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Cole Camplese

Is lecture capture the worst educational technology? | Mark Smithers - 32 views

    Should we be investing in a University wide initiative?
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    This is a pretty standard critique. Reasons for lecture capture from my readings on class podcasts: Accessibility (physical, sensory, and learning disability), time shifting (TiVo), exam review, increased student satisfaction, ESL students, hybrid learning, and student feedback (on presentations). I could probably list several more. Smithers doesn't really address these kinds of uses. He also mentions that preparing short videos to augment classroom materials is a worthwhile effort, and we'd get desktop capture along with the system that we'd purchase.
    When I first started thinking about lecture capture, what this article is saying pretty much summed up my position. Lectures represent poor instruction, and all lecture capture does is perpetuate that. I've come to have a more nuanced perspective on this issue than this author seems to have. First, there are certain realities we have to deal with. Large-enrollment courses and large lecture halls aren't going away anytime soon. In fact, they're only going to get more common as higher educational institutions try to operate more efficiently. Given this, as educational technologists, we need to look into technologies which provide the best teaching and learning experience with this contraint. Clickers are a good example of encouraging student engagement in large lecture halls. Lecture capture can improve this situation in a number of ways. If a student falls behind and is not able to ask questions due to the sheer size of a section, they can review the lecture later and engage with peers using the collaboration features of most lecture capture systems. Faculty can use lecture capture to create supplementary materials to supplement their instruction and minimize rote lecture, which may open an opportunity for incorporating critical dialogue in class. There are many other ways to use lecture capture to address the difficult teaching challenge of large lectures. Second, one situation that came up numerous times in my focus groups was that lecture captures helped students particularly in courses where the content was particularly challenging or informationally dense. No matter how good an instructor is, there are times that information presented in a lecture needs to be reviewed, and the presence of a lecture capture system provides that capability. Good systems, like the ones we're looking at, capture multiple sources like slides and document cameras, do OCR to make content searchable, etc., so review is a fairly rich experience.
    (continued.. Diigo cut off my comment) Third, another affordance good lecture capture systems offer is collaboration. Reviewing a lecture capture is not a one-way consumption of a capture, but rather a place for contextual discussion of course materials with peers, or a place for students to ask targeted questions regarding a particularly difficult section of a lecture. Given that this discussion is contextual, it's often far more useful than an LMS discussion area. Finally, this technology aids teaching by offering instructors the ability to more easily see where students are having problems (via observing what sections they are reviewing the most or where they have the most questions) so they can address this in class. There's more value in lecture capture beyond what I've suggested here, such as in supporting distance or hybrid instruction (another growing need at this institution). Perhaps the problem is in the name 'lecture capture', as this doesn't really encapsulate much of what I just described. And there's definitely a faculty training need created here, in order to help develop pedagogies to properly leverage this technology and not just perpetuate bad teaching. But I think that's the case with any technologies we introduce. In short, this article provides a very one-dimensional view of lecture capture, and is probably based on observations of a small handful of poor uses. I think we can do better, and I am much more hopeful about this technology.
    I think the original author would argue that the points you bring up would be better suited by series of short desktop recordings. It is a better way to present informationally dense materials. Students can collaborate around the desktop recording as much as a recorded lecture, and analytics on desktop recordings can reveal areas where students are struggling just as well as a recorded lecture. To the first point of classrooms getting larger - maybe it is incumbent on ed technologists to find ways to increase efficiency in ways other than increasing capacity of lecture halls - like allowing faculty to present content from their desktop via the web and rethinking the assumptions of getting everyone together in a large room. I certainly don't have all the answers or all the information, but just a little advocating for the devil.
    That's a good point, Brad. You're right that desktop capture applications can do some of what systems like Echo360 can do. Something like Camtasia Relay is a good example of a desktop capture app that publishes into a centralized system, which could then integrate into an LMS, blogs, or whatever. I would say that Echo360's personal capture solution might be able to produce a more rich capture of multiple sources, and has some other collaboration and analytics features that Camtasia doesn't (can you tell I've been evaluating these tools for the last two months?). But still, you might say Echo360 is overkill if primarily what you want to do is desktop recording. I'm not convinced that that's all faculty will want to do, or if that's the right approach pedagogically speaking. But I guess that's why we need to pilot this stuff. I agree that packing students into larger and larger classroom isn't the right answer being more efficient. To some extent it's inevitable though, at least until more modern pedagogies that include active and social learning become more mainstream, and there's proven technology to support that on a large scale. Maybe lecture capture is just an interim step towards that model. I'm not sure..
    this is a highly relevant article for me. by way of background, my director & I have been making the rounds to faculty meetings for the departments in our college (there are 13 in total) to talk about our center and what we do. one of the first comments/questions we get has something to do with lecture capture as a proposed "online course" model. for myriad reasons, I am against the notion that lecture capture can represent the foundation of a high-quality online learning experience. and, in fact, I am positive that the reason it comes up so often is that it is far and away the lowest burden on faculty in terms of effort: no course redesign; no reconsideration of teaching approaches; no change in anything, really, just record an already-ongoing in class presentation and stream it. I think it's lazy work and leads to a subpar instructional experience. that said, I have no issue with it at all as an ancillary resource for a res class. in fact, the content covered in many of our classes would benefit from allowing students to go back and review example problems, equations, in-class demos, etc.
    At the ELI meeting, I went to an excellent session by some folks at George Washington University where they're using lecture capture as the primary delivery platform for a distance education program. According to them, it works very well and both on-campus and on-line students are happy with the program. My notes are here:
    Lecture capture is just a technology. It can be used poorly (using it to re-broadcast bad teaching) or it can be used well (to prompt students and facilitate in-class discussion). The important thing is to understand its affordances and apply sound instructional design to its use. Again, I think people get hung up on the term "lecture capture" and miss all the other compelling uses of the technology. It take your point though, Gary, and there is a chance that these systems will encourage people to be lazy and call it innovative teaching practice anyway. But isn't that true with any technology?
    good points, chris. again, my issue is with lecture capture as the foundation (ie primary content delivery approach) of a completely online course. as a way to making materials available outside of a residential course, I think lecture capture has clear application. we've also been working on "classroom flip" models for years in our college, which provide students with recorded lectures in preparation for in-class meetings. our architectural engineering department has done a good deal of these over the years and refined his process. so there is clear value to providing recordings of lectures. my criticisms are in the specific context of online instruction. we're incorporating lots of screencasts and other shorter video clips into courses currently under development, and have been doing so since I joined the center three years ago. but in terms of effective content delivery in an online environment, 50-minute captured lectures are a poor approach; if folks are interested in more info, I have a lit review I assembled last year on this exact issue. in short, long uninterrupted blocks of video are a poor choice for engagement & the realities of learner attention. however, steps can be taken to address these issues with pacing and building in opportunities for learner-to-content interaction within the larger elearning framework. to put another way, many of the benefits of redesigning for distance instruction are not the obvious ones: tasks such as revisiting learning objectives; reconsidering how interaction will work; reconsidering the balance between student-centered and instructor-led content delivery; how central student discussions or presentations are to mastery of specific course goals; and so on. i'm of the mind that simply posting recorded lectures does not force a closer examination of the course, and thus is philosophically equivalent to posting PPT slides/PDFs and calling that an online course. would we (as learning design professionals) la
    I think it is better than the Aqua Bar, that's for sure ;-). I also wonder if this discussion would have happend as a comment thread to a blog post ... I doubt it. I like that the discussion is happening though. I wonder if we should organize an open discussion with people from around campus to see what they think. Conversations with designers and faculty might prove really interesting. Would the implementation of LC in all GPC's on campus change the design models for web courses or the world campus? Would that be a good thing? I just don't know. Anyone want to consider this as a way to get a larger conversation going?
    aside: is there a character limit for these comments? I was looking over my second comment and the last 2 paragraphs are truncated. here they are: i'm of the mind that simply posting recorded lectures does not force a closer examination of the course, and thus is philosophically equivalent to posting PPT slides/PDFs and calling that an online course. would we (as learning design professionals) laugh at the notion that posting slides from a lecture constitutes a "quality course?" I think we might. and if we would, what makes a recorded lecture different? in my opinion, not much. and according to the educause quarterly article from 2009, there's no empirical evidence of an impact (pro or con) on grades, test scores or learning outcomes. anyway, thanks for the good discussion. I like this diigo thing, it's certainly got a leg up on delicious in the conversation department. :)
    regarding a larger discussion, I think there would be interest. some collegues & I talked about it as a possible topic for the all-ld meeting late last fall, but the timing didn't work out. I've had conversations about it with elearing peers because "why don't we just post lectures as an online course?" is a common question from faculty. how, specifically, lc might change things is an interesting question. the ability to quickly & easily capture video would certainly have a benefit to online learning units, even if it's not full lectures. but something akin to a "one button studio" for faculty to create a quick demo/intro/expand on a confounding point? that would be great for sure.
    It would be great to get others involved in this discussion. Lecture capture has the potential to very broadly affect teaching and learning at Penn State, and there no better time than now to develop our thinking and strategies on the subject. The weekly All-ID meetings and the Learning Design Summer Camp would both be great forums for the discussion. A focused discussion with World Campus would be a good idea as well.
    agree that all-ld is a good place to talk about things. would you be interesting in providing an overview of the lc committee's work? what you're looking for, how vendors are being evaluated, etc? then perhaps we could segue into a discussion of the larger implications with the group. if that sounds reasonable, we can talk to jeff about getting on the agenda. as for a focused session with WC, that's a good idea. I wonder if it could be a WC + online learning units from colleges, since we'd all be interested in impacts for online instruction.
Allan Gyorke

Recording Video Lectures - Part 0 - JShook - 3 views

    "After carefully considering all of these, other online sources found by searching for terms such as 'tablet PC' and 'lecture recording' and presentations by others at the Teaching and Learning Symposium at Penn State I decided to purchase a powerful Lenovo Tablet PC with Windows 7, Microsoft One Note, and Camtasia Studio 7.0. I plan on taking my .docx lectures into One Note, opening the page in One Note during class, and recording the screen with Camtasia studio as I go through the lecture, writing on the tablet PC with the stylus pen as I speak to students about each topic. Then I can save my screen capture and edit it into nice 10-15 minute segments in Camtasia Studio and post them online for student review."
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    I'm interested in exploring a Kahn Academy approach and I've gotten some inquiries about how to do it from others (recently Carol McQuiggan). Between lecture capture software, Camtasia, iPads, tablet PCs, bamboo tablets, and other software/input device combinations, I'm sure we can come up with a supportable combination. The trick is to make it easy for faculty, similar to the one-button studio project.
    We're talking a lot about the "make it easy for faculty" part in the lecture capture working group. Something the research seems to indicate is that pre-recorded lectures (for example, a faculty member sitting in front of a camera and mic, recording without any students 'late night' style) are more effective than a faculty member simply recording a lecture in front of x number of students. It's much easier to hit the 'play' button and do your normal lecture in class vs. taking the time to pre-record. Hopefully we can find a happy medium. I recently spent a lot of time with Khan Academy, both looking for statistical help for myself and asking faculty about it. A group of about 40 STEM faculty took a look at it upon our request and came back not impressed. A couple said they might use it for supplemental instruction...I'm somewhat baffled why more faculty wouldn't want to use this to supplement their course.
    I know what you mean Bart. I've found that to be the case with podcasting - a recording made for an external audience is more engaging because the person is talking to you. It has a very different feel than a recording of a meeting, presentation, or training session where the presenter is primarily addressing a local audience.
Chris Millet

Recording can improve a bad lecture! 7 surprising facts about recorded lectures - 4 views

    1. Students watch lots of recorded lectures at home 2. No technical problems 3. Watch lectures multiple times 4. Watch <75% of lecture 5. Would like to see ALL lectures recorded 6. Improves pass rate 7. Recording lectures improves bad lectures!
Chris Millet

Lecture Capture: Lights! Camera! Action! -- Campus Technology - 0 views

  • Advanced capture technology has become almost ubiquitous in higher education: If your institution doesn't have it, chances are that you're trailing the competition. Students want it. Tech-savvy teachers like it. And blended learning environments practically demand it.
  • Interestingly, faculty at many institutions now see lecture capture as a way to help transform those large classes into the kind of interactive learning experience that Laster describes.
  • Laster feels that lecture capture really comes into its own in those courses that teach the fundamentals to large classes. "Lecture capture as a replacement for the 400-student experience in the lecture hall can make a lot of sense," he explains. "But where you have a more interactive classroom style, it doesn't make sense."
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  • Because the technology essentially separates the lecture from the class, Jones is able to front-load her lectures, making them available for students to review online before class. She then uses class time for group discussions.
gary chinn

Will a Harvard Professor's New Technology Make College Lectures a Thing of the Past? - ... - 3 views

  • Mazur sold attendees at the recent Building Learning Communities conference on this new approach by first asking them to identify something they're good at, and then having them explain how they mastered it. After the crowd shared, Mazur pointed out that no one said they'd learned by listening to lectures. Similarly, Mazur said, college students don't learn by taking notes during a lecture and then regurgitating information. They need to be able to discuss concepts, apply them to problems and get real-time feedback. Mazur says Learning Catalytics enables this process to take place.
    anyone familiar with Learning Catalytics? sounds like it's invite-only, but might be worth a look.
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    I saw something else along these lines at ELI this year (I'll have to look up the notes). It was mostly about organizing students into discussion groups and assigning them a topic, role, position on the issue, etc... I could see us doing a hot team on several of these technologies. But about the flipping the classroom part of this article, we'll probably open a "Flip the Classroom" engagement initiative this fall to explore multiple approaches to creating the class preparation materials and in-class activities. Some of this is related to the Kahn Academy discussions we've been having. Some touch the lecture capture software that faculty could run in their offices to create personal captures going over material or key points. Anyway, I'd like to open this up to the creativity across Penn State and see what approaches people propose.
    Awesome article! This is very similar to the way we are designing the modules for our NIH project. Allan, I would love to be part of "Flip the Classroom" engagement initiative this fall. If there is anything I can do please let me know.
    an engagement initiative seems like a good idea. many of the approaches are implementations of active learning strategies, and I think having faculty from multiple disciplines exploring and sharing is a good way to test the effectiveness of various approaches. we just met with faculty from architectural engineering who've been flipping since 2008. one observation they made was that they flipped to allow student teams to work on group projects during class time. I had always thought that was a good idea for logistical purposes (especially in a team-heavy college like engineering), but they made a point I had not thought of: using classroom flip in that manner also allowed for the teams to have access to faculty advice and guidance while they were meeting to work on their projects. that seems like it may have huge benefits, especially at key points in a group assignment. all a long way of saying, there's much to learn. the blended learning initiative was essentially a 'classroom flip' approach as well, so some of the ways faculty adapted instruction for those courses might be relevant here too.
    Angela: Let's talk about it. Gary: Tapping into first-hand experience would be great. I know a bit from the National Conference on Academic Transformation conference. The example that comes to mind is a flip where students learn about math through some short (5 minute) video tutorials and then attend "class" in a lab environment to work in teams and get access to the GA and faculty. It taps into a lot of the features of "student engagement" as measured by the National Survey on Student Engagement with factors such as increased student-student work, collaborative problem solving, immediate feedback, and increased student-faculty contact. Overall, an excellent design.
gary chinn

Reverse Instruction: Dan Pink and Karl's "Fisch Flip" | Connected Principals - 4 views

  • If kids can get the lectures, can get the content delivery and skill modeling as well (or often better) by computer lecture than in person, why do we have use precious class-time for this purpose? &nbsp;Why do we, in the status quo, &nbsp;replicate in person in our classrooms what is easily available elsewhere, the content delivery/skill modeling, and then have kids apply their learning to difficult problems at home, without us there to help? Increasingly, &nbsp;educationā€™s value-add is and will be in the coaching and troubleshooting when students are applying their learning, and in challenging students to apply their thinking to hands-on learning by doing and teaming: &nbsp;so letā€™s have them do these things in class, not sit and listen. &nbsp; We know that collaboration is a critical skill set which canā€™t be developed easily either on-line or at home aloneā€“ letā€™s have students learn it with us in our classrooms. &nbsp; Let every classroom be a collaborative problem solving laboratory or studio.
    not a new article, but I just found it. I think these kinds of strategies are good to have in mind when thinking through implications of lecture capture. "classroom flip" is one example, and a different spin on one that the Blended Learning Initiative at PSU explored; in this case, instruction would be delivered via video instead of text/graphics web pages, but the goal of freeing classroom time is the same.
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    That's one of the problems that we're having with the "lecture capture" term. In some of the scenarios that Chris Millet is putting together, faculty would be using the personal capture features to prepare learning materials for students (short bursts) and then use classroom time for discussion/debate/problems/group work. So then the question becomes how we design classrooms (or learning spaces or studios, labs, etc...) to support that kind of activity.
    has great potential for mid-week short example problems or "muddiest point" videos as well. it seems like an important part of the roll-out would be communicating the possibilities beyond the straight lecture capture, many of which we've probably not thought of yet.
    Agreed there. I don't think we should even label it "lecture capture" if we can avoid that term. By the way, we are always looking for good Symposium speakers. If you happen to see someone who you think would be good to bring to a Penn State audience, the planning group would like to hear about it. Most of the ones we've had in the past few years have had a nice blend of an academic background, innovative thinking, understanding of cultural trends, have written popular books, and have excellent speaking skills. Dan Pink may be two into the workplace motivation side of things, but maybe not.
    I think pink's an interesting guy & good writer. we actually emailed his reps when we were planning an innovation & engineering workshop because his book "drive" talks a good deal about mastery and that was a topic we were interested in. but the quote we received was ~$45k, which was over 3 times our speaker budget. who knows, though, he might have an ed discount. :) I always found esther hargittai's work to be very interesting, though she is perhaps too 'academic' for the purposes of the symposium.
    Yeah - no - that's a bit high. I'm not sure that he's the best choice anyway. Maybe we just buy some copies of his book instead.
    I certainly don't envy the symposium planning group; it's a diverse audience, so finding a speaker who resonates with most attendees seems like a daunting task. as for the book, a few friends have told me that pink's 20 minute ted talk has pretty much everything that's in the book, save some examples. very interesting topic, though. would be good fodder for a 'book club' discussion. the other book that might be good for a group read is digital habitats: there's info in there about communities of practice & technology stewardship that I really liked. who knows, perhaps Etienne Wenger could be an intriguing potential speaker? FYI, I have an extra copy of the book in my cube if anyone wants to borrow it.
gary chinn

In college, it's not so much who lectures as how the teaching is done, Nobelist's study... - 2 views

  • He found that in nearly identical classes, Canadian college students learned a lot more from teaching assistants using interactive tools than they did from a veteran professor giving a traditional lecture. The students who had to engage interactively using the TV remote-like devices scored about twice as high on a test compared to those who heard the normal lecture, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Science.
    story about clicker use that vicki williams found. I'd be less inclined to think it was that big a deal (it's only one study, not a meta-analysis, etc), but it's being published in Science is huge in terms of visibility.
Cole Camplese

Webcasting and Lecture Capture Solutions | Desire2LearnĀ® Capture - 1 views

    A very interesting solution for lecture capture that I would like to see reviewed.
Emily Rimland

The TOMORROW'S COLLEGE series: Don't Lecture Me - 2 views

    This was a great radio documentary that aired this Sunday on WPSU. Did anyone else catch it? Really great info about how professors are changing the ways they teach, moving away from lectures to techniques like peer instruction even in large classes. I was also excited to hear it mention the classroom idea we are implementing in the Knowledge Commons in the library. A classroom where there is no "front" as another way to change up traditional teaching.
    Great stuff. Hannah Inzko shared that with me last week before we did an ETS Talk episode about Flipping the Classroom (
gary chinn

News: 'Now You See It' - Inside Higher Ed - 2 views

  • Q: What are some of the ways that you've applied ideas and research about attention and learning in your own classroom? A: I rarely lecture anymore. I structure my classes now with each unit led by two students, who are responsible for researching and assigning texts and writing assignments and who then are charged with grading those assignments. The next week, two other students become our peer leaders. Students learn the fine art of giving and receiving feedback and learning from one another. I structure midterms as collaborative ā€œinnovation challenges,ā€ an incredibly difficult exercise which is also the best way of intellectually reviewing the course material Iā€™ve ever come up with. In other words, more and more I insist on studentsā€™ taking responsibility for their learning and communicating their ideas to the general public using social media.
  • If you want to learn more, you can find syllabuses and blogs on both the HASTAC and the DMLCentral site. I posted about ā€œThis Is Your Brain on the Internetā€ and ā€œTwenty-First Century Literacies.ā€ I also led a forum on interactive pedagogy in large lecture classes.
    haven't read the book, but it might have some good stuff...
gary chinn

On the Benefits of Lectures - Brainstorm - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 1 views

    this topic seems to come up every year, but at least this story is tied to a study. the comments are actually pretty interesting. might turn into a decent conversation.

Blog meta-analysis - 3 views

shared by bartmon on 26 Jul 11 - No Cached
  • The search process was undertaken on 5 January 2009. Using the ā€œadvanced searchā€ feature available on ISI Web of Science, SSCI and AHCI were searched using the keywords blog*, weblog* and web log* (trunctuated so as to find different usage of the basic word, such as blogs, bloggers, blogging, etc.). This indentified papers that focus on blogs but also those that examine blogs in relation with other media. As for temporal limits, all articles published before 1 January 2009, were considered for inclusion. In total, 311 articles were identified.
    This is a fantastic resource for anyone working on the research side of blogs. I've been looking for a meta-analysis of blog research for a while now, and this appears to be the home run so far. 311 articles reviewed. Millet - this is one example of how we might structure a lecture capture meta-analysis.
    I need one of these for podcasting!
Cole Camplese

Virtual and Artificial, but 58,000 Want Course - - 1 views

  • A free online course at Stanford University on artificial intelligence, to be taught this fall by two leading experts from Silicon Valley, has attracted more than 58,000 students around the globe ā€” a class nearly four times the size of Stanfordā€™s entire student body.
  • The three online courses, which will employ both streaming Internet video and interactive technologies for quizzes and grading, have in the past been taught to smaller groups of Stanford students in campus lecture halls. Last year, for example, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence drew 177 students.
  • How will the artificial intelligence instructors grade 58,000 students? The scientists said they would make extensive use of technology. ā€œWe have a system running on the Amazon cloud, so we think it will hold up,ā€ Dr. Norvig said.
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  • Dr. Widom said that having Stanford courses freely available could both assist and compete with other colleges and universities. A small college might not have the faculty members to offer a particular course, but could supplement its offerings with the Stanford lectures.
    Amazing trend happening with open and online courses. This is the second one of these I have heard about in a week. Maybe we need to try something similar with CI597?
    good discussion about this course from CS faculty. they bring up some excellent points and have a healthy skepticism about the project:
Allan Gyorke

Penn State Live - Berks to participate in Penn State's Mobile Media Pilot Program - 1 views

    "Zohra Guisse, a lecturer in French and Arabic at Penn State Berks, is one of 11 faculty members selected across the University to participate in Penn State's Mobile Media Pilot program. The program, an initiative of the Penn State Media Commons, will explore how mobile devices can be used in students' media production workflow."
    Writeup in Penn State Live about one of the faculty members who are using the video recording, editing, and posting capabilities of iPods for teaching and learning purposes.
Derek Gittler

Tangled in an endless web of distractions - - 2 views

  • ā€œStudents are totally shameless about how they use their computers in class,ā€™ā€™ said David Jones, an MIT professor. ā€œI fantasize about having a Wi-Fi jammer in my lecture halls to block access to distractions.ā€™ā€™While MIT has yet to unwire a single lecture hall, some law schools, including the University of Chicagoā€™s, have in recent years blocked wireless access in classrooms to keep students engaged in Socratic discussions instead of their classmatesā€™ Groupon and eBay activitie
gary chinn

Interactive Whiteboard Meets the iPad | MindShift - 2 views

  • Kim told me he wants to enable anyone to build their own portfolio of educational content ā€“ to build hundreds of Khan Academies. Thatā€™s a goal that puts teacher- and student-generated content at the center of education, one enabled by a simple, but smoothly functioning app ā€” all on a portable device.
  • At the same time as many educators are rethinking the hardware involved with instruction, some are rethinking other ways in technology can change the classroom. Some are experimenting with the ā€œflipped classroomā€ ā€” the idea, made quite famous lately thanks to Khan Academy, that videotaped instruction can be assigned as homework, while in-class time can be used for more personalized remediation, for collaboration among teachers and students, and for the types of exercises that have typically been seen as homework. A new app taps into both of these phenomena: bringing an interactive whiteboard-like experience to the iPad and to the Web and making it easy for iPad owners to create their own instructional videos.
    very interesting development. we've been holding off on ipads in engineering because of a lack of streamlined screencasting workflow. I wonder if other example-heavy STEM disciplines at PSU (chem, math, stats, etc) might be interested in a pilot of some kind?
    I'm having conversations along these lines on several fronts. I asked Hannah to look into a system that could replicate the Kahn Academy stuff. Carol McQuiggan has some faculty who are interested in the model. Chris Lucas and I may talk about it as well, related to creating open training resources. I've also brought Chris Millet into the mix because this could line up with some of the work he is doing with lecture capture (not capturing lectures per se, but a lot of the software options have the ability to let faculty create screen capture tutorials and have them automatically upload to a server along with their voice annotation.
Erin Long

Next-Gen Classrooms: Aces of Space -- Campus Technology - 3 views

    Interesting examples of how schools are getting more engagement out of students (even when lecture size has doubled) based simply on the design of the classroom and experience.
Angela Dick

Teachers embrace social media in class - 0 views

    As social media become nearly inescapable on college campuses, a pair of recently published studies supports what many professors already have concluded: Students using Facebook or text messaging during a lecture tend to do worse when quizzed later. But wait: Faculty who build Twitter into classwork may be helping students learn better, a 2010 study suggests.
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