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Dan Pacheco

Dedication day symposium explores the future of digital media | Newhouse School - Syrac... - 0 views

    Newhouse official coverage of the Future of Digital Media panel that kicked off the Newhouse school's Dick Clark Studios and Alan Gerry Center for Media Innovation.
Dan Pacheco

Immersive journalism: What virtual reality means for the future of storytelling and emp... - 0 views

    Prof. Pacheco was interviewed by CBS Interactive's TechRepublic about using virtuality for journalism in the story: "Immersive journalism: What virtual reality means for the future of storytelling and empathy-casting." The piece also referenced Pacheco's Virtual Reality Storytelling course and included a link to a 360 video of the SU football team by class member and football player Eric Jackson.
Dan Pacheco

Video: The Future of Digital Media panel, Newhouse Studio and Innovation Center Dedicat... - 0 views

    Recorses livestream of the Future of Digital Media panel at the beginning of the dedication of the S.I. Newhouse School's Dick Clark Studios and Alan Gerry Media Innovation Center. Moderated by Professor Dan Pacheco, Horvitz Chair of Journalism Innovation. Panelists included Kristina Hahn of Google, Larry Hryb of Xbox Live, Mitch Gelman of Gannett Digital and Ed Wise of Turner and Funny or Die.
Dan Pacheco

Welcome to the Washing Machine - 0 views

    Prof. Pacheco predicts the future media-disrupting technologies for CommPRObiz: "Part of my job as the Peter Horvitz Chair in Journalism Innovation is to look on the horizon and identify trends that might lead the next waves of disruption. I also challenge my students to do field tests of disruptive technologies, then use what they learn to predict where things will be in another 5 years. Following are some trends I believe will uproot current media businesses and empower entirely new ones."
Dan Pacheco

Professor Dan Pacheco to participate in Chancellor's Inauguration Symposium | Newhouse ... - 0 views

    Newhouse site story about participation in Chancellor's inauguration panel on the future of the university.
Dan Pacheco

The Real Correlation Between Media and Entrepreneurship: Programs at SU Bring Everythin... - 0 views

    "Last year, I had the opportunity to take a course called "The Next News Startup," a class that was taught by Dan Pacheco, the Chair of Journalism Innovation at Newhouse. The class taught students how to think about the future of the news industry as well as work on our own media startups. Our goal was to reach readers/viewers over mobile phones, tablets, the web and various digital platforms; one student used 3D Printing to create fishing lures and another created a website to promote diversity in the workplace. Pacheco was ultimately running a 'mini accelerator.' While the course was challenging at times, it was one of my favorite college courses. I never felt as if I were in a real class, but instead I was a growing a business while pitching, getting feedback from other students, Skyping with experts, and learning the "ins and outs" of how to create a business concept."
Dan Pacheco

Highlights from Professor Pacheco's Participation in Chancellor Syverud's Academic Symp... - 1 views

shared by Dan Pacheco on 16 Apr 14 - No Cached
    Professor Pacheco was invited to speak on a panel about "Great Universities" in the future. You can see highlights from the panel on YouTube.
Dan Pacheco

SU journalism professor Dan Pacheco: 3-D cameras will 'transport' us to any place on ea... - 1 views

  • asked Professor Pacheco for his predictions about future technologies over the next 5 to 20 years.
Dan Pacheco

'Experiential Journalism:' How Virtual Reality Could Depict News in 3D - American Journ... - 1 views

    Pacheco has visions of how the Oculus could be used in the future. Maps could be interactive and 3D, said Pacheco. Pacheco also said natural disaster stories would be perfect for the Oculus Rift, especially when it comes to flooding. He envisions a project where "you can dial in a city, go to one of the coastal areas of that city, and see what the water level is like now and see what it's like in 10, 20, 30 years." "That would be pretty powerful, because instead of reading about the possible effects of climate change, you're going to be in it," he said.
Dan Pacheco

Pacheco Delivers CASE Dinner Keynote | Inside Newhouse - 0 views

  • Newhouse’s Peter A. Horvitz Endowed Chair in Journalism Innovation Dan Pacheco has been asked to give the dinner keynote for 30th anniversary conference of CASE, Syracuse University’s Center for Advanced Systems and Engineering. The presentation will be a “demonstration of exciting future technologies that will soon impact our lives.”  Here’s the agenda for CASE:
Dan Pacheco

Editor & Publisher ® - 1 views

    'For a couple of days in journalism circles, "Harvest of Change" was the hot trending topic. Never before had you been able to virtually step inside a story and be enveloped by 360-degree video and hyper-realistic 3D renderings of a landscape you could move inside of. And while the full effect was achieved through the Oculus headset, there were also 2D versions made for desktop computers, which let more people experience the story. You can find it at The seeds of this "harvest" were planted when Dan Pacheco, chair of journalism innovation at the S.I. Newhouse School at Syracuse University, met with Mitch Gelman, vice president of product at Gannett Digital. '
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