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Peter Van der Straaten

spider - 0 views

  • SPIder is een Nederlands netwerk van IT-professionals waarin kennis en ervaringen gedeeld worden op het gebied van software­ontwikkelmethodieken, processen en modellen, (software)­procesverbetering (SPI), kwaliteit, kwaliteitsboring (QA), ontwerp en test, metrieken en invoeringstrategieën
Peter Van der Straaten

Hightech Events: Scrum - 0 views

  • Scrum works very fine within small teams, adding new functionality in an incremental way. But how to transform traditional developers into a scrum way of working and how to align the multiple teams? How to maintain piles of legacy code? And how to go about solving the specific issues the high tech industry has with Agile? The session ‘Scrum is not enough!’ will give an overview of these challenges and presents best practices to address them.
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