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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Mary Henton


Students Take Center Stage in Classroom Assessment - 2 views

    Using the example of Shelburne Community School in Shelburne, Vermont, the authors emphasize the importance of involving students and parents in assessment and portfolio processes. Smith, C., & Myers, C. (2001). Students take center stage in classroom assessment. Middle Ground, 5(2), 10-16.

Help With Homework - 0 views

    Effective middle level educators seek to design homework that is motivating, enriching, and relevant. Homework is part of a comprehensive effort to help students learn skills and relate new information to their prior knowledge and experiences. Examples of Benjamin Bloom's taxonomy of higher-order thinking skills and RAFTS assignments are provided. Wormeli, R. (2002). Help with homework. Middle Ground, 5(4), 19-21.

Beating a Path to the Brain - 0 views

    Chunking is one of many instructional strategies supported by recent research about the human brain. By chunking we make sense of the randomness and improve the chances of moving the information to long-term memory. Strategies of chunking are suggested. Wormeli, R. (2002). Beating a path to the brain. Middle Ground, 5(5), 23-25.

Publishing on the Web: The Morphing of Classroom Bulletin Boards April 2003 Volume 6 Nu... - 0 views

    Creating safe forums for students to voice their opinions can help them clarify their identity and develop their sense of empowerment. Examples of online platforms for publishing students' works are introduced: MidLink Magazine, ePals,, Children's Express, White Barn Press, Scholastic's "Writing with Writers," and Put it on the Web.

Tutors in Print Form: Using study guides to develop multiple literacies - 0 views

    The value of using study guides to develop multiple literacies is discussed. Strategies of study guides development and the components should be included in the guides are also suggested. Wood, K. D. (2002). Using study guides to develop multiple literacies. Middle Ground, 6(2), 10-14.

The Spirit of Teaching Learning - 0 views

    Context of teacher learning is described. Strategies are suggested for promoting teacher learning. Maute, J. (2003). The spirit of teaching learning. Middle Ground, 6(3), 10-12.

Data-Driven Decision Making: What It Takes To Make Decisions - 0 views

    Data-driven decision making often uncovers new and important information that can be persuasive enough to move us to action. The values of data-driven decision making is suggested. The 3-stage data-driven decision model is proposed. Streifer, P. A. (2003). Data-driven decision making: What it takes to make decisions. Middle Ground, 6(4), 10-13.

Curriculum Integration in a Standards-Based World - 0 views

    Curriculum integration involves not only helping students make connections across content areas, but also promoting democracy in the classroom. The concepts of curriculum integration are discussed. The reactions of teachers, students, and parents to curriculum integration are reported. Paterson, J. (2003). Curriculum integration in a standards-based world. Middle Ground, 7(1), 10-12.

Variations on a Team: Changing Paradigms - 0 views

    Three paradigms related to teaming and how the might be revised to improve the quality of today's middle school programs are discussed: team configurations, teaming for interdisciplinary instruction, and teaming and advisory. Rottier, J. (2003). Variations on a team: changing paradigms. Middle Ground, 7(2), 10-12.

Middle Ground - Considering the Positive of Increased Assessment February 2004 Volume 7... - 0 views

    The benefits and criticism of increased assessment or testing are discussed. Increased testing helps teachers monitoring students' learning process and their own teaching strategies and school curriculum. The main criticism is "lack of value to education in its current incarnation." Suggestions of improved assessment are recommended.

Meeting NCLB Requirements for Family Involvement August 2004 Volume 8 Number 1 - 0 views

    This article addresses the actions the middle level schools which participated in NNPS have taken to meet the NCLB requirements. One of the actions is School-Parent Compact which is the partnership between school and family. Examples of the annual action plan of school-parent compact are provided. Epstein, J. L. (2004). Meeting NCLB requirements for family involvement. Middle Ground, 8(1), 14-17.

Data to Action Technology's Role in Accountability October 2004 Volume 8 Number 2 - 0 views

    The roles of technology in students' performance assessment, teachers' professional development, data management, and teaching supports are discussed. Kalmbacher, S. (2004). Data to action technology's role in accountability. Middle Ground, 8(2), 12-15.

Middle Ground - Reflections on Courageous Leadership February 2005 Volume 8 Number 3 - 0 views

    The concepts and importance of courageous leadership is explained. The impact on educators and on students is also addressed.

Kick-Off, Half-Time, and Over-Time: Flexible Scheduling Scores Points - 0 views

    The former Principal Sherril Ray suggested a creative schedule as one strategy to meet students' needs at Furman Middle School in Sumter, South Carolina. Scheduling and associated academic activities are also provided as examples. McLeod, J. (2005). Kick-off, half-time, and over-time: Flexible scheduling scores points. Middle Ground, 8(4), 12-13.

Differentiating Instruction: Why Bother? - 0 views

    Differentiating instruction is suggested to meet the needs of different students in a classroom. Strategies for conducting differentiating instruction are provided.

Middle Ground - More than Paper Load: What Does All This Student Work Tell Us? February... - 0 views

    Having faculty collaborative teams to evaluate student works is proposed in this article. The standards related to content and performance of student works should be agreed among team members. Team members should also be willing to implement change. Garrison, C. (2006). Morn than paper load: What does all this student work tell us? Middle Ground, 9(3), 12-15.

Middle Ground - Hot Technologies for Education: What's Happening Now and Later? August ... - 0 views

    The Consortium for School Networking reports the emerging technologies in the areas of instruction and assessment and their characteristics. Recommendations for technology decision makers are also provided.

Middle Ground - Shared Vision, Team Learning, and Professional Learning Communities - 0 views

    In this article the authors illustrate how Peter Senge's 5 disciplines: (1) systems thinking, (2) personal mastery, (3) mental models, (4) building shared vision, and (5) team learning can be used for the development of a learning organization in middle schools. Thompson, S., & McKelvy, E. (2007). Shared vision, team learning and professional learning communities. Middle Ground, 10(3), 12-14.

Middle Ground - All Means All: Classrooms that Work for Advanced Learners - 0 views

    High achieving students are just as desperate as any other students for good teachers to help them progress. Strategies to meet the needs of advanced learners are provided in this article. Rakow, S. (2007). All means all: Classrooms that work for advanced learners. Middle Ground, 11(1), 10-12.

Middle Ground - The Digital Learning Farm - 0 views

    Across the country, teachers are providing students with the opportunity to use technology to make valuable contributions to their learning community. November, A. (2008). The digital learning farm. Middle Ground, 12(1), 10-13.
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