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thinkahol *

Why "business needs certainty" is destructive - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

    Businesses have had at least 25 to 30 years near complete certainty -- certainty that they will pay lower and lower taxes, that they' will face less and less regulation, that they can outsource to their hearts' content (which when it does produce savings, comes at a loss of control, increased business system rigidity, and loss of critical know how). They have also been certain that unions will be weak to powerless, that states and municipalities will give them huge subsidies to relocate, that boards of directors will put top executives on the up escalator for more and more compensation because director pay benefits from this cozy collusion, that the financial markets will always look to short term earnings no matter how dodgy the accounting, that the accounting firms will provide plenty of cover, that the SEC will never investigate anything more serious than insider trading (Enron being the exception that proved the rule). So this haranguing about certainty simply reveals how warped big commerce has become in the US. Top management of supposedly capitalist enterprises want a high degree of certainty in their own profits and pay. Rather than earn their returns the old fashioned way, by serving customers well, by innovating, by expanding into new markets, their 'certainty' amounts to being paid handsomely for doing things that carry no risk. But since risk and uncertainty are inherent to the human condition, what they instead have engaged in is a massive scheme of risk transfer, of increasing rewards to themselves to the long term detriment of their enterprises and ultimately society as a whole.
thinkahol *

Noam Chomsky: "The U.S. and Its Allies Will Do Anything to Prevent Democracy in the Arab World" - 0 views

    Speaking at the 25th anniversary celebration of the national media watch group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, world-renowned political dissident and linguist Noam Chomsky analyzes the U.S. response to the popular uprisings sweeping the Middle East and North Africa. "Across the [Middle East], an overwhelming majority of the population regards the United States as the main threat to their interests," Chomsky says. "The reason is very simple... Plainly, the U.S. and its allies are not going to want governments which are responsive to the will of the people. If that happens, not only will the U.S. not control the region, but it will be thrown out." [includes rush transcript]
thinkahol *

A Framing Memo for Occupy Wall Street - 0 views

    It seems to me that the OWS movement is moral in nature, that occupiers want the country to change its moral focus. It is easy to find useful policies; hundreds have been suggested. It is harder to find a moral focus and stick to it. If the movement is to frame itself, it should be on the basis of its moral focus, not a particular agenda or list of policy demands. If the moral focus of America changes, new people will be elected and the policies will follow. Without a change of moral focus, the conservative worldview that has brought us to the present disastrous and dangerous moment will continue to prevail.
Asif Sheeraz

Watch President to decide on govt formation in Punjab: Gilani - 0 views

    LAHORE: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has said that People's Party Co-chairman, President Asif Ali Zardari will decide whether the party will sit on government or opposition benches in Punjab. He said the eyes of the international media are focussed over the situation of Punjab.
Susan Thur

Louisianans bleed Together, Louisianans suffer Together, Louisianans survive Together « Susanthur Political Observer - 0 views

    Another tragedy is unfolding. Another One!, I scream irately and angrily to the heavens. How can this be? How unfair and how are we going to, now, survive this, I desperately ask. I know here in New Orleans, where I now live (Crowley, Cajun country originally) we have had our share of hardship and difficulties. Many of us frighten, despaired and overwhelmed what we experienced nearing 5 years ago. Hurricane Katrina's anniversary is in August. And Hurricane Rita gust in without much delay, giving Louisiana no break or rest. It seems barley enough time to catch our breath, even though we sweat it out every hurricane season since. The experience of the "big one" has left many of us edgy, anxious and nervous. It has been a challenge for us all. Now here is once more another challenge. The oil spill in the gulf that threatens our, ecosystem, shoreline and seafood industries. For many of us, our distress are concentrated on our wetlands which have become more defenseless by Hurricane Katrina and Rita. I recognize I have. For us to undergo another "big one" our coast is the first line of defense to our survival. Ever since these potential, massive hurricanes, my intense coastal and wetland focus has been like a laser, zeroing on which is most important for Southern Louisiana's continued existence. However, the health and wellbeing for our future lies right now with-- us-- which are our local oil field experts and workers. The men on these oil rigs, the ones that will--and I have confidence--will plug the blowout and stop the damage--the bleeding--they are US. They are family and friends, mutual Louisiana citizens, who are well aware how important their job is, for us as well as for themselves and their family. Much is at stake to our livelihood, our environment and our way of life. more:
thinkahol *

A Philosophical Orientation Toward Solving Our Collective Problems As a Species | Thinkahol's Blog - 0 views

    To know what the most important virtue of our age is we need to have at least a basic understanding of our age. Our era is becoming increasingly characterized by uncertainty. Fortunately or unfortunately, more than a cursory elucidation of our situation is beyond the scope of this essay. There are geopolitical, economic, technological and environmental trends worth mentioning. When the more philosophical portion of this  discourse arrives I will argue that the virtue of wisdom underlies the meaningfulness and efficacy of all other virtues, and this in broad strokes is primarily due to (1) the aforementioned instability in our surroundings ; (2) the relationship between the deontological and virtue; and (3) the nature of agency itself.  Whether uncertainty itself can provide an ethical foundation for us to elaborate on will be a separate question, and finally I speculate on where wisdom leads us in the context of a philosophy that is politically active and not doomed to irrelevance to and by the larger population.
Arabica Robusta

Randall Amster: Support the Dominant Paradigm - 0 views

  • Democracy has been rendered a quaint exercise in which we are asked to select which robber baron will loot our resources, which moral entrepreneur will pander to us, and which corporate elitist will decide our fates. What makes this openly fascistic enterprise unique in history is precisely its transparent quality and the ways in which it exists alongside popular conceptions of liberty and justice for all. We don't require leaks to expose this blatant corporatocracy; the empire brazenly stands stark naked before our gerrymandered gaze.
  • The real Dominant Paradigm – the one held by the overwhelming majority of people on the planet – is more decentralized and amorphous, yet is grounded in shared values that merit enunciation. These include: a belief in the virtues of community; a desire to be part of something greater than oneself; a reciprocal relationship with nature and life's essential resources; an aversion to open hostilities and devastating warfare; an interest in the wellbeing of others as a precondition of personal prosperity; an adherence to culturally-transcendent principles such as the Golden Rule; and a willingness to work hard in return for an equitable existence.
thinkahol *

BPS Research Digest: This picture will make it more likely that you'll seek help - 0 views

    Prompts in the environment make their way beneath your conscious radar and into your mind, affecting your mood and behaviour. Past research has shown that a briefcase, as opposed to a rucksack, on a table, leads people to behave more competitively. A wall poster featuring a pair of staring eyes increases people's use of an honesty box. And a 2009 study found that pictures of companionable dolls increased the likelihood that toddlers would help a stranger pick up sticks they'd dropped. Now Mark Rubin at the University of Newcastle has added to this literature with an adult study showing that pictures of companionship don't just increase the giving of help, they also increase the intention to seek help.
thinkahol *

The Jeffrey Goldberg Media - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

    In a stunning display of self-unawareness, The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg pointed to last week's forced "resignation" by Dave Weigel from The Washington Post as evidence that the Post, "in its general desperation for page views, now hires people who came up in journalism without much adult supervision, and without the proper amount of toilet-training." Goldberg then solemnly expressed hope that "this episode will lead to the reimposition of some level of standards." Numerous commentators immediately noted the supreme and obvious irony that Goldberg, of all people, would anoint himself condescending arbiter of journalistic standards, given that, as one of the leading media cheerleaders for the attack on Iraq, he compiled a record of humiliating falsehood-dissemination in the run-up to the war that rivaled Judy Miller's both in terms of recklessness and destructive impact.
thinkahol *

The universality of war propaganda - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

    Jeffrey Goldberg responded yesterday to my post detailing his long list of journalistic malfeasance by telling me that he and the Prime Minister of Iraqi Kuridstan would like me to travel there to hear how much the Kurds appreciate the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Leaving aside the complete non sequitur that is his response -- how does that remotely pertain to Goldberg's granting of anonymity to his friends to smear people they don't like or the serial fear-mongering fabrications he spread about the Saddam threat prior to the invasion? -- I don't need to travel to Kurdistan to know that many Kurds, probably most, are happy that the U.S. attacked Iraq. For that minority in Northern Iraq, what's not to like? They had foreign countries (the U.S. and its "partners") expend their citizens' lives and treasure to rid the Kurds of their hated enemy; they received semi-autonomy, substantial oil revenues, a thriving relationship with Israel, and real political power; the overwhelming majority of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis whose lives were snuffed out and the millions of people displaced by the war were not Kurds, and most of the destruction took place in Central and Southern Iraq away from their towns and homes, while they remain largely free of the emergent police state tactics of the current Iraqi government. As Ali Gharib put it to Goldberg: "there are at least 600,000 Iraqis who, I imagine, are not too thrilled about the way it all turned out and with whom Greenwald will never get a meeting."
thinkahol *

Chris Hedges: Retribution for a World Lost in Screens - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig - 0 views

    Like the Ancients, we arrogant humans who turn ourselves into objects of worship and build ruthless systems of power to control the world around us will get what we are due.  - 2010/09/27
thinkahol *

Analysis of Project Censored: Are We a Left-Leaning, Conspiracy-Oriented Organization? | Project Censored - 0 views

    "Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe." -Frederick Douglass

Banned hyperlinks could cost you $11,000 a day - Technology - - 0 views

  • Banned hyperlinks could cost you $11,000 a day
  • The Australian communications regulator says it will fine people who hyperlink to sites on its blacklist, which has been further expanded to include several pages on the anonymous whistleblower site Wikileaks.
  • The move by the Australian Communications and Media Authority comes after it threatened the host of online broadband discussion forum Whirlpool last week with a $11,000-a-day fine over a link published in its forum to another page blacklisted by ACMA - an anti-abortion website.
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  • ACMA's blacklist does not have a significant impact on web browsing by Australians today but sites contained on it will be blocked for everyone if the Federal Government implements its mandatory internet filtering censorship scheme.
  • Already, a significant portion of the 1370-site Australian blacklist - 506 sites - would be classified R18+ and X18+, which are legal to view but would be blocked for everyone under the proposal. The Government has said it was considering expanding the blacklist to 10,000 sites and beyond.

Israel recruits 'army of bloggers' to combat anti-Zionist Web sites - Haaretz - Israel News - 0 views

  • Israel recruits 'army of bloggers' to combat anti-Zionist Web sites
  • The Immigrant Absorption Ministry announced on Sunday it was setting up an "army of bloggers," to be made up of Israelis who speak a second language, to represent Israel in "anti-Zionist blogs" in English, French, Spanish and German.
  • Other languages in which bloggers are sought include Russian and Portuguese.
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  • Halfon said volunteers who send the Absorption Ministry their contact details by e-mail, at, will be registered according to language, and then passed on to the Foreign Ministry's media department, whose personnel will direct the volunteers to Web sites deemed "problematic."

Schäuble und der Bundesrat - Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht - Politik - - 0 views

  • Als Konsequenz aus dem Streit über das BKA-Gesetz hat Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble eine Reform der Abstimmungsregeln im Bundesrat vorgeschlagen.
  • In einem Brief an die Vorsitzenden der Föderalismuskommission habe er sich dafür ausgesprochen, dass künftig "im Zweifel die Mehrheit der abgegebenen Stimmen im Bundesrat entscheidend" sein soll, sagte Schäuble nach der Innenministerkonferenz in Potsdam.
  • Nach geltender Regelung kommt eine Zustimmung nur zustande, wenn die absolute Mehrheit mit Ja stimmt. Schäuble will der Tatsache entgegenwirken, dass sich wegen entsprechender Vereinbarungen in Koalitionsverträgen bei strittigen Themen oft mehrere Länder im Bundesrat enthalten.
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  • Eine Enthaltung wird im Bundesrat derzeit wie eine Nein-Stimme gezählt.
  • Schäuble und Körper schlagen vor, dass künftig die Mehrheit der abgegebenen Stimmen zählen soll. Enthaltungen würden danach zunächst von den 69 Bundesratsstimmen abgezogen. Bei beispielsweise zwölf Enthaltungen würden noch 57 Stimmen zählen, sodass die Mehrheit bei 28 läge.
  • "Dieser Minister hat entweder die Demokratie nicht verstanden, oder er will sie abschaffen", sagte Fraktionschefin Renate Künast in Berlin. "In beiden Fällen ist er als Innenminister untragbar."
  • Hamburgs Innensenator Christoph Ahlhaus (CDU) unterstützt den Vorschlag von Wolfgang Schäuble: „Wir dürfen uns auf der einen Seite nicht über Politikverdrossenheit der Menschen beklagen, wenn auf der anderen Seite sich die Länder durch eine Enthaltung im Bundesrat in wichtigen Entscheidungen von der Diskussion verabschieden“
  • Während die CDU/CSU-Länder an dem vorliegenden Gesetzentwurf festhalten wollen, wollen die SPD-Länder weniger Befugnisse für das BKA. Der Bundestag hat das Gesetz bereits mit der Koalitionsmehrheit von Union und SPD verabschiedet.
  • Die Ablehnung des Gesetzentwurfs aus den Bundesländern mit SPD- und FDP-Regierungsbeteiligung sei darauf zurückzuführen, dass in der Politik nun einmal viele mitreden wollten. "Und auch die Bundesländer wollen vielleicht mal dem Bund für ein paar Tage zeigen, wo der Hammer hängt", gab sich der SPD-Politiker gelassen.
  • Die Union und auch SPD-Bundespolitiker wie Fraktionschef Peter Struck haben verärgert auf den Widerstand aus den Ländern reagiert.

Öko-Boom: Bionade stößt an Rohstoffgrenzen - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Wirtschaft - 0 views

  • Doch so schnell sich der Limo-Hersteller in die Regale der deutschen Supermärkte katapultiert hat, so schwer wird es für ihn jetzt, mit dem Wachstum Schritt zu halten. Auf jeden Fall, wenn man seinen eigenen Ansprüchen von Nachhaltigkeit und biologischer Herstellung gerecht werden will. Recherchen der Verbraucherorganisation Foodwatch haben ergeben, dass Bionade trotz seines Bio-Siegels nicht hundertprozentig biologisch ist. "Ausgerechnet das, was der Brause den Geschmack gibt, die Litschis oder Orangen, wird nicht als Rohstoff aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau gekennzeichnet", sagt Anne Markwardt von Foodwatch.
  • Möglich ist das, weil der Gesetzgeber den Produzenten beim Bio-Siegel eine Lücke gelassen hat. Wer das grün-schwarze EU-Zertifikat auf seine Produkte drucken will, der muss nur bei 95 Prozent der Zutaten nachweisen, dass sie biologisch angebaut sind. "Diesen Spielraum von fünf Prozent nutzt Bionade aus", sagt Markwardt. Nach ihren Recherchen verarbeitet das Unternehmen beispielsweise pro Jahr 200 bis 300 Tonnen Litschi-Früchte - kann deren genaue Herkunft beziehungsweise deren biologischen Anbau allerdings nicht belegen.
  • Was nicht daran liegt, dass das Unternehmen kein Interesse an der Verarbeitung biologisch angebauter Litschis hat. Die Menge an Obst aber, die Bionade inzwischen braucht, gibt es auf dem weltweiten Biomarkt nicht - oder nur zu einem sehr hohen Preis. Im Prinzip gebe es zwar ausreichend Litschis, allerdings werde ein Großteil der Früchte für den Frischobstmarkt angebaut und auch dort gehandelt. Wandelte man dieses Frischobst in Konzentrat um, würde dies zu teuer, sagte ein Geschäftspartner von Bionade gegenüber Foodwatch. Tatsächlich zeigt der Fall von Bionade ein Dilemma der gesamten Branche: Einst mit viel Weltverbesserungsethos gestartet, stecken viele Bio-Produzenten inzwischen in einem handfesten Gewissenskonflikt: Wie viel Wachstum verträgt die Branche und darf man auch wachsen, wenn dabei die einstigen Grundsätze zumindest zeitweise auf der Strecke bleiben?
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  • Genau das hält Foodwatch für Augenwischerei. "Bionade argumentiert, im Fall der Litschis bräuchte die 'bessere Welt' eben etwas Zeit, da es nicht ausreichend Bio-Litschi 'als Rohstoff für die Getränkeindustrie' gibt", sagt Markwardt. "Wenn einem aber die vorhandenen Rohstoffe einfach zu teuer sind, kann man sich eben nicht als 100-prozentig Bio verkaufen." Eiliger habe es Bionade in diesem Jahr mit einer Preiserhöhung um etwa 30 Prozent gehabt. "Aber dabei ging es offenbar nicht um bessere Rohstoffe," ätzt Markwardt.
  • Tatsächlich diskutiert die Biobranche seit Jahren die Frage, wann Bio noch Bio ist. "Vor ein paar Jahren gab es Engpässe bei Ferkeln aus der Bio-Zucht. Deshalb wurde Biohöfen per Ausnahmegenehmigung erlaubt, Ferkel von konventionellen Bauern zuzukaufen - was zu hitzigen Debatten führte"
  • Eine andere Unterscheidung trifft Bionade-Chef Kowalsky: "Es gibt mittlerweile Öko und Bio" - und Bio sei die neuere Form. "Bio verkörpert den zusätzlichen Genuss- und Lifestyle-Gedanken." Sich gut ernähren und dabei auch noch gut fühlen, heißt das übersetzt.

Artikelseite - - 0 views

  • Killerspiele mal wieder am Pranger World Of Bullshit Wie wäre es, statt der "Computerspiele" mal populistische Studien zu verbieten? Oder deren Lektüre erst "ab 18" zu erlauben? Es würde nichts helfen, die "Experten" sind nicht mehr zu stoppen.
  • Selten jedenfalls ist nach einem Ereignis, bei dem es so wenig zu verstehen gibt, die öffentliche Debatte so schnell ins Groteske und Ärgerliche verrutscht wie in diesem Fall. Je boulevardesker das Medium, desto dringlicher muss es seinem Publikum eine Erklärung liefern, ein Motiv, einen Grund, einen letzten, nicht weiter hinterfragbaren und doch sofort einleuchtenden Anstoß - und kann nicht.
  • Es sei denn, ein Christian Pfeiffer vom Kriminologischen Forschungsinstitut Niedersachsen kommt daher mit seiner Studie zu "World Of Warcraft", für die er 44.610 Neuntklässler befragt und ermittelt haben will, dass 3 Prozent der Jungs "süchtig" sind, so richtig süchtig, als wärs Alkohol oder Kokain - und kein Spiel. Ein Spiel übrigens, das, wie jedes gute Spiel, zwar durchaus einen gewissen "Suchtfaktor" aufweist, ansonsten aber so "blutrünstig" ist wie Poker.
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  • Wenn man "World Of Warcraft" etwas vorwerfen kann, dann höchstens, dass es die Jugendlichen auf spielerische Weise mit den Grundgesetzen des Kapitalismus vertraut macht. Als "Charakter" begegnet der Spieler anderen Figuren, mit denen er kommunizieren, handeln oder auch kämpfen kann, wobei es allerdings wesentlich zahmer zugeht als beim Massengemetzel in Filmen wie "Herr der Ringe".
  • Nun mag man von Rollenspielwelten à la "Herr der Ringe" halten, was man will - zur "Vereinsamung" tragen sie nicht bei, stehen die Spieler doch gerade im Onlinemodus in regem Kontakt miteinander, tauschen sich aus, treffen sich bisweilen sogar ganz wirklich zu LAN-Partys.
  • Wesentlich ausdauernder noch als vorm Computer übrigens hocken die Jugendlichen übrigens noch immer vor dem Fernseher. Dort stehen ihre Chancen derzeit sehr gut, Christian Pfeiffer persönlich zu begegnen. Heute Abend etwa sitzt er um 22.15 Uhr bei Phoenix in der "Expertenrunde" zum Thema: "Nach dem Amoklauf - Wie gefährlich sind Killerspiele?" In der offiziellen Ankündigung dieser wichtigen Sendung ist allen Ernstes von " ,Ego-Shootern' wie ,World Of Warcraft' " die Rede. Schon klar. Diskutieren die Experten demnächst auch über "Pornofilme wie ,Bambi' "
Susan Thur

Forget Offshore Drilling Until We Get Some Answers | The New Republic - 0 views

    While it may take months to stop the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, it's not too soon to begin asking some questions about why it happened and what can be done to minimize the chance that something like this will happen again. Thanks to The Wall Street Journal's terrific reporting last week, there are two important things we already know
thinkahol *

Peak Oil and a Changing Climate | The Nation - 0 views

    Peak Oil is the point at which petroleum production reaches its greatest rate just before going into perpetual decline. In "Peak Oil and a Changing Climate," a new video series from The Nation and On The Earth productions, radio host Thom Hartmann explains that the world will reach peak oil within the next year if it hasn't already. As a nation, the United States reached peak oil in 1974, after which it became a net oil importer. Bill McKibben, Noam Chomsky, Nicole Foss, Richard Heinberg and the other scientists, researchers and writers interviewed throughout "Peak Oil and a Changing Climate" describe the diminishing returns our world can expect as it deals with the consequences of peak oil even as it continues to pretend it doesn't exist. These experts predict substantially increased transportation costs, decreased industrial production, unemployment, hunger and social chaos as the supplies of the  fuels on which we rely dwindle and eventually disappear. Chomsky urges us to anticipate the official response to peak oil based on how corporations, news organizations and other institutions have responded to global warming: obfuscation, spin and denial. James Howard Kunstler says that we cannot survive peak oil unless we "come up with a consensus about reality that is consistent with the way things really are." This documentary series hopes to help build that consensus. Click here to watch the introductory video, and check back here for new videos each Wednesday.
thinkahol *

Revolutionary Philosophy is Revolution. | Thinkahol's Blog - 0 views

    Assuming philosophy should be relevant to the way we choose to live our lives, three questions guide this paper. What are some moral foundations for revolution? Do you realize what is happening? Are you willing to do anything about it?
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