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CIA World Factbook - 1 views

    This Site is very useful when trying to research countries. It shows you physical qualities of the country as well as customs and culture.
Savannah Earley

Sports medicine/ Science - 0 views

    The author opened up a whole new perspective on my outlook on sports medicine, and the science. I had no idea there were so many diffrent types of jobs to be offered around the area of sports medicine, aside from athletic training. I would highly recommend this resource to any one looking for more careers involving sports, or medical science.
Rider Maccrellish

Dr. Donald Griswold - 0 views

    Mr. Griswold was a teacher I had last year in Physics 2. He agreed to be interviewed for my project on creation. He was interesting to interview because he was raised in a strict Baptist home, but has since then become a Physicist and teacher and has studied neurology. He gave me a ton of information about the brain, and how the human intercepts data and reasons about the past. All of the most important aspects of his conversation are featured on my podcast.

Complete Horse Care Manual (Chapter 1) - 0 views

In this chapter it tells you about the development of the horse, different types of horses, color and markings, physical features, leg and joints, feet and hooves, gaits and movement and ect.. This...

horse care farming Education

started by kylie2017 on 29 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Siena Hoaglund

Khan Academy - 1 views

    Khan Academy where college professors upload videos on what lessons they teach in class. Anyone can access these lessons, and learn about the different subject matters. It has videos on math, English, science, and history.
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