Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ana Ribeiro
Organization of bookmarks on Diigo - 4 views
Hi again,
Another question: is there any way to classify of organise all the bookmarks we have on Diigo? We have the tags, but can we create some kind of categories and associate each bookmark to a category? This is because right now we have 130 bookmarks and some of them are about PLE, others are about PwD, others are just links to the PwD Employ Project do you "orientate" yourselves among all these resources?
Repeated links - 9 views
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randolph preisinger-kleine wrote:
> Our investigations so far show that PLEs in the majority of cases are designed to meet the needs of students and educators. Were you able to identify PLE approaches, targeting at professionals / managers?
> Another question arising from this. How to transfer good practice found in the educational sector to business?