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Mary Henton

Middle Ground - More than Paper Load: What Does All This Student Work Tell Us? February... - 0 views

    Having faculty collaborative teams to evaluate student works is proposed in this article. The standards related to content and performance of student works should be agreed among team members. Team members should also be willing to implement change. Garrison, C. (2006). Morn than paper load: What does all this student work tell us? Middle Ground, 9(3), 12-15.
Mary Henton

Curriculum Integration in a Standards-Based World - 0 views

    Curriculum integration involves not only helping students make connections across content areas, but also promoting democracy in the classroom. The concepts of curriculum integration are discussed. The reactions of teachers, students, and parents to curriculum integration are reported. Paterson, J. (2003). Curriculum integration in a standards-based world. Middle Ground, 7(1), 10-12.
Kimberly Lightle

NSDL Middle School Portal for Math and Science Teachers - 1 views

    The Middle School Portal is built specifically for middle school math and science teachers. Improve your content knowledge, more effectively integrate technology, connect to just in time teaching ideas, and search or browse by subject lists based on the national math and science education standards.
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