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Don Doehla

Curriculum21 - 0 views

    Heidi Hayes Jacobs Curriculum 21 website.
Judy Robison

Math, Science and Engineering The Solution Site - 1 views

    tool for math and science teachers. TIME Kits, Tools for Integrating Math and Engineering are standards based curriculum units that integrate a real-world engineering problem into the math and science curriculum.
anonymous - 1 views

    LEGO Robotics Curriculum Guide
Don Doehla

National Standards for Foreign Language Education | American Council on The Teaching of... - 0 views

    "With the help of a three-year grant from the US Department of Education and the National Endowment for the Humanities, an eleven-member task force, representing a variety of languages, levels of instruction, program models, and geographic regions, undertook the task of defining content standards - what students should know and be able to do - in foreign language education. The final document, Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Preparing for the 21st Century, first published in 1996, represents an unprecedented consensus among educators, business leaders, government, and the community on the definition and role of foreign language instruction in American education. This visionary document has been used by teachers, administrators, and curriculum developers at both state and local levels to begin to improve foreign language education in our nation's schools. The 3rd Edition Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century, revised including Arabic standards, is now available."
    With the help of a three-year grant from the US Department of Education and the National Endowment for the Humanities, an eleven-member task force, representing a variety of languages, levels of instruction, program models, and geographic regions, undertook the task of defining content standards - what students should know and be able to do - in foreign language education. The final document, Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Preparing for the 21st Century, first published in 1996, represents an unprecedented consensus among educators, business leaders, government, and the community on the definition and role of foreign language instruction in American education. This visionary document has been used by teachers, administrators, and curriculum developers at both state and local levels to begin to improve foreign language education in our nation's schools. The 3rd Edition Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century, revised including Arabic standards, is now available.
Don Doehla

Project-Based Learning Research: Evidence-Based Components of Success | Edutopia - 0 views

    "What boosts PBL from a fun and engaging exercise to a rigorous and powerful real-world learning experience? Researchers have identified four key components that are critical to teaching successfully with PBL (Barron & Darling-Hammond, 2008; Ertmer & Simons, 2005; Mergendoller & Thomas, 2005; Hung, 2008). All of these play a role in the curriculum-design process."
Don Doehla

Research Supports Global Curriculum | Edutopia - 0 views

    "Research Supports Global Curriculum Language immersion, global competence, and vibrant professional learning communities enhance student learning at Seattle's John Stanford International School. "
Kathleen N

Quest Atlantis - 1 views

    This is an outstanding opportunity to bring a high-quality, immersive educational experience to your classroom or school (ages 10-14). From the University of Indiana and supported by the McArthur Foundation, the program is researched based and provides a number of opportunities in curriculum areas. It is also customizable for your specific educational goals.This is 21st Century Learning at it's finest. Participants must complete the professional development to gain entry for their school or class. Check it out!
Bo Adams

Weekly Wrap-up: Designing our Identity Unit | GHS Innovation Lab - 0 views

    Design 3.0 curriculum by originating with challenges, opportunities, essential questions, and deep learning curiosities. Then, tag them with subject-area marks to help with the categorization of learning outcomes for those who need to "see the subjects." As opposed to starting with the subject siloes and looking for projects that will connect our disciplines. #Amen
Wesley Fryer

Curriki - Browse Groups - 1 views

    Curriki is an open content project for curriculum, and now supports browsing different content area groups.
    Has anyone used Curriki yet to submit and share a PBL project?
Don Doehla

Corwin: Digital Storytelling in the Classroom: New Media Pathways to Literacy, Learning... - 0 views

    Integrating digital storytelling with instruction becomes a creative opportunity for both novice and technologically experienced educators when using Jason Ohler's Digital Storytelling in the Classroom. Ohler links digital storytelling to improving traditional, digital, and media literacy, and guides teachers on how to empower students to tell stories in their own native language: new media and multimedia. Aligned with NCTE standards and covering important copyright and fair use information, this text provides information on integrating storytelling into curriculum design and using the principles of storytelling as a measurement of learning and literacies. Implementation tips and visual aids abound, giving teachers an exciting new resource.
Don Doehla

ISTE | Digital Storytelling Guide for Educators By Midge Frazel - 1 views

    Storytelling is an age-old art form. With Web 2.0 and the tools already available on most computers, students can use text, music, sound effects, videos, and more to create a multimedia presentation that links them to the world beyond the classroom. Storytelling has the potential to unleash creativity, engage, and motivate. Applicable across the curriculum, digital storytelling teaches students to work collaboratively and use new technologies, skills they will be required to have in the workforce of the future. This book offers an overview of digital storytelling as well as its variations, including e-portfolios, digital photo essays, and scrapblogs. The many recommendations, overviews, and explanations of digital storytelling tools, along with lists of additional digital storytelling resources, will help educators to apply this exciting technology in their classrooms. Educators will also discover the ways digital storytelling can be used for their own professional development. Digital Storytelling Guide for Educators provides detailed directions to preparation, production, and presentation, and rounds out with a discussion on creating rubrics and evaluating student work. Readers will come away with an understanding of digital stories and the tools needed to create them.
David Wetzel

5 Ways to Integrate Science Process Skills in Lessons - 14 views

    Integrating the science process skills within your teaching does not require drastic changes. It simply involves making the process of science more explicit in lessons, investigations, and activities you are already using in your curriculum. The science process skills are the methods used for helping our students understand how we know what we know about the world in which they live. This often means going beyond a science textbook and supplementing the core-content within textbooks. It also means using your course content as a means for exposing students to the real process of science.
dean groom

Curriculum Leadership Journal | ergo: an online framework for critical literacy in seco... - 0 views

    School students are one of the groups served by the Library. Today's young people are exposed to more information than any previous generation. The sheer quantity of information students are now expected to process and manipulate makes critical thinking and information literacy skills more important than ever. To this end the Library has recently developed the ergo website, a learning and teaching tool for secondary teachers and students that supports the instruction of information literacy and critical thinking skills in the classroom. ergo provides not only online resources but also a conceptual framework for the development of the skills students need to evaluate information.
Scott Ashwell

Diplomas for (Would-Be) Dropouts: Project Learning Serves the Most At-Risk Students | E... - 0 views

    The school's approach to reengaging students in learning has an important twist: Downtown's curriculum is entirely project based. Its alternative format allows students to choose a thematic, integrated pathway of subjects each semester, find connections among these subjects in real-world settings, and, hopefully, discover their passions along the way.
Gloria Becker

Project-Based Learning and the Hebrew Curriculum - 0 views

    Most Hebrew programs in congregational schools are directed toward language learning rather than language acquisition. In other words, students learn Hebrew as a skill (and often as a prayer skill) rather than for communication. That's a choice education directors make based on the time available, teacher ability, practical needs such as preparing students to become bar or bat mitzvah, and other factors such as the education director's own level of comfort speaking Hebrew or the Rabbi's preference.
Don Doehla - 0 views

    A research paper on the benefits of inquiry based learning/PBL
    A Review of Research on Inquiry-Based and Cooperative Learning By Dr. Brigid Barron and Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University "Decades of research illustrate the benefits of inquiry-based and cooperative learning to help students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in a rapidly changing world."
Wanda Terral

10 Reasons to Try Project-Based Learning | Thoughtful Learning: Curriculum for 21st Cen... - 0 views

    You may have never tried project-based learning, or you may teach in a purely PBL environment. Whatever your background, you'll find that PBL can be a powerful instructional approach. Here are ten reasons why.
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