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Organizational Learning in the Network Era - 0 views

    Core messages re. hierarchical system and moving to network learning! "People need to take control of their learning in a world where they are simultaneously connected, mobile, and global; while conversely contractual, part-time, and local. Organizations must also move learning away from training and HR as some external quick-fix solution that gets called in from time to time. Learning must be an essential part of doing business in the network era. Learning has to be owned by the workers and learning support has to be a function of the business structure. If learning is the work today, why do we need a separate department responsible for managing it? And if workers really are responsible for their learning, why can't they take control of it?"

time to start cooperating - 0 views

  • We can already see this with a social network like Twitter. Unless you are already famous, you have to give in order for people to follow you. The more interesting or informative you are, the more connections you will get. These connections will increase your social reach and inform you of things you did not know, increasing the possibility of serendipitous encounters. Instead of competing with everyone on Twitter, you are cooperating to make the network of more value to everyone. As our organizations move to network models, cooperation (freely sharing without expectation of direct recompense) becomes the best long term strategy for work.
    Cooperation is the foundation for network strength and worker value!! "From today's perspective, one might say that everyone has to be highly competitive. But the long term effects of hyper-competition will decrease the value of any network. A value network consists of both tangible and intangible asset transactions. Trust is an intangible asset. It enables knowledge to flow. People do not share with those they do not trust. "

Methodologies - inspiring a better way to work - 0 views

    Good primer for planning my workshop....learning styles, one of many sub headings in this link. "Learning styles For collaboration purposes, three learning styles are typically identified: Auditory learning occurs through hearing the spoken word and represents approximately 25% of the population Kinesthetic learning occurs through doing, touching and interacting and represents approximately 40% of the population Visual learning occurs through images, demonstrations and body language and represents approximately 30% of the population Through the use of varied (or redundant) communication styles, collaborative groups can communicate better both internally and externally."

Communicating the Value of Social Business « Dachis Group Collaboratory - ins... - 0 views

    Explore this site for ideas for workshop....leading edge on social busines. "For the rest of us who aren't there yet, major change is still evident: The Web itself has become pervasively social as we've changed both the behavior and expectations of our private lives around so many of the ways that we relate to one another. This includes how much (more) we share information now, actively try to build social capital and our personal brands, as well as how we value others. But make no mistake, we are each still learning much about our newfound ability to directly influence the entire world from our tiny corner of it. The incredible leverage that each of us now possesses in the form of social tools is one of the most potent forces in the modern world."

It's not about knowledge transfer - 0 views

    It's not knowledge management" "Another point that stuck with me, as I had witnessed this, was Senge's observation that the field of knowledge management had been co-opted by information technology vendors, and had become useless for organizational learning. I was reminded of this while reading, Lost Knowledge: What are you and your organization doing about it? -"

GoodPractice | » The Learning Explosion - Nigel Paine - 0 views

    "This is what he came up with and it's worth ten minutes of your time to watch Nigel place learning at the heart of the 21st century organisation, but only if it is focused on behaviours."

Why do we need social business? - 0 views

    Good Why social business is needed... "Democratization of information: User-generated content is ubiquitous and much of it is very useful. Search engines give each worker more information and knowledge than any CEO had 10 years ago. Pervasive connectivity will change traditional power structures, though the full effects of this are not yet visible."

Innovation is about making connections - 0 views

    Great Why statements and response that delve into innovation, network era and more. Also excellent links to resources "The network era workplace requires collaboration and cooperation because complex problems cannot be solved alone. Tacit knowledge, that which cannot be codified or put into a database, needs to flow. Social learning, developed through many conversations, enables this flow of tacit knowledge. This is not "nonsense chat", as traditional management might view it, but essential for creating stronger bonds in professional social networks. Companies have to foster richer and deeper connections which can only be built over time through meaningful conversations. This is why social learning in the workplace is necessary for business."

An artistic mindset - 0 views

    perpetual beta and working in the post industrial network era "With 2 billion people connected by the Internet, we are entering a post-industrial Network Era. Effective knowledge networks are composed of unique individuals working on common challenges, together for a discrete period of time before the network shifts its focus again. "

Leadership is an emergent property of a balanced network - 0 views

    Important points on leadership and trust in the organization. "Culture is an emergent property of people working together. For example, trust only emerges if knowledge is shared and diverse points of view are accepted. As networked, distributed workplaces become the norm, trust will emerge from environments that are open, transparent and diverse. As a result of improved trust, leadership will be seen for what it is; an emergent property of a balanced network ["in-balance" may be a better term for this changing state] and not some special property available to only the select few."

the literacy of the 21st century - 0 views

    ""The untold story behind today's most innovative brands, however, is what happens behind the scenes. While success stories are plentiful, what most people don't see is the amount of trial, error, and learning that goes into setting up workflows, empowering employees, and figuring out initiatives to prioritize. Regardless of whether you're a part of an established company or two-person startup, the task of bringing new ideas to market is hard." - The Next Web"

Getting started with Personal Kanban, Ottawa, 19 June 2015 - 0 views

    An example to promote my workshops "WHAT YOU WILL LEARN The 2 rules of Personal Kanban - Visualizing work & Limiting work in progress (WIP) - and how they can be implemented. Why Personal Kanban works: the Underlying principles of psychology and Lean thinking. How Personal Kanban can be used as a tool to allow for a continuous improvement in your work."

the keystone of the intelligent organization - 0 views

    Excellent overview from intelligent organization to PKM to make it hum... "The intelligent enterprise [l'entreprise intelligente] has to be founded first and foremost on intelligent communication, which in the network era is much more than just passing information. It is actively engaging in conversations to continuously make sense of the changing environment."

Learning at Work - 0 views

    2008 post - good intro for workers here. "PKM is a set of processes, individually constructed, to help the flow of implicit to explicit knowledge. However, PKM is more about attitude than any particular tool set. It's taking (or rediscovering) our innately curious nature and tapping into it so that we can continue to expand our horizons."

holding the space - 0 views

    Democracy in the Workplace "Leadership will emerge in the network era, and history will likely remember those who were able to hold the space so that a new way of work could be co-created. So far, those numbers are few. Like the earliest democracy, democratizing the workplace requires intelligent and aggressively engaged people. This is where we can find our leaders."

An organizational knowledge-sharing framework - 0 views

    "There is a lot of knowledge in an organization, some of it easy to codify (capture), and much (most) of it difficult to do so. Understanding how best to commit resources for knowledge-sharing should be in some kind of a decision-making framework that is easy for anyone to understand. This is a first attempt to do that."

The changing nature of work - 0 views

    "First of all, it is becoming obvious that the fundamental nature of work is changing as we transition into a post-job economy. The major driver of this change is the automation of procedural work, especially through software, but increasingly with robots. The drivers behind the post-job economy are also changing our work structures. Organizations will need to become more networked, not just with information technology, but how knowledge workers create, use, and share knowledge. This new workplace also will require different leadership that emerges from the network and temporarily assumes control, until new leadership is required. Giving up control will be a major challenge for anyone used to the old ways of work. An important part of leadership will be to ensure that knowledge is shared. But moving to a knowledge-sharing organizational structure will be difficult, because of the knowledge sharing paradox; which is that the more control is exerted, the less knowledge is shared. All of these challenges need to be addressed, and rather quickly, as software continues to eat jobs, and income disparities get wider."

What are you doing with your 70%? - 0 views

    Current and concise presentation of PKM for professional development

Experience-Performance-Reflection - 0 views

    "irst, knowledge is the result of information (e.g. learning content) AND experience. Knowledge is directly influenced by one's own experience. Therefore there is no such thing as "knowledge transfer". Second, performance is taking action on knowledge."

Talking about the Network Era | Harold Jarche - 0 views

  • broadcasting model that offers “best content” (in which value is described by n, the number of consumers) to a network of peer-to-peer transactions (where the network’s value is based on “most members” and mathematically described by n2).  But by far the most valuable networks are based on those that facilitate group affiliations, Reed concluded. – David Bollier
  • TIMN has long maintained that, beyond today’s common claims that government or market is the solution, we are entering a new era in which it will be said that the network is the solution (e.g., here and here). Aging contentions that turning to “the government” or “the market” is the way to address particular public-policy issues will eventually give way to innovative ideas that “the network” is the optimal solution.
    Networks will transform education, business, the economy, and society even further. In the network era, the creative economy will gain dominance over the information and industrial economies. Professional knowledge distribution will move away from institutionalized business schools into networked communities of practice.
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