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Top Lead Generation Company in Dubai | SocioLoca - 0 views

    Dubai's business landscape is ripe with opportunities, and SocioLoca is your trusted gateway to tap into them. Our lead generation services are designed to connect you with potential clients in the thriving Dubai market. Let's grow together! To know more -
Don Doehla

A driving question is the most important element of a PBL unit | EduRuminate - 0 views

    "While I agree all are important, I feel the most important factor in good PBL is a great driving question. If you find the right questions then most of the other factors identified are covered automatically. How do you generate a great question and who is the right person to generate that question?"
    While I agree all are important, I feel the most important factor in good PBL is a great driving question. If you find the right questions then most of the other factors identified are covered automatically. How do you generate a great question and who is the right person to generate that question?
IDa Sol

Social Media Marketing Agency - 0 views

    Social Media Marketing Works Social Media Marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. Although the terms e-marketing and digital marketing are still dominant in academia, Social media marketing is becoming more popular for both practitioners and researchers. Most social media platforms have built-in data analytics tools, enabling companies to track the progress, success, and Commitment of ad campaigns. Corporation address a scale of stakeholders through social media marketing, including current and embryonic customers, current and potential employees, journalists, bloggers, and the general public. On a planned level, social media marketing incorporate the ruling command of a marketing campaign, administration, setting the scope. More active or passive use and the formation of a firm's needs social media "culture" and "tone." Social Media Advertising Social Media promotions, or social media aim, are advertisements served to users on social media principles. When companies join these social channels, purchasers can connect with them directly. In many instances, when the target market aligns with the user demographics of a social platform social advertising can provide huge increases in conversions and sales with lower cost of acquistion. We offer advertising solutions for every level of proficiency You don't have to be an expert to start advertising on facebook. Create and run opretion using simple self-serve tools, track their layout with easy to read reports. More than two milllion people use facebook so no matter what sort of viewers you want to reach you will ex[lore them here. When using social media marketing, firms can allow customers and Internet users to post user-generated content , online comments, product reviews, etc.Also known as "earned media," rather than use marketer -produced commercial copy. Set your target in between customers and fans. Visit our website:
Don Doehla

8 Essentials for Project-Based Learning (by BIE) | Project Based Learning | BIE - 0 views

    "What is it? Here's an article by BIE, updated from its original appearance in the September 2010 issue of Educational Leadership magazine from ASCD. Good for general audiences as well as educators, it explains the essential elements that make rigorous PBL different from "doing projects." Why do we like it? This article was written because some teachers say they "do projects" already (so why learn more about PBL) and some educators and members of the general public may have negative stereotypes of PBL as merely a "fun" or "hands-on" activity. How can you use it? Share this article with anyone, from teachers to parents to administrators, to explain PBL and provide a common framework for projects. The 8 Essential Elements are the basis of BIE's Project Design Rubric and PBL 101 Workshop."
dean groom

Online Adventure Games, Text Adventure Games, Online Text Adventure Games, Adventure Ga... - 0 views

    The Original online adventure games were text adventure games in which you were faced with puzzles and obstacles to overcome to complete your quest. They existed only on large corporate or academic mainframe computers in the 1970s. In the early 1980s these intriguing games became available to a much wider audience as classic adventures such as 'The Hobbit' fuelled sales of the first home computers such as the Commodore 64 and the Sinclair Spectrum. Since then online adventure games have evolved into multiuser games (generically known as MUDS) and are infinitely more challenging than the original adventure game designers could ever have dreamed. Many players share the same environment and adventure alongside you or compete against you as the whim takes them. The linear nature of the old adventure games has now mostly disappeared and the best of the new generation of online text adventure games are multi-dimensional in their game play and may be better described, perhaps, as interactive novels - often without end. A few highly commercial multiuser graphical adventures games are also now available, but they tend to lack depth and none are yet rated here.

mnm pic - 0 views

    1. Maintain a strategic distance from list if people to attend swell. Despite the fact that you may be enticed to toss everybody you know on your list if people to attend, that isn't constantly an extraordinary thought. With every option you make, you're including extra expenses while additionally making your wedding less personal. To some extent, this was a snare we fell into with our own wedding - our list of attendees developed and developed to the point where we welcomed individuals that we didn't know well just on the grounds that we felt committed. To spare as much as you can, have a go at welcoming less individuals and making the occasion increasingly personal. Start by trimming your rundown somewhere around 20%, at that point another 20%. At that point check whether you're content with it. 2. Request wedding help as opposed to wedding endowments. We were fortunate that few of our loved ones had melodic ability, so they had the option to give melodic backup to our function. We additionally have a dear companion who's an amazingly talented novice picture taker, and he was happy to photo our function as our wedding blessing. At that point, after the function, he gave great advanced pictures of everything. Requesting that loved ones offer assistance or administrations that line up with their abilities in lieu of a blessing is an incredible method to keep your wedding on a financial limit. 3. Hold the function at home, or outside. Leasing a structure or capacity lobby for your service and gathering can be extravagant. Rather, think about utilizing your very own home (or the home of a parent) for your function, or maybe an open park with an excellent view. For each situation, you can likewise have your gathering outside, making a pleasant, important function while killing the expense of leasing a setting. In the event that you go the open air course, in any case, it's ideal to have a back-up plan if there should be an occurrence of terrible climat
IDa Sol

Social Media Marketing Agency - 0 views

    Social Media Marketing Works Social Media Marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. Although the terms e-marketing and digital marketing are still dominant in academia, Social media marketing is becoming more popular for both practitioners and researchers. Most social media platforms have built-in data analytics tools, enabling companies to track the progress, success, and Commitment of ad campaigns. Corporation address a scale of stakeholders through social media marketing, including current and embryonic customers, current and potential employees, journalists, bloggers, and the general public. On a planned level, social media marketing incorporate the ruling command of a marketing campaign, administration, setting the scope. More active or passive use and the formation of a firm's need social media "culture" and "tone." Social Media Advertising Social Media promotions, or social media aim, are advertisements served to users on social media principles. When companies join these social channels, purchasers can connect with them directly. In many instances, when the target market aligns with the user demographics of a social platform social advertising can provide huge increases in conversions and sales with lower cost of acquisition. We We offer advertising solutions for every level of proficiency You don't have to be an expert to start advertising on face book. Create and run operation using simple self-serve tools, track their layout with easy to read reports. More than two million people use face book so no matter what sort of viewers you want to reach you will ex[lore them here. When using social media marketing, firms can allow customers and Internet users to post user-generated content, online comments, product reviews, etc. also known as "earned media," rather than use marketer -produced commercial copy. Set your target in between customers and fans. Visit our website:
Kathleen N

Songsmith - Everyone has a song inside - 0 views

    Free from Microsoft Research: Songsmith generates musical accompaniment to match a singer's voice. Just choose a musical style, sing into your PC's microphone, and Songsmith will create backing music for you. Then share your songs with your friends and family, post your songs online, or create your own music videos. (No help if you can't sing)
    Free from Microsoft Research: Songsmith generates musical accompaniment to match a singer's voice. Just choose a musical style, sing into your PC's microphone, and Songsmith will create backing music for you. Then share your songs with your friends and family, post your songs online, or create your own music videos. (No help if you can't sing)
Julie Shy

Specialized Search Engines & Directories - 0 views

    There are approximately zillions of specialized search engines out there, as can be seen at Search Engine Guide. The list below is a selective subset of these, chosen because they might help you find materials useful as resources in a WebQuest. All of these links lead to sites that contain specific information that may not turn up when you do a general search of the Web using Altavista, Yahoo, and other search engines and directories. For a more comprehensive list, you might also want to check the Invisible-Web site.
Evanta Technologies

C Sharp Online Training Course - Evanta Technologies - 0 views

    We Provide best C Sharp Training.C# is an Object Oriented Programming language, It is introduced specifically for .NET and thus has no backward compatibility issues. C# is a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft .
Tom McHale

Critical Assessment Ideas from PBL World | Edutopia - 27 views

    "one theme I noticed throughout the entire conference was assessment. Assessment remains a challenge for many of us who do PBL, but I left the conference feeling more confident not only in the assessment practices I have done, but also in generally accepted best practices. Here are some of my big takeaways:"
Don Doehla

Weaving SEL Skills Into Book Talks | Edutopia - 0 views

    Regardless of what social and emotional learning (SEL), character development, or any other related program you might use in your school, two things are true: They have a problem-solving component, and generalization is greatly enhanced when what is being taught as SEL/character is also integrated into the rest of the school day. Because of the importance of language arts skills, reading activities provide an ideal way to build students' problem-solving skills by applying them to deepen their insights into the written materials.
Gloria Leon

La postura fenomenológica en el tratamiento multimodal de los problemas ambie... - 0 views

    Los problemas ambientales pueden ser caracterizados por su complejidad y su pluralidad . Estos son los elementos básicos para definir y abordar los problemas desde la perspectiva multimodal . De hecho, ésta reconoce que cualquier entidad o realidad social se manifiesta en diferentes aspectos y que, por tanto, debe tratarse por medio de diferentes consideraciones : éticas, estéticas, sociales , epistémicas, físicas, etc, a la vez que proporciona mecanismos para el tratamiento de situaciones e n las que las perspectivas de la cuestión también pueden ser subjetivamente diferentes . A pesar de que hay doctrinas específicas para cada una de estas "modalidades", es necesari o encontrar una forma armoniosa de acceso a estos diferentes ámbitos, ya que cada uno tiene su s peculiaridades . Sin embargo, a menos que se encuentre una común base doctrinal general, la tarea d e coordinar las diversas epistemologías, cada una correspondiente a un área específica, ser á extremadamente difícil . Si bien otros autores han adoptado el marco multimodal para sus propuesta s de trabajo, poco se ha pensado hacer con respecto a la adopción de una base común . Este documento describe una tarea de investigación encaminada a la adopción de un punto d e vista fenomenológico que pueda ser lo suficientemente amplio como para sostener doctrinas éticas , estéticas y sociales y sus relaciones mutuas
Pooja Runija

How to use free apps as money maker? - 0 views

    Generating revenue from the free apps is not like dip and sip, once you developed an app, the next step is to submit it to the app store (Apple/Google Play/Windows). But a question always arises in your mind is "How much should my application price?" and therefore evaluate to keep it either free or paid can be difficult.
Gloria Leon


    En la Escuela Técnica Policial (PM) Comisario "Eduardo Meza Istúriz" ubicada en la Parroquia Macarao de Caracas, no se apreciaba gran participación por parte de los docentes en el desarrollo e inclusión de valores y temas ambientales en su praxis docente. Por ello, esta investigación se orientó hacia el estudio de los conocimientos y los valores ambientales que caracterizaban el desempeño de la comunidad docente de dicha institución, definida por el significado que le otorgaban a sus experiencias educativas como miembros de la institución, el cual fue manifestado mediante exposiciones orales, corroboradas en sus participaciones en eventos. El estudio se sustentó en el paradigma fenomenológico y en él participaron siete profesores. La información se obtuvo mediante entrevistas no estructuradas y observaciones registradas en un cuaderno de notas. El procesamiento de la información se realizó siguiendo las orientaciones de Martínez (2009), que contempla las etapas de: observación, entrevista y descripción protocolar, estructuración, delimitación de unidades temáticas y tema central, discusión de resultados y conclusiones para estudios fenomenológicos. Los hallazgos más relevantes caracterizan al grupo del estudio como docentes con un alto grado de afectividad favorable hacia el ambiente y los valores en general; están conscientes de la importancia de éstos para la calidad de vida en la institución; poseen una concepción antropocéntrica del ambiente y pocos incluyen temas ambientales en sus clases. Se concluyó que desean participar en actividades de formación ambiental y de dominio de estrategias didácticas
deb loftsgard - 0 views

    • deb loftsgard
      challenges for teacher - valid points - how to overcome?
Gloria Leon

Comunicación - 0 views

    "Comunicar es poner en común. Uno comunica sentimientos, ideas, datos, etc. En general el término se refiere a cosas inmateriales, o mejor dicho "inasibles". Cuando son bienes en tres dimensiones se utiliza mejor el termino "intercambio". Esto no quita que algunos especialistas generalicen y se refieran a "comunicación" para nombrar cualquier clase de interacción. Pero me parece complicar las cosas. Así que, si no hay objeciones, dejemos esta palabra para significar cualquier clase de intercambio de bienes no-materiales, preferentemente información"
Gloria Leon

Un fondo de compensación interterritorial para Venezuela: algunas consideraci... - 0 views

    Este ensayo presenta una perspectiva general de los elementos económicos e institucionales que podrían ser considerados para el diseño de un mecanismo de compensación de los desbalances interterritoriales entre las entidades federales de Venezuela, siguiendo las pautas establecidas por la Constitución de 1999. El documento pone en evidencia las ventajas, así como las limitaciones institucionales y riesgos potenciales de aquella propuesta. En este último sentido se destacan los posibles desincentivos para los receptores de esos recursos en hacer mayores esfuerzos para introducir mejoras sustantivas en su gestión, como consecuencia de la transferencia fiscal sin contrapartida. Se hace un llamado de atención sobre la necesidad de que esta nueva institución fiscal se acompañe de mecanismos apropiados de coordinación intergubernamental y de rendición de cuentas que perfeccionen las relaciones entre los distintos niveles de gobierno.
dean groom

Curriculum Leadership Journal | ergo: an online framework for critical literacy in seco... - 0 views

    School students are one of the groups served by the Library. Today's young people are exposed to more information than any previous generation. The sheer quantity of information students are now expected to process and manipulate makes critical thinking and information literacy skills more important than ever. To this end the Library has recently developed the ergo website, a learning and teaching tool for secondary teachers and students that supports the instruction of information literacy and critical thinking skills in the classroom. ergo provides not only online resources but also a conceptual framework for the development of the skills students need to evaluate information.
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