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Dan Pacheco

Dedication day symposium explores the future of digital media | Newhouse School - Syrac... - 0 views

    Newhouse official coverage of the Future of Digital Media panel that kicked off the Newhouse school's Dick Clark Studios and Alan Gerry Center for Media Innovation.
Dan Pacheco

2016 Mirror Awards Ceremony - YouTube - 0 views

shared by Dan Pacheco on 09 Aug 16 - No Cached
    Nonny de la Peña had this to say about Professor Pacheco after her acceptance of an I-3 Mirror Award. "Once the [Oculus] Facebook sale happened, $2 billion dollars, you're not so nuts. But before that happened, a lot of people thought trying to do journalism in virtual reality was crazy. But there's somebody in this room who didn't. And this is really important about why innovation is crucial in journalism schools. Not only did that Hunger project start at the USC school of journalism, but a really important person here put on the goggles -- we both had been Knight Grant winners earlier -- Dan Pacheco. And he said, 'Holy shit, there's something real here.' And he invited me up to S.I. Newhouse. At that point I'm carrying 22 motion tracking cameras, huge tripods, crazy equipment, I show up with the flu and 103 degree fever. Something had broken in transport and Dan and I worked until midnight until finally one person in the lab instructed me, and I managed to fix it with a paper clip. And then the next day, Syracuse students were introduced to virtual reality. But something else happened. Dan went on to work at Gannett. He then got them interested in virtual reality. And then Gannett and USA Today began their thrust. Because of Dan's interests, S.I. Newhouse became the very first school to offer an immersive journalism class. And because of Dan's support of this medium, a lot more … many many many new minds were opened to using VR for journalism. So really in many ways, the fact that I'm here is down to having somebody like Dan Pacheco be one of the very first people in my entire trajectory to say to me, hang on, there's something real here. So, you know, I really have to thank him, and I have to thank S.I. Newhouse because I don't know if I would have had the type of trajectory I have without what happened at your school. So thank you so, so much."
Dan Pacheco

Newhouse Supports National News Engagement Day - 0 views

    "... student journalists from the Newhouse School-who will discuss news engagement with people across campus; demos of Oculus Rift, 3D scanning, DJI Phantom drone and Google Glass with Dan Pacheco, chair of journalism innovation at the Newhouse School ..."
Dan Pacheco

Professor Dan Pacheco to participate in Chancellor's Inauguration Symposium | Newhouse ... - 0 views

    Newhouse site story about participation in Chancellor's inauguration panel on the future of the university.
Dan Pacheco

Video: The Future of Digital Media panel, Newhouse Studio and Innovation Center Dedicat... - 0 views

    Recorses livestream of the Future of Digital Media panel at the beginning of the dedication of the S.I. Newhouse School's Dick Clark Studios and Alan Gerry Media Innovation Center. Moderated by Professor Dan Pacheco, Horvitz Chair of Journalism Innovation. Panelists included Kristina Hahn of Google, Larry Hryb of Xbox Live, Mitch Gelman of Gannett Digital and Ed Wise of Turner and Funny or Die.
Dan Pacheco

Students, Faculty to Create Content for HoloLens Augmented Reality Headset - 0 views

    Prof. Dan Pacheco has been accepted into the HoloLens developer program and will work with Newhouse students and faculty to create content for the device.
Dan Pacheco

Newhouse's Kick it Up Initiative Furthers the Crowdfunded Efforts of Student Campaigns ... - 0 views

    This story about Kick it Up was published just as the first Newhouse-backed student Kickstarter campaign was funded.
Dan Pacheco

PTCVoice: How Universities Are Adapting To The Internet Of Things Revolution - Forbes - 0 views

  • Also at Syracuse, Dan Pacheco, a chair in journalism innovation in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, teaches a tech for new media course. He’s working with students on using Arduino microcontrollers and sensors to “measure everything from air quality to temperature,” he says. “When you connect the Arduino to the Internet, it can upload data to a database so that others can see it and compare to their own data. These citizen sensor networks provide an alternative to government-reported data sources,” he says.
    Dan Pacheco, a chair in journalism innovation in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, teaches a tech for new media course. He's working with students on using Arduino microcontrollers and sensors to "measure everything from air quality to temperature," he says. "When you connect the Arduino to the Internet, it can upload data to a database so that others can see it and compare to their own data. These citizen sensor networks provide an alternative to government-reported data sources," he says.
Dan Pacheco

The Real Correlation Between Media and Entrepreneurship: Programs at SU Bring Everythin... - 0 views

    "Last year, I had the opportunity to take a course called "The Next News Startup," a class that was taught by Dan Pacheco, the Chair of Journalism Innovation at Newhouse. The class taught students how to think about the future of the news industry as well as work on our own media startups. Our goal was to reach readers/viewers over mobile phones, tablets, the web and various digital platforms; one student used 3D Printing to create fishing lures and another created a website to promote diversity in the workplace. Pacheco was ultimately running a 'mini accelerator.' While the course was challenging at times, it was one of my favorite college courses. I never felt as if I were in a real class, but instead I was a growing a business while pitching, getting feedback from other students, Skyping with experts, and learning the "ins and outs" of how to create a business concept."
Dan Pacheco

Project Steps into Virtual Reality Storytelling | ONA14 Student Newsroom - 0 views

    "Dan Pacheco, the journalism innovation chair at S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, came on board this summer as Gannett Digital's innovator in residence to work on the project. There is huge potential for virtual reality experiences even outside journalism, he says. "When the next great Lexus car comes out or some kind of hybrid or even Tesla, these brands can begin to stop telling people about how cool their cars are. They're going to say, 'Jump inside. Take it for a virtual test drive.' People will do that," Pacheco said."
Dan Pacheco

Virtual Reality Lets the Audience Step into the Story - Nieman Storyboard - 0 views

    "Immersive journalism is picking up now in part because the necessary technology has gotten better, cheaper, and more portable. The smartphone's ability to stream high-definition video as well as its increasing popularity-58% of Americans had one as of January 2014, according to Pew Research-have further accelerated adoption. Add to that the more widespread use of interactive data visualizations and advances in wearable computing and the stage may be set for a more robust adoption of virtual reality. "It's not just the media coming to you," says Dan Pacheco, professor of journalism innovation at the Newhouse School at Syracuse University. "You move into the media.""
Dan Pacheco

Virtual Reality Storytelling - From Screen to Beam : Documentary Campus e.V. - 0 views

    Creating Your First VR Experience Practical tips for getting started in VR using freely available software and 3D assets. Prof. Dan Pacheco will draw upon material from his Virtual Reality Storytelling class at the S.I. Newhouse School to provide practical steps for creating interactive scenes in Unity3D that can be exported for web and the Oculus Rift. This will include demos and a deep-dive into Harvest of Change, the virtual reality journalism project he managed for The Des Moines Register and Gannett Digital, and some of the final projects from students in VR Storytelling. In addition, he will bring a 360° GoPro camera rig and stitching software to demonstrate how 360° videos can be produced and loaded onto the Samsung GearVR and into Unity3D VR environments.
Dan Pacheco

Tech growth with community awareness: Syracuse, N.Y. | Knight Digital Media Center - 0 views

    Two years ago, former journalist and media entrepreneur Dan Pacheco departed the tech startup hub of the Denver metro area to serve as the Chair of Journalism Innovation at the S.I. Newhouse School, Syracuse University. Since then, he and his students have been working to help bring together segments of the local tech-business ecosystem that's been spurring an economic renaissance around Syracuse -- and learning lessons that can apply elsewhere. "It's amazing to see how much has changed in Syracuse since I got there. The whole community has galvanized," said Pacheco.
Dan Pacheco

3D Printing Day at SU - 0 views

    Professor Dan Pacheco's class at Newhouse had some fun before winter break by 3D scanning and printing "exact replicas" of their heads; a technology, according to Isaac Budmen, SU grad and co-author of "The Book on 3D Printing," that will permeate most every aspect of American homelife in the next two to three decades.
Dan Pacheco

How digital journalism innovation can start in the classroom | Media news - 0 views

    Newhouse currently teaches interactive data visualization, product management for journalists, and new technologies for new media as part of the pack, said chair in journalism innovation Dan Pacheco.
Dan Pacheco

Virtual reality is journalism's next frontier : Columbia Journalism Review - 0 views

    "Dan Pacheco, professor of journalism innovation at the S.I. Newhouse School at Syracuse University, served as a consultant with Gannett Digital and the Des Moines Register on Harvest of Change. He describes team-building as part two of a "three act" process. (Act one: Find the story and conduct preliminary research.) Pacheco hired a game designer to handle 3D rendering who enjoyed the experience so much that "he got the journalism bug" and stayed with Gannett. They also brought in a second intern who had experience with Unity, a multiplatform gaming engine. The team was rounded out with Total Cinema 360, a New York-based film company."
Dan Pacheco

Editor & Publisher ® - 1 views

    'For a couple of days in journalism circles, "Harvest of Change" was the hot trending topic. Never before had you been able to virtually step inside a story and be enveloped by 360-degree video and hyper-realistic 3D renderings of a landscape you could move inside of. And while the full effect was achieved through the Oculus headset, there were also 2D versions made for desktop computers, which let more people experience the story. You can find it at The seeds of this "harvest" were planted when Dan Pacheco, chair of journalism innovation at the S.I. Newhouse School at Syracuse University, met with Mitch Gelman, vice president of product at Gannett Digital. '
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