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SocioLoca | Creative Graphic Design Company in Dubai - 0 views

    SocioLoca, your go-to creative graphic design company in Dubai, brings your brand's vision to life through stunning visuals and innovative designs. With a team of passionate designers, we transform ideas into captivating graphics, ensuring your brand stands out in the vibrant Dubai market. Elevate your visual identity with SocioLoca's expert graphic design solutions. To konw more - #graphicdesigncompanyindubai
creative outdoors

Our favourite Outdoor Area - 1 views

started by creative outdoors on 06 Dec 12 no follow-up yet
creative outdoors

My Amazing Pergola - 1 views

started by creative outdoors on 07 Jan 13 no follow-up yet

What Makes Project-Based Learning a Success?| The Committed Sardine - 0 views

    When we think of project-based learning we think about things like collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking, and Creativity Fluency. But what about what about things such as committment, trust, and relationship building? It's all part of one Texas high school's vision to bring PBL to every student at every grade level. This Edutopia article by Mariko Nobori has more.
Don Doehla

4 Keys To Designing A Project-Based Learning Classroom - - 0 views

    "Traditional American classrooms tend to fit a particular mold: Students face the front of the class where teachers lecture. Students take notes, finish assignments at home, and hope to memorize enough information just long enough to pass a test. Engagement and passion are often in short supply - among students and teachers. The system does not necessarily accommodate all learning styles, and even those who fair well may be missing out on other important work-life lessons, like how to creatively solve problems, stay focused, work as part of a team, and organize their thoughts in a way others will understand. This is where project-based learning enters the equation."
Don Doehla

EdLeader21 - 0 views

    "EdLeader21 is a national network of school and district leaders focused on integrating the 4Cs (critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity) into education."
Don Doehla

Twenty Ideas for Engaging Projects | Edutopia - 0 views

    Creative ideas for PBL-aligned units from Suzie Boss
Don Doehla

Digital storytelling in the classroom - 0 views

    When students create a movie or interactive slide show to tell their story, learning becomes personal. Students can improve their writing, show creativity, and have a voice.
Don Doehla

Home | Digitales - 0 views

    Sawubona . . . Visit the storymaking steps, transmedia digital tools, and the featured StoryKeeper's Gallery designed to inspire and jump start beginners. Consider hosting customize Workshops, Artist-in-Residence Programs or DigiTales Storytelling Camps. These one-of-a-kind artistic learning adventures are meant to lift the spirits, spark creativity and imaginations while deepening content and technical skills as digital authors experience the process of merging the ancient art of oral storytelling with a palette of transmedia tools. Bernajean's learning environments are joyfully designed and paced to enable participants to master skills, processes and the craftsmanship now needed in creating ALL kinds of exemplar multi-media products beyond storytelling.
Ginger Lewman

Sample PBL Cards - 61 views

    These "recipe cards" for Project/Problem Based Learning are intended for teachers to use with K12 students in groups, as well as individual students. Each card creates student learning categorized as TimeTravelers, Artists & Inventors, Historian Challenges, StoryTellers, ProblemSolvers, Scientist Challenges, Career & Tech Ed. The cards are meant to help teachers integrate core content and deeply embed creativity, problem-solving, and collaborative learning in each student, with or without the use of technology tools. The core content pieces are the basic ingredients with which teachers can cook delicious content for their hungry learners. Teachers are able to customize the driving questions in each of the content areas to fit the unique needs of their learners. The cards guide teachers through the basic steps of the project, with ideas and suggestions for best practice. The tips & tricks help establish a safe and respectful learning environment every single day of the year.
Don Doehla

ISTE | Digital Storytelling Guide for Educators By Midge Frazel - 1 views

    Storytelling is an age-old art form. With Web 2.0 and the tools already available on most computers, students can use text, music, sound effects, videos, and more to create a multimedia presentation that links them to the world beyond the classroom. Storytelling has the potential to unleash creativity, engage, and motivate. Applicable across the curriculum, digital storytelling teaches students to work collaboratively and use new technologies, skills they will be required to have in the workforce of the future. This book offers an overview of digital storytelling as well as its variations, including e-portfolios, digital photo essays, and scrapblogs. The many recommendations, overviews, and explanations of digital storytelling tools, along with lists of additional digital storytelling resources, will help educators to apply this exciting technology in their classrooms. Educators will also discover the ways digital storytelling can be used for their own professional development. Digital Storytelling Guide for Educators provides detailed directions to preparation, production, and presentation, and rounds out with a discussion on creating rubrics and evaluating student work. Readers will come away with an understanding of digital stories and the tools needed to create them.
David Wetzel

5 Creative Ways to Use Flip Cameras in Science and Math - 27 views

    The Flip camera is great for all types of projects in science and math - at any grade level. Flip cameras are small handheld video cameras that can record 30 or 60 minutes worth of video. They connect to a computer with a USB plug that "flips" out from the side of the camera. The benefits of these cameras include another means for assessing students understanding of concepts beyond worksheets and tests. Besides a teacher's record, the videos provide a digital record for parents and administrators to show a student's successes or areas which need improvement.
Jeff Johnson

Project Based Learning - Explained: A Custom Video Project with BIE - Common Craft - Ou... - 7 views

    When people ask about the inspiration for our style of videos, I often say that our videos reflect the way that I wish I had learned in school. My learning style wasn't a good match for the way I was taught. Recently we completed a custom video project with the Buck Institute for Education (BIE) that focuses on a Project Based Learning or "PBL", and boy did it open my eyes. I can now see that I needed teachers who put PBL to work. I needed to get up from my desk and engage. I needed to work on a real-world issue and use creativity and problem solving - what are known as 21st century skills these days. This video is an introduction to PBL and how it impacted a science teacher's students and helped their community.
dean groom

Ewan Macintosh - Awesome EduTech guy - 0 views

    Ewan in the Moodle/Games in Edu A list blogger. Great insight, creativity and action!
Don Doehla

24 Project Ideas from Global Digital Citizenship Foundation - Learning in Hand - 0 views

    In my Learning Through Projects series, I wrote about crafting questions that drive projects. Developing interesting, relevant, and meaningful driving questions is challenging. To help teachers with project based learning, Global Digital Citizenship Foundation has free publications with ideas and resource links. The publications are PDFs and are licensed under Creative Commons, so you may distribute or print them as long as you do not modify them in any way.
Gloria Becker

Structuring Collaboration for Student Success (Keys to PBL Series Part 3) | Edutopia - 0 views

    "PBL provides a unique opportunity to help students practice critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity. Learn how to optimize the environment for teamwork in your classroom."
Gloria Leon

¿Cómo se hace un árbol de problemas y soluciones? - 0 views

    Este artículo está licenciado bajo Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License

Creative Moisturizing Water Bottle Sport Spray (740ml) - 0 views

Extra spray function, can be used in the process of sports to cooling or filling water for your body. Capacity with 740ml, provide adequate water for you after doing exercises excessively and frant...

started by ava777 on 17 May 19 no follow-up yet

Design your business logo - 0 views

    I'm a Professional Graphic Designer with 5+ Years of Experience on creative designing. I am also An wordpress developer and Affiliate Marketer. You can Order my Services to Get your work Done in hours Professionally.
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