Toy Making Blogs #3 - 0 views This is more akin to my kind of toy making in the fact that she is a small business owner and toy maker. However she works with plush soft toys. This still giv... This is more akin to my kind of toy making in the fact that she is a small business owner and toy maker. However she works with plush soft toys. This still giv... This toy making blog is made by a company and is about much more large scale toy making things. For instance there is one article about the New York International Toy Fa... This Website follows a dad who, as you can tell, makes toys. He goes deep into researching the history of many of these toys and has a step by step tutorial on ea...
This book has tons of different toy recipes with their required materials and step by step instructions. They even have diffrent catagories including paper and cardboard, mobiles, and wooden toys.
This book is all about making your own moving toys. This includes finding the center of balance, toys with wheels, and balancing shapes on a beam.
This blog is a constant update on the changes, sales, and production of my company.
Why Do Babies Like Boxes Best was all about why a baby would prefer to play with a box and wrapping paper versus a toy. This resource explains at what ages babies begin to develop in specific areas...