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Margaret Moody

Biology Terms - 0 views

    Biology online is a website that helped me throughout the course of the second semester. Its main purpose is to provide definitions for Biology terms. Whenever I was confused about a term or topic we were covering in Biology this site helped me understand. It is useful because all the definitions are so easily accessible. This source is very reliable and in depth, it gives the same definitions that are in class notes. I would recommend this website, it has helped me with so many homework assignments and helped me study for tests. This source gives direct answers and spot on examples to help people get a better understanding of the overall topic.
Hannah Funk

5 Reasons Why Peru is a Country With Much to Envy - 0 views

    This article is a personal story about the author's trip to Peru. It especially focuses on the deeper culture that most tourists may not notice, but this author especially sought out. It traces her journey from Lima, to Cusco, to Machu Picchu. I chose to read this article because I am applying to study abroad in Peru next year, and I wanted to know more about the culture. I liked this source because it gave a varied view of many components of Peruvian culture from food, to architecture, to what the people were like. It is definitely biased, however. The author seems to be in love with Peru and doesn't get into the challenges of immersing herself in the culture. I think I should read a few more reviews before hopping on the plane, but this article was definitely a good starting point. This source helped my learning by giving me a broad overview that I can now choose specific details from to research more thoroughly. Reading this article made me more eager to study abroad and did a great job "selling" the culture of Peru. However, it was written more from a traveler's perspective and didn't really show me what it would be like to live in Peru for an extended period of time.
travon trail

Meaning of Carbon Dioxide - 0 views

    On this site it provide me with a definition of carbon dioxide.
Kayla Brouillard

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: - 0 views

    All about the causes, definition, and symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
Allison Sargent

Understanding Dementia. - 0 views

    This site gives overall, the best definition of what dementia is and how it affects the body in a way that is easy to understand with many of other links. The purpose of this webpage is to give information about medical diseases and illness, not just Dementia, which are covered intensely. Overall useful source that provided a different way of providing a non-bias definition of dementia, and very recommendable.
Will Aldrich

Epinephrine - 0 views

    This site is truly amazing! It gives descriptions on how Epinephrine is used and it's different purposes. This website really helped me to delve deeper into Epinephrine and it's use/role in pharmacy. This is must read website for anyone who is researching pharmacy and wants/needs to look deeper into the purpose of epinephrine. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in pharmaceuticals and drugs. I definitely think this site really helped me to learn more about this field and it definitely perked my interest in it more.

Church and State through History - 0 views

    The article gives a thorough definition and explanation of what church and state is and the relationships of the people involved. The application of these definitions to history, involving specific countries, is then executed.
megan hill

Mastitis Pathogens - 0 views

    A good site to get basic information about mastitis. Definitely very basic information.
Clayton Trombley

VICE | United States | The Definitive Guide to Enlightening Information - 2 views

    Vice is a place where you can find good information for whats happening around the world. I've been following the Ukraine riots for the past couple of months and this website has allowed me to follow it in depth.
Carina Isbell

Vegangela - 0 views

    I just discovered this blog today, and I can honestly say I'm in love. Angela puts a twist of vegan food because she gets inspiration from cultures all around the world. I grew up on these kinds of foods and love that just because I'm a vegetarian, doesn't mean I have to miss out on the things I love! I'd definitely check it out if you're into healthy eating, vegan or vegetarian diets, or just yummy food from around the world.
Brian Kuhns

Waves and Optics - 0 views

    This videos discussed the differences between real images and virtual images, as well as the differences between diffuse and specular reflections, and even explains refraction and its applications in optics. It also walks you through using focus point definitions of curves to determine what type of image and where it will be or appear to be. Near the end it even shows you some actual calculations about the exact position of images.
james weening

Anaerobic respiration - 0 views

    This site was helpful with definitions and short explanations. this one in particular is referring to Anaerobic respiration
Arden Krampetz

Short Stories: 10 Tips for Creative Writers. - 2 views

    This website is a very good resource for people who aren't sure how they want to structure a story. It gives you many tips and explanations for why you need to do that specific thing. In the tips it gives you a map for how a story should be written and how to do it effectively.
    This is definitely going to be useful during NaNoWriMo. Is anyone else taking on NaNoWriMo?
Kayla Brouillard

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - 0 views

    All about the definition, symptoms and causes of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Alec Towsley

Galaxy Zoo - 0 views

This has definitely been a good resource to hear from experts and see live picture of our night sky. This allows for a hands on experience in live research the sloan digital sky survey.

astrophysics science classification research

started by Alec Towsley on 16 Oct 13 no follow-up yet
Demitra Potter

Marriage vs. Civil Unions vs. Domestic Partnership - 2 views

    This website was very helpful in clarifying the differences between marriages, civil unions and domestic partnerships. The website provides definitions of each.
Sofia Wolak

Shakespeare - 0 views

    In English we started a Shakespeare unit. While reading Shakespeare many of the words I was not familiar with. I found this site and it helped me to define the meanings of these words. This site is alphabetized so everything is quite easy to find. After I learned what the words meant I felt that I could finally understand what Shakespeare was writing.
Alec Towsley

Toymakers recipies - 0 views

    This website includes a lot of different precipices for children's toys of all ages. I would definitely recommend a check on it even if your topic is general woodworking and not just toys.
Riley Forbes

Spanish site: - 0 views

shared by Riley Forbes on 23 Feb 14 - Cached
    Summarize: The main points of this website are different for each chapter. Each book chapter has many online activities to help you cement the Spanish into your brain. The purpose of this website is to practice Spanish through a series of different activities; depending on which lesson that you are on there are certain practices that you can do. There are also many topics depending on the lesson that you are working on practicing, for example in lesson 5A: birthdays and families are the two things to study. This lesson is all about teaching people how to talk about specific family members, how old they are and what things you would see/ have at a party. This website includes lots of information on speaking Spanish. If you are interested in culture that I would look elsewhere, but if you have a Realidad's book along with the book codes found in each lesson, than this is a very practical website for studying and practicing your vocabulary. Review and access: Phschool is a super useful source when studying or practicing. There is a test preparation for each lesson and I use it to see if I have understood all the vocab in each chapter. Other sources haven't been as helpful to me, because they don't follow the Realidad's lessons exactly and don't have all the concepts in our chapters. The information given is definitely reliable because it goes along with a Spanish textbook that our Spanish teacher from Spain recommends using to study. I would recommend this website to anyone who is learning Spanish, because it has helped me learn mine. In the beginning of the lesson everything is fairly easy and as you work your way through the practice the Spanish gets harder until you eventually get to the test preparation. Reflect: This source is very helpful and I continue to use it. Each practice takes between 1-10 minutes depending on how fluent you are at your Spanish. This source has helped to direct my studying and practicing so that I have less to do later on and mor
Riley Forbes

Susan B. Anthony History - 0 views

    This website describes Susan B. Anthony's lifestyle in six different sections: abolitionist, educational reformer, labor activist, temperance worker, suffragist and women rights campaigner. As Susan B. Anthony grew older her interests changed. The goal of this site was to focus on the main points in her life, give an overview for each of them and show how she made the decision that helping women achieve the right to vote was a greater problem than establishing stronger liquor laws. This was the most useful resource that I used in my essay on Susan B. Anthony and how she impacted American History; I specifically needed information about her life from when she was a young adult (20's) to her death. The Susan B. Anthony House does not include very much about her childhood, which was fine for my purposes. The information is reliable because the Susan B. Anthony House isn't a bias source; it is all facts and doesn't have include any opinions about her life. I would definitely recommend this website to anyone who wants to learn about Susan B. Anthony's adult life. The organization of the site was wonderful and the material was easy to understand. I was able to find information about Susan B. Anthony's rebellion, campaigns and petitions. I used this source to support the idea that Anthony effect America's History. When learning about Susan B. Anthony I realized that throughout the world equality still hasn't been fully achieved; in some places women are still paid less than men.
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