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Caramel Crow

Brain plasticity and criminal behavior; part 1 | On the Brain by Dr. Mike Merzenich,Ph.D. - 1 views

    6-part series on brain plasticity and criminal behavior
MrGhaz .

A Twittering of Birds: The Inscrutable World of Jargon - 0 views

    Originally a French word meaning "the twittering of birds," jargon, in English, was applied to the codes used by criminals who did not want law-abiding citizens to know what they were saying. Today jargon words are coined not to confuse outsiders but because the objects, jobs, or situations they describe may have no equivalents outside a particular profession.
Vickie Ranz

Against Intuition - - 0 views

  • f anything can be pursued in an armchair, philosophy can," the esteemed Oxford philosopher Timothy Williamson told the Aristotelian Society, of London, a few years ago. That may sound like an innocuous
  • Experimental philosophers also draw on work by contemporary psychologists demonstrating just how malleable human cognition is, how easily redirected and reshaped it is by external cues, even as the conscious mind remains blissfully unaware. Opinions on crime and punishment, for instance, can be altered by placing people in a dirty room designed to trigger feelings of disgust: Subjects in such experiments respond more punitively when asked what should be done to certain hypothetical criminals.
    • Vickie Ranz
      If Intuition means (knowledge) - understanding without apparent effort, quick and ready insight seemingly independent of previous experiences or empirical knowledge (with an emphasis on empirical knowledge), then this test isn't a good test. I think intuition is a deeper process than experiencing something or even learning about something and drawing a new conclusion from that experience or new knowledge. Maybe it is something as simple as seeing linkages that haven't been pointed out by anyone else and making educated guesses. But, then again, maybe it is something as mysterious as tapping into an unconscious web of collective knowledge and all people really are linked to one another spiritually.
  • They think that by studying human minds, using empirical techniques, and drawing on the insights of modern psychological science, they can get a better sense of where intuitions come from, and whether or when they should be granted credence.
    • Vickie Ranz
      Using several different methods to look at a problem is a way of opening up thought so that more possibilities can be explored. And, if more possibilties can be explored, then, more conclusions can be drawn and tested for relevancy. I don't think that this is a bad thing. Take for example the writer who uses art as a spring board for new ideas or to expand his/her thinking in order to write newer/fresher things -- to get past static thinking.
    An article on "Experimental Philosophy", and the "x-phi" movement.

buy Registered US passports +1 213 316-8074 - 0 views

Have you been searching for a passport( ) , SSN card, driver's license, I.D, Birth certificate, diploma or any other document? Or maybe to buy A NEW passp...

started by joshbaniga on 17 Mar 19 no follow-up yet

Buy Verified Coinbase Account - 100% USA UK Coinbase - 0 views

    Buy Verified Coinbase Account Introduction Coinbase is a popular digital currency exchange and wallet service. It allows you to buy, sell and trade Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) and other digital currencies. Coinbase also provides trading services for several other cryptocurrencies, including Binance Coin (BIB) and ex protocol tokens (ZR). What is Coinbase? Coinbase is a cryptocurrency exchange. Founded in 2012, it's one of the most popular platforms for buying, selling and transferring digital currency. Buy Verified Coinbase Account With over 16 million users worldwide and over $20 billion in transactions processed each year (as of 2019), you can rest assured that your funds are safe with Coinbase. The company also boasts an 18-month history of standing behind its customers' accounts - something many other exchanges don't offer at all! Verified Coinbase Accounts for Sale Verified Coinbase Accounts for Sale Verified Coinbase Accounts are available for purchase. These accounts have been verified by the company, which means that they've passed rigorous checks and have achieved a high level of security. Buy Verified Coinbase Account The account holder can use the wallet to make transactions with other users, but also has access to some extra features such as buying/selling cryptocurrencies and sending money abroad via bank transfer or wire transfer. Why Should You Buy Verified Coinbase Account For Your Business? Buying a verified CoinBase account is actually beneficial for your business in many ways: firstly, it shows potential clients that you're legit; secondly it makes them feel safe when doing business with you; thirdly it protects any funds stored on their platform from hackers who may try stealing information from inside phishing attacks - these people would need several years worth of time spent training criminals just so they could hack into an unsuspecting user's computer system before stealing anything valuable therefrom! Bu
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