straaten

InfoQ: IIBA announce Agile Extension to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge - 1 views

  • IIBA(tm)) announced the release of a draft of the Introduction for the Agile Extension to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK
  • many business analysts are struggling to understand how the role changes in Agile projects
  • "weak" or "sham" Agile implementations in organisations where "doing Agile" is not accompanied by any real cultural or governance change
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • public draft of the introduction to the extension.  This is available from the IIBA website 
  • Simultaneously Chris Matts and others formed the Agile BA Requirements Yahoo group
    Also other remarks on Agile and BA
Peter Van der Straaten

BABOK Agile Extension | IIBA - 0 views

  • The Agile Extension to the BABOK® Guide
  • The importance of business analysis practices
  • How business analysis is performed in agile lifecycles
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Key principles
  • How agile practices modify business analysis tasks, and existing techniques
  • collaborative effort between the Agile Alliance and IIBA
  • submit that feedback before January 31, 2012
    BABOK, CBAP, CCBA & Certification from International Institute of Business Analysis
Peter Van der Straaten

'Agile komt niet verder dan IT-afdeling' | Automatisering Gids - 0 views

  • Opvallend is volgens de onderzoekers dat na de initiële implementatie van agile in de software-omgeving, de verdere uitrol maar beperkt plaatsvindt. Dat komt doordat de respondenten in meer dan de helft van de gevallen (52%) terugvallen op oud gedrag en 43% problemen ondervindt met de producteigenaar
  • De ondervraagden wijzen de ‘product owner’ aan als de belangrijkste oorzaak voor niet-succesvolle agile-projecten. De producteigenaar was in 43% van de gevallen niet beschikbaar, maakte geen keuzes of had geen mandaat. Andere oorzaken voor het falen van agile-projecten zijn een gebrek aan kennis en -ervaring (34%), onvoldoende cultuurverandering (31%) en externe druk om traditioneel te werken (29%).
  • Uitrol agile stokt
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Producteigenaar is de boosdoener
Peter Van der Straaten

IT Job Market, Processes & Methodologies Category - 0 views

  • Agile Software Development21+4£45,000-10114 (8.23 %)
  • Scrum35+10£47,500-6778 (5.51 %)
Peter Van der Straaten

Agile ontwikkelaars verdienen erg goed | Automatisering Gids - 0 views

  • Agile ontwikkelaars verdienen erg goed
  • Het onderzoek betreft  weliswaar de Amerikaanse markt, maar er is geen reden om aan te nemen dat de situatie in Europa veel anders is
  • De vraag naar deze vaardigheden is enorm en de hoogte van het geboden salaris volgt op de voet
Peter Van der Straaten - 0 views

    VersionOne: Agile project management tool
Peter Van der Straaten

"The Forrester Wave(tm): Agile Development Management Tools, Q2 2010," Forrester Resear... - 0 views

  • MKS Named a Leader in Forrester’s Analysis of Agile Development Management Tools
  • MKS is pleased to offer you a complimentary copy of this independent research
Peter Van der Straaten

CollabNet - The Leader in Agile Application Lifecycle Management - 0 views

    ScrumWorks pro - agile project management
Peter Van der Straaten

Product Owner - Scaled Agile Framework - 0 views

  • For most enterprises moving to Agile, this is a new and critical role, typically translating into a full-time job, requiring one PO to support each Agile team (or, at most, two teams). This role has significant relationships and responsibilities outside the local team, including working with Product Management, Customers, Business Owners, and other stakeholders
  • Without the right number of people in the right roles, bottlenecks will severely limit velocity.
Peter Van der Straaten

Requirements by Collaboration Book - Ellen Gottesdiener - 0 views

    Ellen has years of hands-on experience with Agile projects, with a focus on requirements. Key-note speaker on DREAM 2011; met her at evening workshop on 20110920.
Peter Van der Straaten | Why I still use use cases - 1 views

  • XP pretty much banned use cases, replacing them with the similar sounding “user stories”
  • Scrum did similar, using the “product backlog” instead of user stories
  • Yet as I go around projects, I keep running across organizations suffering from three particular, real, painful, and expensive problems
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • User stories and backlog items don’t give the designers a context to work from
  • don’t give the project team any sense of “completeness
  • don’t provide a good-enough mechanism for looking ahead at the difficulty of upcoming work
  • Staring at the set of extension conditions in a use case lets the analysts suss out which ones will be easy and which will be difficult, and to stage their research accordingly
  • Here 5 reasons why I still write use cases
  • The list of goal names provides executives with the shortest summary of what the system will contribute to the business and the users
  • The main success scenario of each use case provides everyone involved with an agreement as to what the system will basically do, also, sometimes more importantly, what it will not do.
  • The extension conditions of each use case provide the requirements analysts a framework for investigating all the little, niggling things that somehow take up 80% of the development time and budget
  • The use case extension scenario fragments provide answers to the many detailed, often tricky business questions
  • The full use case set shows that the investigators have throught through every user’s needs, every goal they have with respect to the system, and every business variant involved
  • how much should be written up front to get the project estimate into a safe place
  • several sticky parts for people using use cases
  • iteration/sprint lengths are so short that it is not practical to implement an entire use case in just one of them.
  • Writing good use cases (or any other requirements) requires thinking, communicating, and thinking again. It is much easier just to write user-story tags on index cards and let the project blow up later
  • We have adopted many of the concepts of Agile development—such as daily build and test, build the smallest piece of functionality that delivers value, etc.—but have retained our up-front work. It’s worked extremely well
Peter Van der Straaten

Hightech Events: Scrum - 0 views

  • Scrum works very fine within small teams, adding new functionality in an incremental way. But how to transform traditional developers into a scrum way of working and how to align the multiple teams? How to maintain piles of legacy code? And how to go about solving the specific issues the high tech industry has with Agile? The session ‘Scrum is not enough!’ will give an overview of these challenges and presents best practices to address them.
    Inclusief presentaties
Peter Van der Straaten

MKS Inc. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • In 2008 Forrester proclaims MKS as the leader in requirements management in the independent research report
  • MKS positioned in the 'Leaders' quadrant in Gartner's first ever Magic Quadrant for Software Change and Configuration Management (SCCM) for Distributed Platforms
  • Gartner positioned MKS as a leader in the 2009 Magic Quadrant for Software Change and Configuration Management (SCCM) for Distributed Platform
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Forrester named MKS as a leader in Agile development management tools in Forrester Research Inc., May 2010
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