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Sarah Eeee

Ballastexistenz » Post Topic » "…knew the moment had arrived for killing the ... - 0 views

  • How many of the emotional and social problems autistic people have are actually related to being autistic?
  • And as I got into school, I became as subject to bullying by teachers as I was by other students.
  • . I couldn’t understand why people hated me so much, I hadn’t done anything to them other than exist near them. And eventually I just went numb. Nothing the few people in my life who did treat me like a person could do, was enough to counteract the fact that in the majority of my life I was treated more like a target. The only way I could deal with it was to cut off the parts of me that knew what it was like to be treated like a person.
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  • m telling it because assorted variants on these experiences are so close to universal among the autistic people I’ve known. How can you get a good idea of the social abilities or emotional range of a set of people who are treated like this from the moment we encounter other children, sometimes from the moment we encounter other people at all?
  • The myth of the refrigerator parent has been replaced with the myth of the refrigerator child, and many of our parents will believe the new refrigerator child myth.
  • The interesting part to me was that the social behavior of the children was not only often invisible to their parents, but often invisible to the people who worked at the Media Lab as well. I had to point out to them things like one child speaking to her mother and inquiring about her mother’s emotional state, another child’s affection, another child looking up at his mother’s face to gauge her feelings. We concluded that somehow through the camera person focusing on the mothers, combined with the mothers focusing on the camera people, the viewer’s focus was not on the social overtures of the children, who were then possible to describe as not engaging in social overtures even when they were very clearly affectionate, social, and concerned with their parents’ feelings.
    • Sarah Eeee
      Key point: People don't recognize social behaviors when they come from autistic children. Instead of observing what they see, they only see what they expect. There is ample evidence for how this could happen from distraction studies (tell someone to focus on members of the blue team, and they'll miss the gorilla dribbling the ball).
    Interesting blog post considering the emotional impacts of having autism. The author questions whether some of the social difficulties considered diagnostic of autism are actually the result of discrimination. Definitely worth reading for anyone interested in autism and hearing from someone with autism.
yc c

Bolt | Peters » Video Game Research - 0 views

  • To capture and observe player experience during testing, B|P uses individual stations for each gamer to interact on their own, in an environment that represents their real-world setup.
    Bolt | Peters is a creative research firm specializing in remote user research. We film people using video games, web apps, and cars, see where they run into difficulty, and make documentaries about their behavior for manufacturers, so they can make their interfaces easier to use for regular folks.
thinkahol *

How to size up the people in your life - opinion - 15 August 2011 - New Scientist - 0 views

    Why are we all so different? Here is a toolkit for finding out what people are really like IN THE 4th century BC, the Greek philosopher Theophrastus, Aristotle's student and successor, wrote a book about personality. The project was motivated by his interest in what he considered a very puzzling question: "Why it has come about that, albeit the whole of Greece lies in the same clime, and all Greeks have a like upbringing, we have not the same constitution of character?" Not knowing how to get at the answer, Theophrastus decided to instead focus on categorising those seemingly mysterious differences in personality. The result was a book of descriptions of personality types to which he assigned names such as The Suspicious, The Fearful and The Proud. The book made such an impression that it was passed down through the ages, and is still available online today as The Characters of Theophrastus. The two big questions about personality that so interested Theophrastus are the same ones we ask ourselves about the people we know: why do we have different personalities? And what is the best way to describe them? In the past few decades, researchers have been gradually answering these questions, and in my new book, Making Sense of People: Decoding the mysteries of personality, I take a look at some of these answers. When it comes to the origins of personality, we have learned a lot. We now know that personality traits are greatly influenced by the interactions between the set of gene variants that we happen to have been born with and the social environment we happen to grow up in. The gene variants that a person inherits favour certain behavioural tendencies, such as assertiveness or cautiousness, while their environmental circumstances influence the forms these innate behavioural tendencies take. The ongoing dialogue between the person's genome and environment gradually establishes the enduring ways of thinking and feeling that are the building blocks of personality. This de
Gail Benes

Secure Yourself From Unexpected Cash Crisis No Doubts - 0 views

    Cash fast loans today has become the foremost opportune opportunity for attain earlier make the most hands without any difficulty. Today, you are doing not ought to run once the lenders to determination your financial issues via online medium. So apply for speedy fiscal approach during emergency time and you can reduce your unexpected cash crisis without any tedious procedure.

Loans For Bad Credits: Loans Available For Customers With Bad Credit! - 0 views

    Monetary necessity is one of the key aspects affecting the normalcy of life. Both the well to do's and have not's face the same kind of financial difficulties time and again. The major cause for this chaos is the unforeseen expenditures that pop up from somewhere all of a sudden. Have you been turned down by lending firms due to your not-so-good credit score? Stop worrying!
Alison Campbell

An Ultimate Financial Offer for Salaried Persons of Canada - 0 views

    Bad credit payday loans is a highly superlative financial scheme that helps you to generate fast cash in hands till you receive your next month's payday. Utilize borrowed funds freely to take care of your short term fiscal difficulties on time. For more information about loans till payday canada -
George Adreeno

Cover Monetary Expenses Through Online Medium No Doubts - 0 views

    Today with encroachment in technology the procedure of application for loans with bad credit has made simpler without any difficulty during emergency time. Free of cost application form has made it more reasonable for all to apply for it which would be available through online without any trouble.
thinkahol *

Education: Learning difficulties | The Economist - 1 views

    A PARADOX of education is that presenting information in a way that looks easy to learn often has the opposite effect. Numerous studies have demonstrated that when people are forced to think hard about what they are shown they remember it better, so it is worth looking at ways this can be done. And a piece of research about to be published in Cognition, by Daniel Oppenheimer, a psychologist at Princeton University, and his colleagues, suggests a simple one: make the text conveying the information harder to read.
Gail Benes

Pecuniary Assistance To Determine Urgent Situation Cash Disaster - 0 views

    Before you acquire an authorization, lenders make sure that you can pay contents page the finances on momentarily or not. So, if you desire a trouble - effusive endorsement, your financial conditions should be enough up please the lender. Such finances are considered to present complete of life monetary assistance without any further arrest.
Gail Benes

Defeat Monetary Disaster During Emergency Time - 0 views

    You just require looking through and filling an online purpose form which is unproblematic and trouble-free to follow for these fast cash advance online method. You can take financial services without any difficulty during cash crisis time without any longer procedure.
Media Amel

Television as a source of information and its evaluation your communication skills - 0 views

    People's views and knowledge about the subject can be as much influenced by media sources as anything else. This presents difficulties, as increasingly evidence is emerging to suggest that the profile of industrial relations presented by television in particular is not very representative.
George Adreeno

Now Easiest Financial Backing For Your Cash Crisis - 0 views

Seeking for short term monetary support in between mid of the month and even appropriate monetary support to meet urgent situation? Small bad credit loans are there to support you out of all disast...

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started by George Adreeno on 12 Sep 15 no follow-up yet
George Adreeno

New Approach Accessing Cash For The Mid Month Finances Issues - 0 views

Instant Pay back day pecuniary services are the most trustworthy and also known as 'Cash advances' or 'payday loans', are impermanent funds financial loan that men and women around the united kingd...

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started by George Adreeno on 05 Oct 15 no follow-up yet
George Adreeno

Excellent Way To Apply For Monetary Support Without Any Issues - 0 views

Small Payday Loans also are such amazing finances which might be merely reachable in bad situations without any difficulty. These advances are making possible in small money desire. These credits a...

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started by George Adreeno on 05 Aug 15 no follow-up yet
George Adreeno

Excellent Way To Apply For Monetary Support Without Any Issues - 0 views

Small Payday Loans also are such amazing finances which might be merely reachable in bad situations without any difficulty. These advances are making possible in small money desire. These credits a...

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started by George Adreeno on 05 Aug 15 no follow-up yet
nat bas

News Blog Articles | Stereotyping Increases With Age | Miller-McCune Online Magazine - 0 views

  • A decade ago, a research team led by William von Hippel of the University of Queensland challenged that assumption. The psychologists proposed that older people may exhibit greater prejudice because they have difficulty inhibiting the stereotypes that regularly get activated in all of our brains. They suggested an aging brain is not as effective in suppressing unwanted information — including stereotypes.
  • This finding supports our suggestion that older adults are more likely to make stereotypic inferences during comprehension, and that this stereotyping carries over into their later memory for that information
  • older adults are no more likely than younger adults to rely on stereotypes, and are similarly capable of altering their interpretation of a situation when information suggests that information is incorrect.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • In real life, of course, no one is pointing out biased statements as they emerge from the mouths or friends, family members or talk-show hosts. So for older adults, the best advice might be to avoid acquaintances who speak in stereotypes. This research suggests prejudice can be contagious, and we become more susceptible as our brains age.
    we are all prejudiced, and judge through making use of stereotypes- but older people find it difficult to suppress them, whereas we do it quite efficiently. Good news is, if these stereotypes are challenged, they see the light and shed their prejudices.
nat bas

Thinking literally - The Boston Globe - 0 views

  • Metaphors aren’t just how we talk and write, they’re how we think. At some level, we actually do seem to understand temperament as a form of temperature, and we expect people’s personalities to behave accordingly. What’s more, without our body’s instinctive sense for temperature--or position, texture, size, shape, or weight--abstract concepts like kindness and power, difficulty and purpose, and intimacy and importance would simply not make any sense to us.
  • Put another way, metaphors reveal the extent to which we think with our bodies.
  • "The abstract way we think is really grounded in the concrete, bodily world much more than we thought,” says John Bargh, a psychology professor at Yale and leading researcher in this realm.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Friedrich Nietzsche scornfully described human understanding as nothing more than a web of expedient metaphors, stitched together from our shallow impressions of the world. In their ignorance, he charged, people mistake these familiar metaphors, deadened from overuse, for truths. "We believe that we know something about the things themselves when we speak of trees, colors, snow, and flowers,” he wrote, "and yet we possess nothing but metaphors for things--metaphors which correspond in no way to the original entities.”
  • people asked to recall a time when they were ostracized gave lower estimates of room temperature than those who recalled a social inclusion experience.
  • subjects who took the questionnaire on the heavier clipboards tended to ascribe more metaphorical weight to the questions they were asked
  • we actually unconsciously look upward when we think about power
  • subjects, after handling sandpaper-covered puzzle pieces, were less likely to describe a social situation as having gone smoothly
  • people who were told to move marbles from a lower tray up to a higher one while recounting a story told happier stories than people moving them down
  • subjects who recalled an unethical act acted less guilty after washing their hands.
  • something as simple as sitting on a hard chair makes people think of a task as harder
    this is a wonderful essay: how metaphors shape the world we see.
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