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7 Secrets to Getting Your Next Job Using Social Media - 10 views

  • About 1 year ago Dan Schawbel 607 Secrets to Getting Your Next Job Using Social Media
    • Kai Zhao
      hello team?
  • About 1 year ago Dan Schawbel 607 Secrets to Getting Your Next Job Using Social Media
    • Yingpeng Wu
      hi there
  • 7 Secrets to Getting Your Next Job Using Social Media
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The current environment
    • Yingpeng Wu
    • Yingpeng Wu
    • nikki hogg
      Really lengthy homepage, it would be nice if they have a sort of table of contents with hyperlinks that could take you to each of the 7 secrets
    • ivanhartling
      I don't like how long this page is. It requires a lot of scrolling to navigate and I think it would be easier if the 7 secrets were seperated into seperate pages.
    • nikki hogg
      the sidebar on the right is a bit distracting and it makes it challenging to focus. it isnt that easy to quickly navigate through this site
  • 1. Conduct a people search instead of a job search
    • ivanhartling
      Title catches your attention.
    This supplements Chapter Seven of the course text, providing some social media job search ideas.
J.Randolph Radney

YouTube - Google Cloud Calculator - 3 views

    Here is a video you might want to begin a presentation on Google Apps with.
jenna swift

Workplace Learning: The Next Generation - 7 views

    • jenna swift
      Hii team
    • Stacy Chattu
      i hate diigo
  • Role of Leaders in Learning Make their own learning visible Encourage critical reflection Publically recognize and value expertise, knowledge and experience distributed in their workforce Support ‘fail quickly’ experimentation Model collaborative learning and constant feedback 3. Shifting Role of Learning and Development “If anything, Learning and Development (is) even more essential in this new age we are working in” - George Siemens, Ph.D., author and theorist 8
  • Thank You! Next Panel Discussion Topic: Integrating Learning and Work October 15, 2010 1:00 – 2:30 Eastern 12 Strategy. Accelerated. Forum mobilizes people to embrace the critical strategies of their organization and accelerate results. When you need to swiftly align your people to tackle an opportunity or tear down a roadblock, Forum is an essential business asset. 800.FORUM.11
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Increasing The Intent To Learn: 4 Keys to The Future 10
J.Randolph Radney

Wave This! - Google Wave Blog - 2 views

    Here is a quick way to start a Google wave on any Web page you find.
caitlin molson

Googling and Facebooking to a job | Marketplace From American Public Media - 5 views

  • Social media more often seems to be a way to get kicked out of a job -- unseemly photos, an off-color post -- but some job-seekers are using it to land their dream jobs
    • J.Randolph Radney
      Engaging opening sentence.
    • J.Randolph Radney
      I don't particularly like this colour choice here. Perhaps it is a branding artifact?
    • Carly Madsen
      Vertical layout works well for this site
  • ...3 more annotations...
    • Carly Madsen
      Nice to have a picture to catch your attention along with a brief sentence to tell you what the article is about.
    • caitlin molson
      Is it just me or is anyone else distracted by the amount of advertising here, the actual content is pushed to a third of the page
  • When they Googled themselves, they would see Brownstein's ads asking for a job, and directing them to his website. Total cost of placing the ads? Six dollars
    Someone in a class recently told me they would like to work at Google. Here's how some people went after the job they wanted.

Reading in a Whole New Way | 40th Anniversary | Smithsonian Magazine - 5 views

    • Elias Rumley
      Right away, skimming the page, I feel that there needs to be more pictures. E-readers struggle to keep their attention to text for an extended period, so pictures will help break the monotony.
    • J.Randolph Radney
      This is a great idea, Elias. Do you have some particular pictures in mind?
    • Jordan Turgeon
      The picture provides a good visual that precedes the actual topic
  • American prosperity and liberty grew out of a culture of reading and writing.
    • Elias Rumley
      Very strong statement. Perhaps a tad over-reaching, but it is effective in demonstrating the writer's belief that literacy is key in culture.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • As digital screens proliferate and people move from print to pixel, how will the act of reading change?
    • Jordan Turgeon
      Clearly states the general topic in a simple and easily understood manner right away
  • Books were good at developing a contemplative mind. Screens encourage more utilitarian thinking. A new idea or unfamiliar fact will provoke a reflex to do something: to research the term, to query your screen “friends” for their opinions, to find alternative views, to create a bookmark, to interact with or tweet the thing rather than simply contemplate it.
    • farouk hamood
  • In ancient times, authors often dictated their books. Dictation sounded like an uninterrupted series of letters, so scribes wrote down the letters in one long continuous string, justastheyoccurinspeech. Text was written without spaces between words until the 11th century. This continuous script made books hard to read, so only a few people were accomplished at reading them aloud to others. Being able to read silently to yourself was considered an amazing talent. Writing was an even rarer skill. In 15th-century Europe only one in 20 adult males could write.
    • Jordan Turgeon
      An interesting summary of reading and writing during the ealier times
  • The first screens that overtook culture, several decades ago—the big, fat, warm tubes of television—reduced the time we spent reading to such an extent that it seemed as if reading and writing were over. Educators, intellectuals, politicians and parents worried deeply that the TV generation would be unable to write.
    • Elias Rumley
      It's interesting to see that, at one point, professionals believed writing would become a rare skill and the rarity of literacy would regress back to ancient times.
  • Pixels encourage numeracy and produce rivers of numbers flowing into databases.
    • Elias Rumley
      Very strong imagery, that effectively contrasts the pixels (which are small and humble) produce a river (usually powerful and comparitively large) of information.
  • Books  
  • But screens engage our bodies. Touch screens respond to the ceaseless caress of our fingers.
  • The most physically active we may get while reading a book is to flip the pages or dog-ear a corner.
    • romie_mui
      interesting point
  •  The most physically active we may get while reading a book is to flip the pages or dog-ear a corner.  But screens engage our bodies. Touch screens respond to the ceaseless caress of our fingers.
  • or dog
  • pages or dog -ear a corner.   But screens
J.Randolph Radney

English Courses Links - 5 views

    This is my list of resources for English courses.
J.Randolph Radney

Gone Google - 1 views

    This is the actual application that calculates how much your company could save by using Google Apps.

How to Link Social Learning to Work and Performance - 5 views

  • Like this presentation?
  • Start with the end in mind
pardeep tiwana

Ladies Only Fitness: Welcome - 5 views

shared by pardeep tiwana on 02 Mar 12 - No Cached
  • We encourage you to come into the facility and one of our friendly staff will be happy to give you a tour
    • pardeep tiwana
      (pathos)Ending the text using words like " friendly staff will be happy to give you a tour" is both welcoming/comforting for the readers.
  • Balance, Strength, and Empowerment
    • pardeep tiwana
      logos: The words balance,healthy, happy, empowerment, and beauty are used numerous times in the text.
  • Location1055 Victoria StreetKamloops, BCV2C 2C3 Phone Number(250) 374-1220
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Living a balanced, healthy lifestyle not only physically, but mentally and spiritually is the key to reaching your full potential and living a happy , fulfilled beautiful life.
    • pardeep tiwana
      This paragraph is using logs to persuade the readers
    The color yellow was choosen in regards to pathos, it implies postive emotions along with symbolizing a well balanced mentally healthy life style. Along with the color yellow, there is also a picture of a women showing her strength, again capturing emotions regarding to health and wellbeing which result in positivity. It is important to note the size of the picture, it is the first thing you see on the page. The company uses "18- years in business " to start their text; this is to suggest to the viewers that the bussiness has been runing for many years which makes this credible. These appeals to ethos
Cindy Charleyboy


    Please feel free to give feedback-any information you want posted-and we can add to the student corner.
Jennifer Rienks

Chahal Priddle LLP, Serving Kamloops & Merritt, BC, Canada. Lawyers for Personal Injury... - 4 views

  • Let's be honest, hiring a lawyer feels risky. Why should you trust Chahal Priddle LLP? We know your situation. Do you need a lawyer who suits you or someone who will get the job done? Both. You're likely skeptical and uncomfortable about your problem. But you've been prompted to take action. We understand. We'll sit down with you, find out what type of outcome you're looking for and then find the best remedy to your legal issue. You can rely on us. Most of our paralegals and assistants have been with the firm for a long time, which means they're very experienced and very good at helping you. You won't have to re-explain your file to a new assistant or wait for someone to find what should be a quick answer to your question . You'll recommend us. Past clients and fellow professionals recommend us. Repeatedly. They'll tell you that they do so because we're easy to deal with, accessible, straightforward and because we work hard to help them through a stressful process. We get results, too. Browse through our website and learn how we could help you. The quickest start to solving your problem is to make a simple phone call to our office, but we know that the decision to take action requires research. Enjoy the site and when you're ready to call, we'll help answer your questions.
    • Jennifer Rienks
      a use of an appeal to character.
    • Jennifer Rienks
      The catch Phrase " you can Rely on us" Is a very obvious appeal to character, Throughout the sight they ensure that you can trust their expertise. This cements this idea to the reader.
    • Jennifer Rienks
      The photo of the Kamloops area, ensured the reader and potential clients that they are a small town company and care about the community, not just the monetary benfits.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Jennifer Rienks
      the type of language they use throughout the site, appears to have been designed to let the reader know that they are not just stuffy lawyers who use legaleze or complicated language, but are individuals who can relate and will fight for your well being.
    Rhetorical Analysis
J.Randolph Radney

YouTube - The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version) - 4 views

    Does this video have any implications for business operations?
    Eye OPENING!
J.Randolph Radney

45% Of Students Don't Learn Much In College - 4 views

    What do you think of this information in relation to the video from Seth Godin on how schools help student aim low?
Taylor Laird


shared by Taylor Laird on 16 Feb 12 - No Cached
  • Zero Waste means linking communities, businesses and industries so that one's waste becomes another’s feedstock. It means preventing pollution at its source. It means new local jobs in communities throughout British Columbia
  • Zero Waste is a goal that is ethical, economical, efficient and visionary
  • Zero Waste will eliminate all discharges to land, water or air that are a threat to planetary, human, animal or plant health
  • ...5 more annotations...
    • Taylor Laird
      Blue-ethos Green-pathos and Pink-logos
    • Taylor Laird
      Colors of website are earthy. Background is white-indicates cleanliness. Colors are green like grass and trees, text is green and blue (like water) very environmental feel to it. Picture up top clean straight forward. Shows environment.
    • Mae Abano
      Overall website layout is simple and accessible. Colors of different shades of green and blue are chosen to represent the colors of the Earth. The information you need to know are grouped into categories, and phone numbers are displayed at top. Font size and font text are simple as it represents the environment of simplicity and cleanliness. The logo, looks like a part of a continent of the globe with recycling logo in the middle, same colors of green,blue and white are also used.
  • The Cities of Vancouver, Richmond, Burnaby, New Westminster, Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam, and Port Moody have already implemented residential organics collection programs.
  • The strategy is broad-based, targeting increased materials efficiencies in businesses, local economic development through "resource recovery" and public policy renewal to facilitate the development of a zero waste economy
  • RDN banned commercial food waste from the landfill. A commercial food waste diversion program involving businesses and organizations diverts more than 6,000 tonnes of food waste and organic compostables annually from the landfill.
Anatoly Kudrevatykh

Changing Education Paradigms presentation - 4 views

    Interesting presentation about problems of the current education system.
J.Randolph Radney

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. - 3 views

    Videos on rhetorical analysis of different sorts
J.Randolph Radney

Skype - Make free calls and great value calls on the internet - 3 views

    Here is the Skype link for students to use in downloading Skype for the virtual session @ 7 p.m. on 15 March.
J.Randolph Radney

This week in Docs: New features for your Google Docs videos - Docs Blog - 3 views

    Share videos from within Google Docs!
Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo

What's Wrong with Abortion - the case against abortion - 3 views

  • ul II writes:
  • The common outcry, which is justly made on behalf of human rights -- for example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture -- is false and illusory if the right to life is not defended with maximum determination.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      This is an appeal to religion (since the authors quote a religious authority figure) as well as to morality. Without providing any kind of evidence, the authors attempt to convince people by telling them that it is their duty to oppose abortion.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
  •  Abortion ruined my life and the woman I was involved with. We chose abortion to "save our careers" but it ended up costing everything.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      This is a personal argument based on the author's own personal experience. Although it shows what can happen, the author makes it seem as though it is an inevitable result of abortion. However, it cannot be generalized as other people may have had different experiences and feel differently about the issue.
  • ...24 more annotations...
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      These pictures try to persuade people by making them believe that God does not condone abortion. It is also a reference to our 'playing God', which happens to be a common religious argument against scientific advancements. Furthermore, the depiction of children serves to demonstrate that children are an essential part of 'God's plan' and must, therefore, be protected. They also look weak and defenseless, which elicits an emotional response also known as the mother's / father's instinct.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      Ethos & pathos
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      This is a picture of a 14-week old fetus. It, too, is supposed to elicit an emotional response, or a protective instinct. Since the 'baby' is fully recognizable as a 'human being' (due to the fact that it certainly looks like one), it serves to reinforce the argument that abortion is murder.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      The aborted fetus is supposed to make one feel disgusted and devastated as well as angry and sad. However, this is an 11-week old fetus (as opposed to the 14-week old fetus). It may be the case that there is a fundamental difference between an 11-week old and a 14-week old fetus in terms of their development into an actual human being.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      Pathos & attempt at logos
  • I'll call this girl "Sara."
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      By giving the fetus a name and referring to it as "girl", the authors emphasize that it is (in their opinion, that is) a human being.
  • Sara could not protect herself while the "doctor" cut her head off with fore snips. This is what abortion looks like.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      This brutal description of what happened to the fetus in the picture once again elicits a strong emotional response. In addition to that, the author also fails to mention that there may be more to abortion than the 'killing' of 'human beings'.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
  • Sara will never learn how skip or play hopscotch. She will never experience her first date or the prom.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      This is an appeal to emotion. The authors make the readers recall certain significant past events such as their prom or their first date. By doing so, the reader is forced to think about what it would have been like if it had been him or her and the authors successfully make it a very personal issue.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
  • Sara has been denied the right to vote, the right to freedom of speech, the right to work. All these things that women have worked so hard to achieve have been denied to Sara.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      The authors then go on to argue that abortion is not only morally wrong but also politically wrong as it takes away several rights from a 'human being'. Furthermore, they compare it to feminist issues (which is also why they chose to call the fetus "Sara" and refer to it as a "girl"), thereby appealing to women and especially to feminists (whether they be male or female).
  • This first question we must ask ourselves when considering our opinion on abortion is this: "Is something being killed?" Everyone familiar with biology will answer yes. The next question is "What is being killed?" A simple way to answer this is to ask "Does it have DNA? The answer is yes. What kind is it? Human. The DNA at 5 minutes after conception is identical to the DNA 85 years after conception.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      The authors try to argue deductively. However, they assume that everything they say is based on nothing but facts even though they never prove that everything that 'has human DNA' is in fact a fully developed human being.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      Attempt at logos
  • Every major abortion rights organization and doctor admits it is a human being.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      The authors present this as a fact even though it is still a very controversial issue.
  • "Jane Roe" in the case has since said it was the worse mistake she ever made. How come you never hear that in the main stream media? She was a puppet for an abortion agenda, another example of the abortion industry's abuse of young women.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      The authors try to persuade the readers that the women who decide to get an abortion are actually victims. Surely, some of them regret it but there are also women who do not regret it. By taking one example and presenting it as a general rule of thumb, the authors redirect the reader's anger toward the authorities and the institutions that support abortion.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
  • Abortion is not the first time this word game of personhood vs. humanity has been played with human life. During the slave trade, it was acknowledged that black people were human beings, but not "persons". During the Holocaust, Hitler acknowledged that Jews were human beings. That's why he performed horrible experiments on them, but he did not acknowledge their "personhood."
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      By comparing abortion to slavery and to the Holocaust, the authors once again elicit a strong emotional and moral response that leads to the readers thinking about the wrongness of the act. Abortion is thereby inevitably depicted as a crime (or even genocide), which is an attempt to make people want to oppose it.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      It seems like the authors are trying to make it look like an appeal to logos rather than pathos.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      Once again, this picture's purpose is to convince people that fetuses are fully developed human beings and that nothing really distinguishes them from any of us.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      However, just because the fetus is comprised of 46 chromosomes does not necessarily mean that a fetus is the same as a newborn baby.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      Attempt at logos
  • A newborn is not as well developed as a toddler. I am more developed than toddler.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      This comparison is invalid since the real question is whether a fetus is "alive" yet. Toddlers and the authors are without a doubt alive. Yet, the authors' use of an analogy is quite interesting as it seems to be an attempt to appeal to logic.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      Attempt at logs
  • Yes the unborn baby lives in a unique environment. But I do not cease becoming a human when I travel to work, or home. Environment does not determine personhood.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      Once again, this analogy is invalid. One's workplace and one's home are both situated in a world outside of the womb whereas a fetus is not a part of 'our' world yet.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      Attempt at logos
  • In the last 30 years approximately 21,500,000 women have died violent deaths in the United States. They have had their arms ripped off, they have had their legs ripped off, they have had their heads cut off. These women were defenceless, they could not speak out to defend themselves. They remained silent as they were brutally murdered. These women were not fully grown. They were waiting to be born. These women died from abortion. Most abortionists are men who say that they are in favour of women's rights and they say they shun violence against women. Obviously, they are not in favour of the rights of women in the womb.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      Once again, the authors appeal to feminism and claim (without any evidence) that abortion is, indeed, murder. They are thereby taking the peripheral route rather than the central route to persuasion as they focus on the emotional rather than the factual / logical aspects of the matter.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
  • Half of women carrying babies have a little boy inside them with a penis. Is that penis a part of her body? That would be a first.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      The authors' use of sarcasm is quite effective in this case as it helps make a point regarding the difference between a woman's body and the fetus's body.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
  • The abortion industry is a multi billion dollar industry and Planned Parenthood is now exporting this industry to countries around the world like a McDonald's franchise.  I just attended a summit on "Population Control" in Ottawa. It is scary to think that we are now trying to export abortion to countries around the world the way we export wheat. Much of this is being paid by our governments.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      Making it seem as though abortion is but a business distracts from other aspects of it such as 'abortion as a result of rape' etc. and redirects anger toward the institutions that support it. Hence, people's desire to put an end to abortion grows (if they do not critically reflect on it, that is). 
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
  • I believe that as Christians we are obligated to step in. The Bible makes it clear that it is wrong to stand by as innocent blood is shed. (Deut 21:5, 7-9; Ezk 22:3-4, Is 1:15-16, Lev 18:21. ) Ruben rescued Joseph (Gn 37:21-22), Hebrew midwives rescued baby boys from the infanticide of Pharaoh (Ex 1:17) The solders of Saul rescued Jonathan from murder (1 Sam 14:45), Obadiah rescued 100 prophets from Jezebel. Esther risked her life to save her people from genocide.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      Once again, this is an approach to religion and morality and abortion is depicted as murder and genocide. This also elicits an emotional response.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
  • 23,000 couples in Canada and 230,000 couples in the US want to adopt children. Many go overseas to find babies because North Americans abort the majority of our unwanted babies.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      The authors distract from the real issue at hand and even blame women who decide to have an abortion for the hardship of couples who wish to adopt a child. This might actually help win them over, too.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
  • "Oh Lord give us the strength to not only experience our horror at this holocaust but the courageously stand up and be counted and to follow the heroes who brought down the slave trade and those who saved Jews from the Holocaust."
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      The repetition of a previously mentioned idea only re-emphasizes its importance and elicits the same emotional response again (and perhaps even a stronger one than before).
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
  • after the Genome project
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      Mentioning the Human Genome Project makes the authors' claim seem more factual and believable.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
  • Fertilization is the miracle moment, and all 46 chromosomes are coming together. It's when life begins. It is new human life.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      The description of the process ('a miracle') once again adds a religious or a spiritual aspect to it. Claiming that it is in fact a 'new human life' ignores the actual controversy around the issue and effectively introduces the next and final argument.
  • It is the killing of an innocent human. Lord Jesus, let Your prayer of unity for Christians become a reality, in Your way we have absolute confidence that you can bring your people together we give you absolute permission to move Amen
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      Repeating the main statement (it is murder) and ending the discussion with a 'prayer' emphasizes the wrongness of the act as well as the religious aspect of it. We should not play God because 'in Your way [God's way] we have absolute confidence', meaning that if God wanted it to happen it would happen naturally (by itself). Furthermore, ending the discussion the same it started is also very effective as it demonstrates that it is now 'complete' (like a 'vicious' cycle that one cannot escape).
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      Pathos & ethos
  • I do not come to the Pro-life movement for some altruistic reason, I come through my own experience and suffering.
    • Marcus Ramirez-Santoyo
      The authors are trying to establish credibility (ethos).
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