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thinkahol *

Corporate Propaganda and Media Manipulation - 0 views

    Advertisers are finding ways to promote their products to you in insidious ways.
thinkahol *

t r u t h o u t | Iraq: The Age of Darkness - 0 views

    In the immediate aftermath of the 2003 invasion, the triumphalist verdict of the mainstream media was that the war had been won; Iraq was assured of a benevolent, democratic future. The Times's writer William Rees-Mogg hymned the victory: "April 9, 2003 was Liberty Day for Iraq … It was achieved by "the engine of global liberation," the United States. "After 24 years of oppression, three wars and three weeks of relentless bombing, Baghdad has emerged from an age of darkness. Yesterday was an historic day of liberation."
thinkahol *

Dave Meslin: "Redefining Apathy" | - 0 views

    Makes sense!  Of course this applies  to the U.S. as well as Canada.  Sometimes a fresh look and a little attitude change can make a huge difference.  I for one, have looked at people lately as "stupid" and " lazy."  It does make a difference to think of people as simply "shut-out," due to the media
thinkahol *

Media Misreading Midterms - 0 views

    For months, the problem for Democrats was correctly identified as the "enthusiasm gap"--the idea that the progressive base of the party was not excited about voting. The exit polls from Tuesday's vote confirm that many Democratic-tending voters failed to show up. How, then, does one square this fact with the idea that Obama and Democrats were pushing policies that were considered too left-wing? If that were the case, then presumably more of those base voters would have voted to support that agenda. It is difficult to fathom how both things could be true.
thinkahol *

The Right's Power of Media Money - 0 views

    In assessing what went wrong with the U.S. political process over the past few decades, it's easy to see the broad outlines of the right-wing Republican ascendancy and the liberal-left Democratic decline, an imbalance that has now left the nation incapable of doing much besides waging endless wars, bailing out too-big-to-fail banks, slashing taxes for the rich, and running massive deficits.
thinkahol *

Anti-WikiLeaks lies and propaganda - from TNR, Lauer, Feinstein and more - Glenn Greenw... - 0 views

    A media demonization campaign against the whistle-blowing site includes outright falsehoods

Israel recruits 'army of bloggers' to combat anti-Zionist Web sites - Haaretz - Israel ... - 0 views

  • Israel recruits 'army of bloggers' to combat anti-Zionist Web sites
  • The Immigrant Absorption Ministry announced on Sunday it was setting up an "army of bloggers," to be made up of Israelis who speak a second language, to represent Israel in "anti-Zionist blogs" in English, French, Spanish and German.
  • Other languages in which bloggers are sought include Russian and Portuguese.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Halfon said volunteers who send the Absorption Ministry their contact details by e-mail, at, will be registered according to language, and then passed on to the Foreign Ministry's media department, whose personnel will direct the volunteers to Web sites deemed "problematic."
Asif Sheeraz

Watch President to decide on govt formation in Punjab: Gilani - 0 views

    LAHORE: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has said that People's Party Co-chairman, President Asif Ali Zardari will decide whether the party will sit on government or opposition benches in Punjab. He said the eyes of the international media are focussed over the situation of Punjab.
Susan Thur

TV Guide Magazine | News | Is TV Starting a New Civil War? - 0 views

    "In a U.S. torn by dissent over health care, immigration and Barack Obama, rhetorical rage is the new norm. Just turn on Fox News and MSNBC. Partisan talkers like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity on the conservative-leaning FNC and Keith Olbermann and Ed Schultz on their liberal counterpart MSNBC inflame their eager fans with colorful, merciless and sometimes misleading attacks on the opposition. A generation ago, no matter how divided their politics, Americans got their news from the same source-"the lame stream media," to quote Fox contributor Sarah Palin. Almost the entire country was watching back in 1968 when CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite declared the Vietnam War not winnable. Four years later, he was deemed the most trusted man in America."
thinkahol *

Those irrational, misled, conspiratorial Muslims - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

    The New York Times this morning has a particularly lush installment of one of the American media's most favored, reliable, and self-affirming rituals -- it's time to mock and pity Those Crazy, Primitive, Irrational, Propagandized Muslims and their Wild Conspiracy Theories, which their reckless media and extremists maliciously disseminate in order to generate unfair and unfounded hostility toward the U.S.:
thinkahol *

The media's authoritarianism and WikiLeaks - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

    The willingness of leading media outlets to amplify clear falsehoods highlights their true allegiances
thinkahol *

Secondhand television exposure linked to eating disorders - 0 views

    ScienceDaily (Jan. 6, 2011) - For parents wanting to reduce the negative influence of TV on their children, the first step is normally to switch off the television set. But a new study suggests that might not be enough. It turns out indirect media exposure, i.e., having friends who watch a lot of TV, might be even more damaging to a teenager's body image.
thinkahol *

Dennis Prager Has A Funny Definition Of Freedom | Media Matters for America - 0 views

    Conservative columnist Dennis Prager offers up a truly nonsensical definition of freedom:
thinkahol *

How Fox News Outfoxes Americans | Consortiumnews - 0 views

    To understand how so many average Americans can be duped into embracing right-wing positions that go against their own interests, you must look at  how Fox News (and right-wing media outlets) use faux populism and phony outrage as propaganda techniques, a topic explored by Danny Schechter in this guest essay.
thinkahol *

Noam Chomsky: "The U.S. and Its Allies Will Do Anything to Prevent Democracy in the Ara... - 0 views

    Speaking at the 25th anniversary celebration of the national media watch group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, world-renowned political dissident and linguist Noam Chomsky analyzes the U.S. response to the popular uprisings sweeping the Middle East and North Africa. "Across the [Middle East], an overwhelming majority of the population regards the United States as the main threat to their interests," Chomsky says. "The reason is very simple... Plainly, the U.S. and its allies are not going to want governments which are responsive to the will of the people. If that happens, not only will the U.S. not control the region, but it will be thrown out." [includes rush transcript]
thinkahol * Strikes False Balance On Climate Change | Media Matters for America - 0 views

    In a report for the New York Times' website about Al Gore's "24 Hours of Reality" event about climate change, ClimateWire lent a megaphone to Canadian climate contrarian Tom Harris. The reporter summarized Gore's event and then, ostensibly to provide balance, turned the rest of the article over to Harris, who thinks Gore's event spent "time and energy on something that's not true." ClimateWire quoted Harris' claims that the "amount of climate change impact that humans have is very small," and "This extreme weather thing is not a function of temperature," as well as his allegation that "90 percent of the important facts [in Gore's presentations] are wrong or misrepresented." The article offered no details to support this claim. Nor did mention that the vast majority of scientists agree that humans are changing the climate. And at no point did the article explain who Tom Harris is or why he was quoted evaluating statements about science instead of, say, a climate scientist.
thinkahol *

Limbaugh Uses Economic Falsehoods To Attack Jobs Bill | Media Matters for America - 0 views

    Rush Limbaugh has resorted to repeating discredited or misleading claims - that "the rich are not richer than they've ever been" and that the number of millionaires in the U.S. has decreased -- in order to dismiss President Obama's newly proposed jobs plan.
thinkahol *

Al Gore in 24-hour broadcast to convert climate skeptics | Reuters - 0 views

    (Reuters) - Former Vice President Al Gore will renew his 30-year campaign to convince skeptics of the link between climate change and extreme weather events this week in a 24-hour global multi-media event.
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